All in Time(blair/lady)

Zane nodded, swallowing hard and trying to not let her see any of his own emotions. He didn't want her to worry for him. "It's been a long time, Kat," he murmured, "Of course it's going to be different." Taking her hand, he led her over to the car that was waiting for him and climbed into the driver's seat. With the dogs settled in the back, he started to drive out to the main high way, needing to get to the other side of Athens.

Conrad frowned. "It needs to be done," he said, "He's as good as dead if we don't, and if it works the way we are hoping, they will find each other again..." He shrugged and looked up at his older brother, knowing that this was their last option.
Katrina frowned at him, making a face."Don't make fun of me. I can be obvious if I want to be."She grumbled, not really annoyed with him because she was annoyed with herself for expecting to find it the same. Turning his head when she realized he was upset to, she squeezed his hand."We both need to get the hell out of greece."she muttered squeezing his hand, looking thoughtful as he drove looking around her.

"I know. It just doesn't mean I'm happy with it."he sighed knowing this was going to be interesting, no matter what they did.Looking up at Ares as the god walked in, he frowned at his son, knowing that he was tricking him,but it needed done."Here. use it, and they'll both forget who they are, and forget they have a reason to be mad at you."He said watching the man go, before looking at conrad."Well, here goes nothing."he said because he knew that Zane was going to still be zane, just with no memory of Katrina. And Katrina...."you better go, you still have to take katrina to france after this."He said looking at conrad, knowing they had to put her somewhere close by, but not to close, so Zane would eventually find her after awhile.

Katrina smiled as she stepped out of the car, running her fingers through her hair looking amused as she looked around her.Here, at least, athens still looked the same. The temple to ares still looked like it was supposed to. Glancing at zane she smirked as she started for the temple."Do you ever visit your own temples?"She said snickering a little as she looked over at him.
Zane looked at her in confused. "What? No, why would I?" He frowned and followed after her, looking intrigued to see where this sword had been all of this time... It was enough that she would never tell him, and then there was the fact it was Athens of all places...

Conrad nodded and stood up, grabbing his keys. "I'll go now and see if I can track them," he said, "And I assume you are going to get him to the underworld in some way? It's the best place to start with Zane... He'll come out in time."
KAtrina looked amused at his answer."Oh, I was wondering if it was a stupid Ares thing, or a general god thing to not visit the places people worshipped them in."She said thoughtfull as they walked inside. Smirking as she realized he was confused on why she'd left it hear. Bowing her head slightly as she crossed the threshold, a habit centuries old, even if she didn't respect the god, she had grown up worshipping them, so she kept the old ways. "He never visits his own temples you know. I knew it'd be safe here."She said making sure that no humans were in the temple as she moved towards the statue of Ares at the front of the temple, snickering to herself as she looked up at 'ares' holding his sword.

Henri sighed softly before nodding as he followed his brother towards the door, holding his own car keys."I know. They'll both be out cold for a few hours. It'll give us time to get them where they need to be."He sighed nodding."Good luck.Call as soon as you find them.He didn't sy where they were going to be in athens, just here somewhere."He said getting in his own car and backing out of the parking garage, intending on searching one side of the city while ares took the other.
Zane raised his eyebrows, then busted out in laughter. "You little sneak...," he grumbled, rolling his eyes, "I should have known you'd do something like that." Reaching out, he grabbed her up and slung her over her shoulder. With long, hefty strides, he headed toward the car. "You deserve some sort of punishment for leaving me in the dark all these years, and that's where it was. Little minx!" He was chuckling the whole way there, ignoring the dogs as they barked and griped about how he was man-handling her. "Come on. Put it in the trunk," he said, setting her down by the car.

Conrad nodded. "I will," he said, before heading out to the sitting, following the tracking device he put on the car that was sent to pick Zane up at the airport. It would not belong before caught up to them...
KAtrina laughed at that."Hey, be glad I didn't put it in your own temple. I had considered that to."She yelped,"Zane!Put me down!"She demanded as she was put down, and that's how Ares found them as he leaned against his own car next to theirs, "Priestess, I will be taking my sword now."Ares said the dark haired god looking as sinister as Zane was rumored to be, straightening as he moved towards them.

