All in Time(blair/lady)

"Hm, well since you wont let your own mother mother you,someone has to do it."She sid looking around the room, not looking at him.She didn't want to look to closely to the feelings that had made her freak out so badly. "You're welcome."She said nodding absently at his words for food as she left the room. Returning in almost a hour with food, settling on the bed next to him and holding out a plate for him."Your favorite, no whining about how long it took."She said rolling her eyes a little as she started to eat her chicken lo mang, flipping on the tv. Having every intention of staying with him to make sure that he really was okay, but not wanting to talk.So many contradictions.

Quiet for awhihle before she looked over at him."No teasing?No barbs?Maybe you really are dying."She said studying him before returning to watching tv, having been waiting for the teasing about her freaking out, so him being nice about it was weird.
"You know, it's funny you say that," Zane grumbled, "When you are the one with the most jabs and barbs." He narrowed his eyes at her, because it seemed that she had been hiding her feelings with constant teasing since he woke up... Usually, he could let things roll of her back, but even Zane could be irritated.

Sitting against the headboard, he continued to eat his orange chicken and fried rice as he watched the news. Thankfully, no one saw the scene that they and the beast managed to make at the lake. He wasn't sure how he'd cover something like that up, and he knew his brothers would be furious with him.

"If anything, we now know you shouldn't leave the house alone," he admitted, "You wouldn't have had a chance against that beast if you were alone. From now on, either I or Cerberus needs to be with you when you aren't home."
Katrina sighed quietly at his words, "Sorry."She muttered barely audible as she focused on her food. Eating as she thought and watched the tv before nodding. "I can live with that. You could come to class with me, or I could just cancel until we get this sorted out...."She said saddened because she enjoyed her job, teaching history at the local college in the evenings. While it was summer, so class wasn't in full session, she had her few devoted students that came to class to talk and study as she worked on her lesson plans for the year ahead. She knew conrad thought she was being foolish to teach, but she knew so much, had seen so much that she had to.

When she was done eating she set her plate on the nightstand and picked up the history book sitting there, starting to read. Despite knowing that he was going to be okay, she couldn't quite convince herself to leave him totally alone yet.
Zane glanced over at her and shook her head. "Nah, you can just take Cerberus with you to class," he said, "Or I can go and sit in." He shrugged. "I'm probably encourage the enrollment of a few young college girls." He smiled at that and set his plate on the nightstand, intent on relaxing and watching television. Remote in hand, he began to flip through the channels until it landed on the Food Network. Oddly enough, Zane loved cooking shows, even though he rarely cooked. When he did, however, he was a decent cook.
"Hm, thats true.I think I will take you with me. Watchng you in a history class about ancient civilzations would be amusing."She said snickering a little as she looked over at him, shifting to lay on her side as she watched the tv, showng no sign of getting up."I'm going to make you cook more often, if you're watching this."She teased sleepiy before getting up, knowing she neede to move before she fell asleep in bed with him.Sleeping in a bed with him just spelled all sorts of trouble. "You should get some sleep."She said smiling down at him as she headed for the door,"Goodnight zane."She said moving to leave before he could ask her to stay. To emotional to turn him away tonight, and she knew it.
Zane rolled his eyes. "Cook for you? Please..." he smirked and sighed as she stood up. He was a little sad to see her go, but knew better than to call her back. He needed to let her have her space of she was going to start rebelling against his conditions and get herself hurt. "Good night, Kat," he said, turning off his own light and settling in to bed for the night. Cerberus stayed with him, for he was still worried for his owner, but Anakin happily trotted across the hall to Katrina's room.
In the morning found katrina curled up in the bed next to him, her cheek resting against his arm, almost cuddling up against him but not, the only part of her touching him was her cheek resting against his arm. Despite knowing that he couldn't die, or wasn't going to die right then from the posion, she'd panicked again in the night after startling away and walked back to his room, and had had every intention of just checking on him but ended up laying down with him to sleep, to tired to deny that she actually wanted to stay there with him. Of course once she woke she was going to rebel an not want to admit it, but she wanted to be with him.

