All in Time(blair/lady)

Katrina trembled as she held onto him, shivering as she felt him release in her, for once not worried about getting pregnant, not even considering that it could be a problem. So focused on enjoying the time with him, it never even occurred to her as she trembled, smiling as he cleaned her up."so we should."She muttered as she helped him get her dress bck in order flushing hard at his words."Me?I'm not the amazing one. I don't think I can walk straight."She said snickering a little as she walked with him, twisting to look up at him."A surprise?What?"She said as she started walking faster, looking happy at the thought of a surprise, wondering what he could have.

By the time they were on their way to the room in the elevator, the woman was fairly vibrating with excitement, bouncing a little at his side like a over excited child, tugging him towards the room, and pushing open the door after he opened it, looking around amazed at the beautiful villa.
"Don't get too excited," Zane chuckled, "It isn't diamonds or a kitten." He grinned and followed her into the villa. It was lit with hundreds of candles, and their bags were already there. On the nightstand was a bunch of massage oils, lubricant, toys... Anything you could imagine. "My surprise is that I going to let you have your way with me... Whatever you want to do, I'll let you do." He smirked and started to strip of his suit, kicking it to the side and moving to lay down on the large, comfortable bed. Amazingly, his cock was still standing straight up. He had the stamina of an animal, it seemed.

And it truly was a big deal that he was handing over control, allowing her to do as she pleased. It meant he trusted her completely, and Zane didn't trust anyone.

"The more creative the better, baby," he murmured, smirking.
"Awww, I was hoping to get a kitten. The dogs are looking a little chubby now that they're not running around as much."She said snickering a little looking amused before stopping s she stepped inside. Staring. Not quite believing what she was seeing before she turned to look at him. Tears filling her eyes as she realized what he was allowing her to do, quickly wiping them away before nodding pleased with that."Well, we'll have fun then."She grinned, she was going to enjoy this.

Letting him undresss she walked around the bed to get to the nightstand, going through the toys before nodding towards the bed."Lay down."She ordered lust coloring her words as she realized that he was ready to go. He really was a god."Definately should have been eros."She teased waiting until he laid down before stripping herself and climbing up on the bed herself, straddling his stomach she sat down as she pushed his hands up towards the headboard handcuffing him before he could realize what she was doing. Biting her lip as she picked up the blindfold, having every intention of robbing him of all control but looking nervous about it.

"Are you sure?"She asked studying him, not wanting to harm their relationship by doing this, she needed reassurane that this was okay.
Zane looked up at her and nodded, a smirk on his face. He raised his eyebrows at the handcuffs and chuckled. "I'm sure," he murmured, "And no one said Eros was as good as Hades at sex... I just have a little more flare." He winked at her and closed his eyes, readying himself for the blindfold. His skin was already tingling with anticipation. It was probably a good thing he was handcuffed. Not being in control was hard for him.
Katrina stared at him for a moment longer, "hm, he is the god of sex and love. It's probably safe to say he's really good at sex."She teased as she watched him, leaning forward to tie the blind fold on before standing, and moving away from him."I'm going to take a bath."She announced snickering to herself because she knew how hard it was for him to not be in control, and she had every intention of keeping him on edge. Whistling to herself as she headed for the bathroom and indeed drew herself a bath.She knew he could get out if he wanted to, which made having him at her mercy all the more arousing.

in about 20 minutes she quietly walked back into the bedroom, her hair tied back so it wouldn't give what she was going to do away, quiet as she moved towards the bed, not even getting on the bed as she slid her mouth down over him, smirking around him as she deep throated the straining member.
After waiting for twenty minutes (patiently and quietly), Zane nearly came off the bed with pleasure at the feeling of her mouth on him. He groaned, his hips rolling into her mouth. "Oh fuck," he growled, panting. It was so very hard to not want to rip the handcuffs apart and take her right then, but he promised her this, and he had every intention of letting her do it. "Baby... Be careful." He bit his lip, knowing that if she wasn't careful, he'd cum right them. After all, she did leave him with a full on erection for nearly half an hour.
Katrina laughed around her, the vibration traveling down his cock, looking amused as she swallowed around him, having every intention of watching him lose control. It gave her a heady sense of power to know she had this much power over him, closing her eyes as she worked his cock, riving him towards orgasm, not heeding anything he said, wanting him to come in her mouth.