Katrina threw herself back, unbalancing Zane enough to make sure he dropped her, landing in a crouch as she pulled the sword, raising to face off against Ares."Leave us alone Ares."She said watching him, not ready for what he did. Instead of a sword he hurled the small box to the ground, and it shattered, the spell hitting them both before she could think of how to get away. Knocked to her ass she slumped.

Ares smirked as the demi-goddess went down, glancing at zane. Knowing it wouldtake a little longer for the god to go, but knowing it would work. Prepared to defend himself just in case Zane did manage to attack him before he past out to.
Zane watched Katrina hit the ground, and his eyes moved to the box. He knew exactly what it was, but he didn't understand why Area had it or wanted to use it on them... "Bastard," he grumbled, but he was already starting to feel dizzy. He braced himself against the car, trying to keep from passing out, but it was no use. Within a few minutes, he was on the ground in an unconscious heap...

Conrad was there not long after, finding the two unconscious bodies. Effortlessly, he put them in the back of his car and dialed for his brother. "Henri? I've got them. I'll meet you right outside of the city and hand over Katrina, then I'll be off to secure Zane." He looked in his rearview mirror and frowned. Conrad was not usually the brother to do something like this, but it was for their own good...
"I'll be right there."Henri said before whipping the car around and heading for conrad. He ust knew what he ws going to do with the new memoriless Katrina as soon as she was away from her death god.

Two months later Henri smirked as he picked up the girl in his arms, pressing her into the wall as he pounded into her, glad that Katrina's roommate wasn't home. The girl glared at him and made him want to strike her with a lightening bolt.And considering he was trying to stay incognito and keep Katrina to himself as long as he could, he couldn't go blasting mortals with lightening bolts. Groaning as he shuddered, smirking as Katrina came undone in his arms, he laughed delighted to himself. After all, this was just another win over his brother, he might find Katrina attractive, but it was made even more powerful to him because she was Zane's destined Persphone. Groaning as he came he smiled as he pulled out of her, setting her back down on the floor."You better go get a shower. We have to be getting to the resturant."He muttered with a glance towards the clock, nudging the newly redone blond towards the bathroom.

Katrina nodded,panting and glaze eyed from her orgasm, stumbling a little as she walked to the bathroom to shower, hurrying because she knew her roommate would be home soon from the store so they coud both get to work.And while Henri could give her a ride, she preferred catching a ride with the girl,even if all three o them where heading to the same place. Getting out of the shower she paused to look at herself, her newly blond hair falling around her shoulders, changed back to his natural color, and tanned again from two months spent in the sun, she looked like the young greek girl Zane had first met,instead of the woman she really was. The best blessing of her not remembering anything, was she had no visions anymore, any hint of the world beyond the mortal one. Which was exactly how Henri wanted it. He was going to keep the pretty little demi goddess all to himself as long as possible. Never even considering Zane or Conrad would think to come see what he was up to.

"Kate!Come on.Your roommate's home, we got to go."Henri called when the door opened, not about to sit there and get glared at for being in the apartment


Chelsea walked into the apartment carrying a heft bag of groceries. She would never consider herself to be a prude, but she definitely hated the fact that her room mate and her douche bag buy friend (aka: their boss) fucked any chance they could get. "I'm surprised your dick hasn't fallen off," the petite brunette grumbled, rolling her eyes as she heaved the bag of food in the kitchen and on the counter. She was wearing her uniform already - a tank top with the diner logo, a pair of denim jeans that rode low on the hips and barely covered her privates, and a pair of brown boots. As irritated as she was about Henri's over-sexed personality, she sure loved to show off skin. The last thing she'd be described as was modest, that was for sure, and it made for great tips. The guys at the diner/bar let her shitty attitude slide when they saw her small, but curvy body walk to (and from) their table. It was really the only reason Henri couldn't fire her - she generated too much business.