Sitting up slowly she mentally cursed as sh realized where she was, having not consciously made the choice to stay. Sitting up slowly and quietly, hoping she'd be able to get out of bed without waking him she started easing towards the edge of the bed, wincing a little as cerberus nudged at her side, the hellhound wanting attention now that one of his favorite people was up.
Zane blinked awake, then cursed at the sight of Katrina and Cerberus. She had surprised him, now doubt, and he wondered exactly what had made her come to his bed during the night... "I should have known you'd try to kill me in my sleep one day," he said, rubbing his hand over his face. Cerberus moved up to lick his face before bounding off the bed and heading out in the back yard with Anankin. It seemed the hell hound liked the idea of having a friend around...

"What's wrong?" Zane asked, raising his eyebrows. "Something is obviously wrong if you are in my bed."
"Well, smothering you in your sleep sounds like a good ida."She mused flushing at his words, looking around the room avoiding looking at him."Fell asleep before I got to it."She said shrugging like it wasn't a big deal that she had stayed and slept with him.Deflecting before shrugging a little, teasing him as much as herelf about why she was there. Because she knew he'd figure out that she worried about him,even knowing he'd be okay."Seriously, I was worried and couldn't sleep."she said getting up."I'll go get breakfast."she said bolting before bolting out of the room. Returning in a little while with a omlete and bacon for them both.

"Come to class with me today.We're going over classical greek today."She said with a small smirk, trying her hardest to not think about having spent the night sleeping next to that delightfully nearly naked body. Eating as she considered what she was doing. She needed to get away from him before she gave into temptation but it was useless, and she knew it. He was already under her skin.Not that she'd stop fighting, but she knew she was losing the fight.
Zane graciously took the breakfast, eating it like a starved animal, and nodded. "I supposed I could sit through a lecture about myself," he said, shrugging. There was obvious amusement in his eyes as he glanced up at her. He shook his head and sighed. "It's not your job to worry about me. I'll be fine, and I'm not going anywhere, alright? Focus on your own safety. Last thing I need is to worry about you for the both of us."

He finished off the food, then slowly stood up from the bed. The sheets slide from his underwear clad body as he stretched. "I'm getting a shower," he said, running a hand through his messy blond hair. "Will you make sure that Cerberus comes back inside? I don't want him to try to go hunting for another beast."

He patted her thigh and moved into the bathroom, taking his time to take a hot shower.
"Well, maybe you'll be helpful and have some insights to stories. After all, I'm sure they'd be amused about posiedon surfing out in california."She said snickering a little before nodding."Fine, I'll worry about myself."She said rolling her eyes as she got up, glancing away as he stood. Only worry about him as much as she did because it took so much to not be overwhelming frightened for herself. "I'll make sure they're both inside."She said heading downstairs to see to the dogs and clean up a little.

When he came downstairs she smiled a little as she glanced over her shoulder at him, doing the dishes cleaning up because she hated using the dishwasher. Granted, she liked a lot of things about the modern world,but some things, she still prefered doing by hand, as she had been raised. "You're going to give my students heart attacks."She said smirking at the good looking man."Maybe you should have been eros instead of hades."She teased relaxing as she realized he really was okay.
Zane grinned, dressed in a black v-neck shirt, a pair of jeans, and black boots. "Well, I better give them something," he purred, smoothing out his shirt. "Ah, but Eros doesn't have the power I do, and we both no deep down, I'm a greedy bastard."

Taking her in, he sighed... He knew she was still worried, or at least upset, and he couldn't ignore it. He worried about her much more than he was willing to admit, and at the moment, he wanted to comfort her. "Kat, I'm not going to let them get to you," he murmured gently, walking up behind her. Slowly (but naturally) he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back into his broad chest. "I haven't for this long, right?"
"ha!Its nice of you to admit your a bastard."She teased looking amused before returning to washing the dishes. nearly jumping out of her skin when he wrapped his arms around her. She wasn't used to him hugging her, even if they did spend alot of time together, they rarely touched for longer then just a moment. Sighing softly as she rested her hands on the edge of the sink she swallowed hard, as she stared down at the water. "No, that you haven't."She muttered tense for a moment before leaning back against him, closing her eyes as she twisted her head to look up at him.