After he came she raised her head, wiping her mouth."Feel better?"she teased climbing up on top of him, pressing her body down into his, leaning down to kiss him slowly, resting her forehead against his.Biting her lip hard struggling not to say what was waiting just on the tip of her tongue, but knowing she couldn't say it."Still sure you want to give me the whole night?"She said instead, mentally beating herself up for being a coward.
Zane's groans were so desperate, one would think he was in pain of they did not see what was going on in his lap. He came with a roar, thrusting his hips toward her mouth and letting spurt after spurt of cum leak into her throat. "Oh, fuck, ah... Fuck," he hissed, his body tensing so much that his abs were flexed...

Panting, he smiled and leaned up to kiss the lips that he felt hovering over his own. "All night, baby," he whispered, chucking a bit, "Don't worry. There's nothing I haven't tried or done before. I promise you won't break me." He kissed her again, then rolled his hips into her hot center. He knew (hell, he could feel) that she was as turned on as he was. "Come on. You better use this to your advantage, because it's never going on the table again." With that, he smirked.
Katrina laughed at that, "Hm, I think I'd enjoy trying though."She muttered running her hands over his chest as she sat up, groaning as he rolled up into her. Whining quietly as she squrimed, pressing against him, teasing herself as much as him."Hm,never?"She teased shifting,groaning as she slid down onto him, her hands resting on his chest as she rode him. She knew she wouldn't last long, and within a few moments she was climaxing, her scream so loud her throat felt raw.
Zane slumped back against the bed, panting after cumming three times in such a short period of time. He chuckled a little and shook his head. "Baby, you weren't very creative, but I'll give it you. You're amazing," he murmured, leaning down to blindly kiss her on the head. "Get me out of these hand cuffs so I can go get in the shower."

It amused him that he was able to pleasure her without much effort, but it proved to him that she really was attracted to him in the ways she claimed. Sometimes, he worried that there was going to be a nice, charming man without any emotional baggage to come along and swoop her off her feet, proving to her that Zane was no good for her. And that scared him more than he was ever willing to admit.
Katrina whined quietly."I was perfectly creative!"She whined annoyed at his words, laughing quietly as he pressed a kiss to her temple sighing softly. hurt a little by his words despite him thinking she was amazing.Reaching up she undid the handcuffs before shifting to the side so he could get up."Go. Shower, I'm going to nap while you do."She muttered her contentment and pleasure already dragging her under to sleep. Actually asleep before he'd gotten to the bathroom.

But when he got out Katrina was by the window, looking out at the city, light playing over her skin as she was wrapped only in the shets, looking lost and torn.she wanted him, wnted to stay with him. But something was changing, and despite seeing parts of the events leading to it, she couldnt see the whole, and that terrified her...turning her head a little she smiled a little at the god, "You should get some rest."she said, slipping back into her usual quiet self, the one that she had been before they'd started this relationship, friends but not closer. But they were, and the fact that they were left a screaming pit of fterror in her stomach.
Zane came out with a towel around his waist, watching her for a moment. "And you shouldn't?" he whispered, walking up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. He loved her scene, her warmth... He loved her, and that scared the shit out of him for more reasons that one. "Come to bed. You know I don't sleep well alone." He smirked at her and took her hand, gently bulling her toward the large bed. The maids had changed the sheets, and the candles were blown out. The only light that could be see was coming from the city, and it was truly beautiful...

He pulled her into his arms, his face buried into her neck. All of the sudden, he sighed. "Tell me what is wrong."
"Hm, I'm not as old. Don't need as much sleep."She teased a little leaning back into him for a moment before sighing softly. Letting him pull her towards the bed she crawled in with him, shifting to get comfortable, resting her head on his chest as she looked out the floor to ceiling windows, watching the city lights. The darkness making it easier to say what it was.