When Katrina walked out, Chelsea put a hand on her hip. "You have your half of the rent today, right? I've got to get it to the land lord before we leave or our shit's going to be on the curb when we get home. He already chewed me out in the hallway a second ago for noise complains. I'm assuming that was thanks to you." At that, she glared at Henri.
Henri smirked a little as he looked at the woman, starting to put groceries away after he finished dressing. As annoying as talking to her was, if he could just get Chelsea to shut up, he could enjoy her company. "Hm, you know you'd be disappointed if it did."He said snickering a little. "I better go. Got to get the bar open."Henri smirked stealing a kiss as he walked out the door.

Katrina winced a little as she nodded, tossing the rubber banded roll of money to her roommate as she finished tying her hair back."All there, plus a little extra for noise complaints."She said flushing a little, because despite enjoying the sex. Even Katrina was growing tired of the constant sex and not of a emotional bond. Despite being spelled into having a lifetime worth of fake memories, the woman was still searching for that emotional bond that she had had with zane, and finding it missing was leaving her..lost. Which explained the sex,cause it kept her from thinking to hard. Pulling on her boots she sighed as she watched Henri go, tugging on her own pair of knee high boots, looking exotic in the tank top and jeans for work thanks to her greek background."Let's go."She said heading for the door, trying to sound as happy as she normally was after a day spent in Henri's company.
Chelsea took the money and shoved it into an envelope with her own money, dropping it off in the office box on the way out to her car. Hopping into the driver's seat of her old blue convertible, she jimmied the key and made it come to life. Thank God, she had enough gas to get her through a couple more days. "Another night at the bar," Chelsea sighed, driving down the rode. Despite her attitude, Chelsea liked Katrina. She just had a hard time getting close to people. After getting disowned by her parents and losing her college money, she was a bit bitter. Working in a bar was not exactly how she saw her life ending up, but at least it was nice money.

Once at the diner, Chelsea put her apron on and headed over to Henri. "Clock me in," she said, taking a drink tray from the bar, "I'll take the construction guys." She nodded over to the table of four guys who just got off their shift from road construction. They were already rowdy, ready for their beers and burgers. They'd probably be a bit rough, but they'd probably tip well...
Katrina smiled a little,"Just another night. Hopefully not like last night. The regulars were wild."She said looking amused even as she got out of the car and headed inside. Henri nodded clocking them both in as he watched Chelsea walking away from him, leaning down to steal a kiss from Katrina before heading to his office to get some work done. Not realizing that everything was about to blow up in his face as Conrad and zane walked in and got a chair for themselves.

"Good evening!What can I do for you two?"Katrina smiled as she walked towards the two gods, already holding out her notepad to take their orders. It seemed despite her discontent with Henri and general gaps in what she knew, that the god had made sure her memories were perfect enough to keep her old personality, since he did want zane to end up with her, just not before he was done with her. But it seemed Henri had miscalculated how curious his brothers would find it that he was living in southern lousiana instead of sticking to greece like he normally did.

Zane looked up from his menu, taking in the waitress standing in front of him. It was clear that he did not recognize her at all, but was attracted. After all, she look hot in that tank top. "I'll start with a whiskey," he said, looking up at her. His eyes were not as charming as they used to be. Right now, he was feeding off only memories from the underworld, having just come up to visit with Conrad and check in on Henri. Spending time in the underworld tended to put him in an off mood, and while he looked her up and down with interest, it wasn't clear if he approved or not. "I'd like to speak with my brother," he added after Conrad ordered a beer. "I have to see what his reasoning is behind owning a dive bar in southern Louisiana." The way he spoke gave off an air of worldly intelligence, something that was rare in the small redneck town.

Conrad chuckled a bit and nodded. "I'd be interested to know that myself," he murmured, trying not to look at Katrina in a way that said he knew her.

