Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise was racing through a network of alleyways, spinning around a corner and gasping in pain when she hit her leg on a trash can, stumbling and leaning against the wall so she wouldn't fall, stopping for a spilt second to rest.

Izaya entered the room with a knock and moved over to Ayane slowly. "Hime-sama...?"
Shizuo was gaining on her fast, looking positively furious

Ayane groaned and slowly looked over, "Who...? O-Oh...its you...from Russia Sushi..."
Izaya placed a hand across his chest and bowed to her. "I simply wanted to see how my Hime-sama was holding up."

Makise glanced back before she grabbed ahold of a trash bag and flung it at Shizuo, taking off again down an alley and making a right, but stopped when she had run into a dead end, spinning around to run again, but was face with an angry Shizuo.
Ayane fought the whimper that threatened to tear from her throat at the sound of that name, "D-Don't call me that...Please..."

Shizuo smashed his fist into the wall next to her head, "You have ten seconds to explain why the FUCK you did that."
Izaya blinked, then bowed again. "As you wish, Mika-san." He said. "May I?" He motioned to the chair beside her bed, asking permission to sit.

Makise pressed herself to the wall, fingering the blade she held behind her back, staring up at Shizuo but saying nothing.
Izaya sat down and crossed one leg over the other, making sure that he was a good distance away from her.

Makise flinched and swung her arm, burying the blade deep into Shizuo's forearm, even wincing herself when it went into his flesh.
Shizuo barely even winced and his rage flew over the handle, pulling his fist back as he prepared to smash in her skull

Ayane continued to watch him, "Why are you here...?"
Makise closed her eyes tight and she turned her head away, ready to feel the crushing force behind Shizuo's blow, but just then, a man came from around the corner and raised his arm into the air, firing the gun he had, scowling as Makise quickly dropped to the ground to avoid the punch. "Maki. The hell are you doing?" The man said gruffly, making her look over with a glint of fear in her eyes.

"I was concerned for your wellbeing." Izaya said honestly.
Shizuo slowly turned, glaring darkly, "Who the hell are you?"

Ayane frowned, "You don't even know who I am...I don't even know who you are..."
"I'm that bitch's boyfriend- Maki, get off the ground and get over here." He ordered and Makise stood, moving cautiously past Shizuo. "H-Hai...Daisuke-sama." "Quit stuttering and move your ass faster you stupid bitch!"

Izaya made a noise. "My name is Orihara Izaya, pleased to make your acquaintance." He greeted.
Shizuo glared, "You shouldn't talk to a girl like that. Even if she deserves it."

"M-Mika Ayane....but...I guess you already knew that....All my stalkers do..." Ayane muttered
When Makise reached Daisuke, he laughed and put his arm around her shoulder. "Weren't you the one just about to kill her?" He said with a twisted grin, patting Maki's cheek a bit roughly. "She's a tough one, she can handle words."

Izaya looked taken aback. "Oh, I'm not a stalker Mika-san...!" He said. "I'm an info broker."
Shizuo scowled and moved over, "Consider this an act of good will." He growled and smashed his forehead into Daisuke's nose, pulling Makise away, "Don't talk down to a girl like that, wise-ass!! She's your girlfriend, treat her right!!"

"An info broker?" Ayane asked, blinking, "So...you hand out information to people who ask?"
Makise's eyes widened in surprise as Daisuke went down, holding his broken nose. "You cocksucker, that hurt!!" He snapped at Shizuo. "A...Arigatou." Makise said, looking up at Shizuo.

Izaya nodded. "Only to the people who are deemed worthy~!" He said.
Shizuo made a noise, "Get out of here." He said, nudging Makise. He glared down at Daisuke, "Yeah, it was meant to hurt. Did you think bashing my head against your face would be a pleasant experience?"

"So...if I asked...you would give me information on anyone?" Ayane asked
Makise nodded and ran off without a seconds hesitation; Daisuke on the other hand was pissed. "You asshole!" He raised the gun and aimed it at Shizuo, ready to squeeze the trigger.

Izaya grinned. "Of course, I'll give you whatever information you wish to know, Mika-san."
Shizuo only stared at him, "Do it. I fucking dare you."

Ayane blushed softly and slowly sat up, wincing slightly, "I want...information on you...and that girl you were with..."
Daisuke growled and fired, but not just once, but three times. The strong recoil of the gun making him hit Shizuo in the side, leg and in the arm.

Izaya blinked in surprise. "What do you want to know about me and Maki-chan?"
Shizuo staggered slightly but his pumping adrenalin caused him to feel no sort of pain. He only stood there, looking absolutely livid. "So, you actually had the balls to shoot me. Damn. Gotta give a guy credit for that."

"E-Everything..." She muttered shyly
Daisuke's eyes widened and he fired another four rounds into Shizuo. "Die!" He shouted, pointing the gun at his head and firing, but the gun only made a click, being out of ammo.

Izaya made a noise and shifted in his chair. "Well, as you know my name is Orihara Izaya and I'm twenty-two, I live in alone in Shinjuku and I love humans..~ As for Maki-chan, her full name is Orihara Makise and she's my younger sister, who will be turning nineteen soon."
Shizuo smirked, "Goodie. Is it my turn?"

Ayane looked down, "Sister?" She thought. She nodded, "Why do you love humans so much, Orihara-san...?"
Daisuke trembled and he dropped the gun, taking a step back before he turned and ran.

"I find them to be quite fascinating~" He said as if it were the most simple thing in the world.
"I don't think so!!" Shizuo picked up a trash can and threw it hard, nailing Daisuke dead on

"Is your infatuation with humans the reason you're an info broker...?" She asked
Daisuke grunted as the trashcan made contact and he fell forward, hitting the ground hard.

"Hai~" Izaya grinned more. "It is~"
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