"I've always trusted you to do your best to not let the worst happen."She said smiling a little at him, eyes soft with emotions, affection and pleasure at being with him,despite denying that she liked him like that. Shivering a little as she felt that hard body against her back she tried not to think to hard.Flushing a little at the thought crossing her mind she looked away from him.
Zane smiled a bit and nodded. "Good," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her cheek. However, by the time his lips made it to her cheek, he could feel the heat of lust rising up within his own body. Swallowing hard, he gently took her chin and turned it enough so his eyes were locked on her. "Always," he whispered, his hand sliding from her chin to her cheek. With that, he leaned down to press his lips to her's, holding her a little tighter against his body.
Katrina shuddered as his lips touched her cheek, letting him turn her head without fighting it. Shifting in his arms to turn to face him she leaned against him, her own lust rising, her sin flushing as she considered the man before her."You are to handsome for anyone's good."she muttered as she slid her fingers through his hair, kissing him back. Though she'd probably regret it later, worry about the consequences later, for this moment, she just wanted to be with him. Shifting a little, she moaned quietly as she felt him pressed firm and long against her hip. Oh yea, this was the man she'd been trying to replace for so many centuries she'd lost count, and no man could ever compare to.
Zane moaned as she pressed closer to him, kissing her harder and with more passion. Leaning down, he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her up and on to the counter. With her on his level, he let his hand begin to explore her body. He may be a gentleman, but he was also a dominant lover. Instead of asking for permission, he always fed off the other's feelings and gave them exactly what they wanted, even if their mouth denied it. "I know exactly how handsome I am," he murmured arrogantly, reaching down to pull his shirt over his head, "And I know exactly how beautiful you are... Too beautiful for those bar rats your bring home, that's for sure."
Katrina yelped startled as he picked her up,returning his kiss with as much passion as he gave her, knowing that her lips were going to be kiss bruised later,but at the moment not caring. Her eyes went straight for the skin he'd revealed, sliding her hands over hard muscles, "Why should I try to find great, when no one compares to you?"She muttered admitting what she'd long denied, would probably deny ver admitting to after this, that he was the man she compared everyone to. Shifting she tugged off her own shirt, the dark fabric of her bra offering up her breasts like ripe fruits to be tasted. Pressing her thighs against his sides to keep him where he was she lowered her head to his neck, nibbling at the skin, moaning at the taste,biting down ever so slightly, leaving a impression of her teeth on the swell of a pectoral muscle.She was so enjoying nibbling on him, and for the moment she wasn't regretting giving into this.
"I was not aware I was being used as a comparison," Zane murmured, smirking a bit at the compliment. He pushed her shoulders back so that he could look at her breasts, licking his lips before diving in. He mouth closed around one of her nipples while his warm hand played with the other. By now, he large cock was hard and firm against her thigh. He ground against her as he sucked, delighted at the sight and taste of her body...

He lifted her up again and walked toward his bedroom, ready to do what he had been waiting to do for centuries. He wanted her so badly that his body ached for her, and he had every intention of making her scream in absolute extacy.

Once she was laid on the bed, he crawled on top of her and passionate kissed her, his hands moving for the top of her jeans.
Katrina flushed moaning as her back arched a little as he played with her breasts, panting ever so slightly."I-I know."She muttered in answer to his words shivering as he pressed against her, grinding herself against him, wanting to feel him in her, needing him desperately now that she had given into the temptation. Yelping a little as he picked her up she laughed quietly as she realized he was rushing for the bedroom looking amused and flirty, glad that she wasn't the only one burning up with lust.

Kissing him back she slid her hands down his chest, slender fingers tugging at his belt, hurried fingers pushing at the dark fabric of his jeans. Once they both were naked she leaned up on her elbows looking down at both their bodies, giggling a little."We look good for as old as we are."She said snickering as she wrapped her legs around his waist and shoved at his shoulder, settling on top of him, smirking, because she had no intention of letting him top so easily. Both of them were just to dominate to be submissive easily.
Zane laid beneath her, looking up at her with an amused smirk. For a few moments, he allowed her to ride him and have her fun, but as he started to get closer and closer to his own release, he had to change it up. Grabbing her by the hips, he rolled her over and pulled he legs up on to his shoulder. With the new angle, he was thrusting into her fast and hard, making up for all of that lost time. He had waited a long, long time for this, and he was in no mood to be slow and gentle. He wanted this woman for himself, and he wanted her to know that he was the best there ever was - that no man would ever be able to compare.