Meanwhile, Chelsea was holding her own with the rowdy construction workers. Sure, she had them pinch her ass a couple times, and of them grabbed her tit, but at least they were known for tipping well. She needed the money to get some work done on her car and save up for college classes. And while she'd never admit this to Henry, she'd even taken up a couple offers to give blow jobs for money behind the bar through out the past couple weeks. She wasn't ashamed of it, but she didn't want to deal with his teasing.
KTrin nodded smiling, bdfore frowning slightly."brother?oh. Henri.ill be right back then."she said for a moment looking out of sorts as she walked away,not only because she hadn't known henri had any brothers,but because she wasn't used ro men being just as cold to her as zane had bddn. Knocking on henri's door she poked her head in,"hun your brothers are here to see you."she said wincing a little as hs cursed before going to get the two drinks.

Henri frowned a little swallowing hard as he walked out,careful to watch chelsea instead of katrina,knowing even if zane didn't know,conrad would knos something was up if he did."what did I deserve to get you two here?"henri grumbled as he sat down with them,smiling slightly as katrina handed over their drinks.

Moving further into the dining room katrina stopped next to rhe other woman,tilting her head slihtly."you need any help?"she offered. Not bscause she wanted tips,but because she really did like her roommate and wanted to help her.
Zane smirked at his brother and sipped his whiskey. "What? I can't come visit my brother?" he asked, "Besides, I had to know what made you buy a place in Louisiana of all places.... But now that I see what you make your waitress' wear, I think I know."

Conrad laughed at that, turning to Henri and arching his eye brow. He knew he brother was up to something, but he wasn't sure what. "We booked a hotel right outside of town," he said, "Thought we could stay awhile and see what you were up to...."

Chelsea looked over at Katrina and shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't trust Katrina, it was just that she didn't like to share her business. She needed these guys to stay focused on her so she could pay her bills. After all, she wasn't fucking the boss. Things were not going to come as easy to her. "No, I'm fine," she said quickly, carrying over a tray of beer. She bent down to give all the men their drinks, and she could already feel a hand moving between her legs. She stayed there long enough to give the guy a good feel, then stepped back to grab a round of shots from the bar that they ordered.

When Katrina returned, Zane looked her up and down a bit. There was a bit of lust in his eyes. "Sweetheart, why don't you bring us a couple of burgers and another round of drinks. Keep them coming and don't let the bartender give me the cheap shit." Reaching up, he handed her a folded up $100.
" never want to get near me.Last time you did, you nearly bet my head in."Henri pointed out snickering as he looked at the girls."And dits never winter, so I don't have to worry about them covering up either."He said smiling at Conrad, raising his eyebrow back. Looking as innocent as he ever did."Must you?"He said knowing there was no way he was convincing them to leave,even if it was part of the idea to give Zane a excuse to stay there. AFter all, the eventual getting together with katrina was what zane needed, he just didn't have to be happy about it. Though, him not being happy with them there, would probably be the reason Zne stayed put.

Katrina nodded,"Okay."She said grinned a little as she heade back to the guys table, looking startled at Henri."You're making them pay?"He put her hands on her hips looking at her boyfriend, and indeed she was scolding him more like a lover then a employee would. Even if Henri had a history of letting beauty women yell at him. "Yes. just because their related doesn't mean I can't take their money. If you really do feel bad, take it as a tip for yourself."Henri smirked a little watching as she plucked the 100 from zane's fingers, before watching her walk away. Before looking at the other two men as Katrina got their food and drinks.
Zane watched her walk away, his eyes on her swaying ass. "Where'd you get these girls?" he asked, "Can't be that many beauties out in this town..." He nodded over to Chelsea and Katrina standing at the bar together, waiting for drinks. Each of them were knock outs in different ways - one short and brunette, the other tall and blond. Like a shot of whiskey and a tall glass of ale... It didn't go unnoticed that the young woman seemed rather close to Henri in an unprofessional way, but he wouldn't boost his brother's ego by commenting on it.

When Chelsea was standing at the bar, she glanced over to Katrina and nodded at the table of brothers. "Who's that?" It was clear she was curious, but also incredibly busy. In all honesty, she probably took too many tables, but she really needed the money. The last thing she wanted to do was strip again (which is exactly where Henri found her), but she considered taking a shift or two at the strip club without telling him. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him...