"I styed out of your bed as long as I did...because I knew something terrible was going to happen.I saw somting happening."She shuddered, that soft quavering to her voice saying she was close to tears, so very scared of something happening to him. Her, she didn't mind things happening to, but him...that terried her. "Its gotten worse in the last month...something's coming zane, and there's nothing I can do."She whimpered starting to cry,truly crying. Finally giving in and telling him, and it felt like a heavy burden hd been lifted, that she didn't have to carry it alone anymore."And I'm tired zane,I'm old. I'm tired of rebuilding my life, just to have it taken away again.It scares me to build a life with you, because I will lose it."She muttered clinging to the man.
Zane pulled back to look down at her, his eyes full of concern for her. "Katrina, nothing is going to happen," he assured, shaking his head, "I'm fine, see? And I'm here with you, happier than I've ever been." He pulled her face up to look at him, his expression serious. He kissed her hard on the lips, wanting her to feel how attached he was through his embrace. "Kat... I... Well, I love you. I have for a long time, and there's nothing wrong with that. There is nothing going on between us that we should be scared or ashamed of." Reaching up, he stroked her hair and wiped away her tears. "I will take care of everything, okay? But in the mean time, don't worry about me. The last thing you need to be worry about is me." He gave her a smile, showing that he -like always- did not take her visions very seriously. "You need to worry about what we will order from room service in the morning."
Katrina sniffled a little as Zane looked down at her, rubbing a hand over her face."I know!Why do you think I didn't tell you?I knew you wouldn't believe it."She grumbled but looking relieved to hear his words, before looking up at him startled, her eyes widening as she swallowed."I..I love you to."She whispered quietly studying him, smiling slowly. Before giggling a little nodding."Okay, you can take cre of things...I wont worry."She muttered laughing quietly before nodding, shifting to get comfortable."Hm, I don't know what I want for breakfast."She said smiling, yawning, tired now that the worry was gone, the fear of losing him for the moment pushed aside. pressing her face into the curve of his shoulder she sighed."We should get Ares' sword tomorrow. just in case something happens, we have it."She muttered nuzzling him a little, wanting to be prepared, evene if she was trusting him to take care of things. His show of trust earlier matched by her trust that he could and would take care of them both.
Zane smiled, happy to see her calm down. He'd never admit it, but he always scared her when she started to do that. Not because he believed the visions, but because she did. That couldn't be good for her... "We will get it," he agreed, leaning down to kiss her head. "After breakfast, of course." He laughed a bit and curled around her to go to sleep.

In the morning, he gently shook her awake. "Kat? Breakfast is here." He nodded to the table of french toast, eggs, bacon, and mimosas made with fresh squeeze orange juice. "We need to get going early this morning so we can get the dogs and go out to get the sword. Earlier the better." He smiled and sat down at the breakfast table. "Plus, I want some time to share a shower." With that, he winked.
Katrina whined softly, snuggling down into the bed as he shook her shoulder, looking up at him through a half cracked eye."Do we have to?"She grumbled, definately not a morning person,but she sat up anyways and mving to the table. Settling int o a chair she pushed the food around the plate for awhile, not really hungry, despite telling him, and trusting him, the woman was still on edge. "A shower?Wouldn't it be faster to shower seperate?"She teased as she started to eat.

Knowing he was right, and the sooner they got to greece, the better. in all the centuries of living, she had never gone home, hadn't been there since she really had been 21. So going home, to get Ares' sword, was going to be as traumatic as it was going to be good. Also, she knew Zane hated going to Greece since it was where Henri lived, so she'd avoided telling him where she'd hidden it despite him asking her every once in awhile.
Zane was the exact opposite - digging into his food and looking wide awake. "That's why I woke you up early, " he whined, "So we can shower together. What's the point of having a luxury hotel if we shower separately like old people?" He grinned. "As long as you are with me, you'll never shower alone." He nudged her under the table with his foot, not thinking about his words. It was clear that he truly did love her, and he was starting to realize after all of these years, he didn't picture his life without her.