Grunting, Zane slowed his thrusts in order to keep himself from coming too quickly. "Fuck," he growled, leaning down to bite at her neck. His hands were tight on her hips as he continued to move in and out of her, and to distract himself from coming, he moved down to suck at her breasts.
Katrina yelped as he rolled her,her amused laugh turning to a moan as he thrust into her, hands roaming his chest as she looked up at him with pleasure wild eyes. You could say a lot of things about katrina,but that she didn't enjoy sex wasn't one of them. And she'd never had sex like this. This was totally wild and her body was quickly eagerly responsing to the man she'd admired for centuries.

Whimpering in disappointment as he slowed she looked up at him in pleasure driven confusion, before smirking as she realized he'd slowed. Shifting a little her head went back as his mouth found her breast, body spasming almost painfully tiht around him as she came,her nails drawing blood as she gripped his shoulders tightly
Zane grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as she came around him. It took a lot of control to allow her to ride out her orgasm with out cumming himself, but he knew the last thing they needed was a little demi god to take care of while on the run. No, they'd kill each other if they had to raise a child together. "Ah, fuck," he hissed, leaning down to bite her lip. He bit down so hard, he could taste blood.

One she had calmed down, her thrust in and out of her a few more times before pulling out and releasing his seed on to her lower stomach. He let out desperate, animal-like groans as spurt after spurt was released from his cock. His thighs trembled and shook before he collapsed to the side of her. He nuzzled her neck and closed his eyes. "That was fucking fantastic..."
Katrina yelped in pain as he bit her lip,whimpering quietly. Shivering as he came, she gave him a lazy, self satisfied smile at his groans as she felt come coating her stomach. Tensing a little as he nuzzled her, before relaxing. She had a vague feeling there was something she should be doing, but didn't know what. She felt to good to be worried about anything. Looking lazy and content she shifted,moving him around a little so she could cuddle against his chest, for once giving in to her need to be held.

"Worth waiting 21 centuries for? "She teased panting as she started to calm down, yelping as anakin landed on the bed next to her, cerberus being wise enough to not jump up on the bed with them,but anakin wanted to know what was wrong to make his human make all those funny noises. Shoving him away amused katrina looked at the god laying next to her, a rare vulnerablity showing in her eyes as she studied him. Not asking anything of him that she didn't already have,but the affection she felt for him was making her feel out of sorts now that she'd given in. Friendship was all she'd ever asked from him, and despite her feelings for him-that she'd never think to tell him since he hadn't expressed feelings for her either- she didn't want to pressure him into thinking he wanted more then whatever he was willing to give

Wincing as she closed her eyes relaxing, touching her lip gently, feeling the blood slowly running into her mouth."I think you bit my lip in half."She whined, teasing him as she rested her head on his shoulder. Content to just lay there for the moment as she thought over the amazing sex.
"Definitely worth it," Zane said, panting gently. He looked flushed with arousal, and even as he turned over, his cock was still hard, showing exactly how much stamina he had built up over the years. Leaning over, he kissed her bruised lips and reached down to play with her soft breasts. Her body was perfect, and it was no surprise that he was still turned on... His eyes glanced down to his mess on her stomach, and he chuckled. "Looks like you are going to need a shower... I'll join you."

To emphasize what he mean, he leaned down to gently bite her nipple. "I waited twenty-one centuries. You are going to give me more than five minutes," he murmured, amusement and arousal in his voice.

He looked down at both dogs. "Out," he snapped, waiting for them to scurry out of the room.
katrina moaned as he played with her body, whimpering softly at the kiss that hurt just enough to be another spice to pleasure. Looking down at herself she trailed her fingers through the cum, just playing with it because she knew he was watching her. Moaning as he bit her gently she whined quietly."Dammit zane, you're a sadist."She play whined at him, sounding more amused then annoyed because she'd known going in that he would never be what one would term a gentle lover, and she'd known him long enough to know he enjoyed inflicting pain with pleasure.

Rolling to the edge of the bed she heaed for the bathroom, snickering a little as both dogs sulked out of the room at being yelled at."Are you so sure that I will be giving you more then five minutes?"She said her voice teasing and full of amusement as she turned on the water and stepped into the shower.Not even bothering trying to keep him from joining her, knowing that even if she had wanted to keep him out, a closed door would hardly stop him at this point.
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