Henri grinned a little amused as Zane watched Katrina walk away."Strip bars.The beauties flock there to make easy money."He said snickering little.Sighing softly as he was looked at his brother amused to see him watching the girls.

Katrina smiled a little glancing towards the brothers, a small frown gracing her features. "Henri's brothers."She said glancing down at the whiskey and beer she was holding, looking annoyed that the man had hid his family from her. Feeling annoyed over it she shook her head to get rid of the thought she shifted, picking up the tray of food. "Yell if you need help."She muttered to the other waitress, looking worried for the other woman before moving away, and carrying the tray towards the others.

Blushing ever so slightly as she set the trays of food down in front of them she blushed a little when she realized that Zane was watching her. Glancing at Henri she smiled a little, "Need anything else?"She said before looking at the other two.
Zane took the drink and smirked. "I think we can take it from here, babe," he murmured, then took a gulp of his drink. "Strip clubs? They are much too pretty to be on a pole. Save that for the crack heads." He shook his head with grief and leaned back in the booth. After avoiding it for a while, he couldn't hold back any longer. "Are you involved with her or something?" he asked, nodding to the blond, "If not, I wouldn't mind taking her out. She's a hot piece of ass, that's for sure..." His eyes followed Katrina around with lust in his eyes. It was clear that Zane was not the charming, loving man Katrina had turned him in to. He had reverted back to his womanizing, sex-addict ways...

Chelsea yelped when she walked around the table of men and was slapped in the ass. She turned around to scold him, but he was already yanking her into his lap. Her tray when crashing to the ground, but thanks to his drunken state, he didn't even wince. Instead, he started to work his large hand up her tank top, getting a feeling for one of her breasts. "When ya going back to Kitty's?" he said, referring to the town strip club. She shook her head and tried to pull him away, but he didn't let her budge.

Conrad nodded to Henri. "Looks like you've got an issue over there," he murmured, nodding to Chelsea and the drunken man.
Henri smiled watching Katrina walk away and take care of the other booths before looking at Zane. "Or something. She is amusing."Henri said shrugging a little in that careless grace that only a god could, so used to seeing women come and go out of his life that even if he liked Katrina, he wasn't going to mourn long at her loss, and not about to admit to being in a relationship with her with conrad sitting there. He'd gotten what he wanted her, so he was okay with Zane taking her, which he knew was going to damage Katrina but he was selfish enough to not care about the emotional trauma he'd probably be inflicting on her by writing her off so easily.

Starting a little at Conrad's words he frowned hard as he looked across the room before standing, walking towards them. His thumb on his right hand absently rubbing against his fingertips, and if you didn't know what you were looking at, you wouldn't realize he was making lightening cross his fingers. "I think it is time for you to go."Henri said to the drunk as he stopped at the table and picked Chelsea up with a careless strength, holding her easily against him as he stepped back."Kat?Come help see our guests out."He said smiling a little as the blon waitress hurried to the table to help the drunk towards the door as he sat chelsea down.

"You okay?"the lightening god said as he glanced down at the girl.
Zane looked on at the scene with amusement. "Oddly enough, the man fits in here," he chuckled, rolling his eyes and taking a gulp of his drink. When Katrina passed, he motioned for her to come over. Surprisingly, he handed her another rolled up bill. "Play something interesting on the jukebox, will you?" he murmured, his voice smooth and mysterious, "Too bad this isn't Coyote Ugly. I'd be more than happy to watch you and the other girls dance on the top of that bar." He winked at her, then turned to his food that had just been delivered.