"Are we going to need to take the plane? If so, I need to make some phone calls," he said, taking a sip of his mimosa.
"We ARE old people."She pointed out snickering a little, looking startled at his words. Smiling a little as she realized he did indeed have every intention of keeping her around. Nudging him back she fiddled with her food as she looked down as he questioned her."Yea... we're going to."She swallowed a little looking out of sorts, because she just knew their morning was going to get bad when he realized where they were going. "We have to go to Athens."She said squirming a little, before getting it over with, knowing he was going to lose it."To the temple of ares, to be exact."
Zane's smile diminished. "Athens?" He groaned and shook his head, taking out his cell phone. "Of course... I'll call the pilot and book a hotel." He dialed a few numbers and began to make a couple calls, getting everything in order. When he returned to the main room of the hotel, he raised his eyebrows at her. "Now I really do deserve that shared shower, just to let you know," he murmured. Of course, he was irritated about going to Greece, but he knew it was not her fault. This needed to be done, and well, he could deal with Henri.
"Yes, athens."She muttered staring down at her plate as she finished eating before laughing quietly."Oh. I guess you do.Definately deserve a shower."She teased looking amused moving over to him,and wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning up to kiss him."Come on,let's shower then we'll go get the sword, then come back home."She said looking a little nervous about going to greece, before tugging him towards the bathroom, turning on the shower as she stepped into the spray after slipping off her robe. She was definately looking forward to this shower, not about to admit it, but needing the reassurance that he wasn't to upset with her for making him go to greece.
"You better believe I deserve it," he said, following her in the bathroom. Zane pulled his own robe off and stepped in behind her, his hands moving to her waist and his lips moving to her shoulder. "You're beautiful," he murmured, pressing his morning hard-on into her lower back. His hand moved between her legs, feeling the soft entrance. There was no denying that Zane loved sex. He loved it in public, in privacy, on the bed, in the shower... But he loved it even more when it was with Katrina. The woman was just everything he was attracted to and more... Pushing on her shoulder a bit, he made it to where she was bent over, hands on the clear glass wall of the shower. He spread her legs a little, making her stand wider, then slowly slid his cock inside of her from behind... The shower filled with his moans.
Katrina sighed softly at his words, glancing over her shoulder at him, a small smile on her lips. "So are you."She teased letting him push her around,content to have sex however he wanted. Like him she loved sex, but by far the best sex she'd ever had was with zane, and she loved it. Bracing her hands on the glass she shuddered moaning as he slid into her, rocking her hips back into his.And when she came it wasn't a violent reaction, just a quiet completion. which said more then anything ,how far they'd come. Neither before now had been ones for gentle sex,but the longer they were together the more they found themselves doing it on occassion.

Pulling away from him as he finished she washed up, looking nervous about going now that she couldn't put it off longer with sex."...I haven't been to greece since I was young Zane..."She muttered nervous about seeing what time had done to the places she'd known as a child, knowing it would be heartbreaking.
Zane cleaned himself up and washed his hair. At her words, he looked down and frowned. "I know," he murmured, nodding his head, "But it's going to be okay. It's just a place, Kat, and you've been many places... Things change over time. Sometimes they crumble, and sometimes the grow even more beautiful. Either way, they don't dictate your happiness." He leaned over and kissed her on the lips, his hands gently resting on her lower back in a careful embrace. "When all of this is over, and we can settle down, we can do it wherever you want to. That will be our home. Not some place that makes us both feel ill with guilt."

Pulling away from her, he stepped out of the shower and bent down to shave his face, something he'd been neglecting to do the past couple of days.
Katrina smiled slightly as she watched her, sliding her fingers through her hair, washing it out." You're fairly good at finding just the right to to say."She muttered snickering a little as she leaned into him for a moment, pleased with the idea of having a home that was 'theirs' and not his or hers. Watching him shave for a moment before getting out and drying off. Starting to get ready to leave. Knowing they still had to go get the dogs."Let's get this over with."

When they got to greece in the early afternoon Katrina winced a little as they stepped off the plane, looking around her. For the moment so overwhelmed with the modern city sitting on the ancient land, that she didn't pay attention to the dogs crowding around her legs. Even if Cerberus didn't have a mental bond with her, in the past month the dog had started reacting to her distress to. "It' different."She said looking back at zane.

Meanwhile across town Henri sighed softly as he glanced at Conrad."You do realize, he's going to kill us when he finds out. Even if he gets her, we're going to be in bloody little pieces."He said looking annoyed because he knew they had to but he still didn't like the idea of giving Zane even more a reason to go after him. Looking at the small cube that he was holding he sighed, hating himself a little for figuring out the one way to make this actually work, but he knew Loki's trick of memory was the only thing that would work, since it was norse magic, Zane nor Katrina would have no protections against it. Sighing because he knew they had to be going soon to catch the two while they were still in athens.
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