Chelsea pushed up from the chair and glared at him. "I'm fine," she snapped, "And thanks a lot - that's half of my night's tips that just walked out the door!" She pushed passed him and started to clean up the abandoned table, frowning when she realized they had left her nothing but a few quarters after Henri's little stunt. "What the hell?" she said to him, "I don't know if you forgot, but I'm not the one fucking you and soaking up all the perks. I actually have to work, and I have an electricity bill due tomorrow." She picked up the three quarters that were on the table. "This is not going to cover me half, believe it or not." She threw the change to the ground and stormed into the kitchen, not wanting him to see her get upset. He'd tease her for days if he saw her cry.
Katrina tilted her head as zand motioned her over,pausing S she studied him.looking startled to be handed even more money she looked out of sorts for a moment."o-okay. Any requests?"she said her voice soft and husky,smooth as good whiskey. Flushing at his words some of that old spark shown thrown the docile girl the memoey wipe had left in her place. There was only so much tampering henri had been able to do,and katrina had been resisting zane's charms far longer then she'd been giving into him."I'm sure you're used to wishing for things you can't havs. And me dancing for you,is one of them."she said turning away fdom him,her blond hair the perfect accenr to her swaying hips.

Henri sighed geowling in frustration at the woman in front of him."you could be sleepi.g with the boss if your that jealous of her."he said giving her a charming grin before sighing reaching for his wallet as he walked after her. Not knowing why he was doing it,other then it would upset katrina."here. That'll cover whatsver tips the dick wads didn't leave."he said holding out the money towards her
Zane busted out into laughter, shaking his head as she walked away. "I do like my women with a little bite," he admitted to his brother, then went about drinking his whiskey. He watched her as she moved to the jukebox, playing some classic rock and allowing the place to calm down a bit. Without the rowdy men, the place was rather empty. Just another thing that pissed Chelsea off. There was no way she was going to make enough money to pay her bills if Henri kept scaring off her best customers.

"I am not jealous!" Chelsea snapped, then glanced down at the money. It was more than what she would have been tipped, that's for sure, and she couldn't really afford to be stubborn. Sighing with frustration, she took the money and shoved it into the pocket of her shorts. "But for future reference, I can take care of myself. A few guys grabbing my tits and taking a look up my shorts from time to time isn't going to kill me, especially when those douche bags pay my bills. If you keep scaring them off, I'm going to have to pick up some shifts at Kitty's." With that, she pushed past him to grab a food order from the cooks
Henri smirked at her, tilting his head."Definately thinking your jealous, but its okay, I wont tell Kat you want me."He said grinning a little before sighing softly. "I'll just pay you more. You don't need to go back to kitty's."He said frowning a little as he watched her go. Like Zane had said, he knew the two girls were to beautiful to get anywhere near a strip club, he'd lived long enough to know just how bad things could be in there. And while he didn't particularly like her, he didn't want anything to happen. Shaking his head a little as he settled down to work on the bills for the evening.

At closing Katrina smiled tiredly as she paused at Zane and Conrad's table, despite the somewhat slow evening, they had had a small crowd later on, so she was a little startled to see both men still."Don't you two have something better to do then spy on henri?"She asked blushing ever so slightly because usually it was her and henri closing down the place, and some of the few quiet moments she had wit er boyfriend that didn't revolve around sex. Sighing quietly as she started cleaning up tables.

"I forgot to tell you kat, they have no lives. Very boring people, truly."Henri said smirking as he walked out of his office, and pulling on his jacket, and refusing to watch Katrina as e focused on his brother's. Trying really, really hard to remind himself conrad couldn't figure out he was sleeping with her, because he'd get his ass kicked for it. And well...he had to figure out how to get her and zane together without that coming up.Which would be interesting, but knowing zane, he might not ask more questions then he already had about her.
Zane raised his eyebrows. "In this town? Sweetheart, there is very little to do in this area but drink and watch the only pretty girls around." He gave her a wink, then slapped some money on the table and grabbed his jacket. He, so far, had no clue that his brother was having sex with the girl he just met, but he was no idiot. He was sure that Henri had put the moves on her. He never missed an opportunity. Even centuries ago, Henri liked to alternate the women in his bed regularly.

Chelsea came out of the kitchen looking truly worn out. She took off her apron and threw it on to the counter. "God, I'm ready to go home," she sighed, looking up at Katrina. She could not wait to slip into some pajamas and drink a beer... "Ready?" she asked the other woman. Luckily (on Henri's part), she didn't make a quip about him spending the night.
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