Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise was at her computer in seconds, typing swiftly. "Orihara Makise." She said. "Why do you have my brothers phone?"
"Well isn't that nice, care to send it back to him in a care package? Bastards been cutting my pay this month cuz I haven't, quote unquote, been doing my job correctly." She blew her bangs from her eyes and looked over Shizuo's profile on her computer, making a soft noise. "You're the guy from last night."
Makise snorted. "He won't get it, like you said, he has a thousand of them." She said. "And about last night, sorry about Izaya." She laid back on her bed. "He's just a douche who loves to fuck everyone's lives up."
"Yeah, I already knew that." Shizuo muttered. He looked when Ayane shifted in her sleep, laying next to him. She didn't get much sleep last night thanks to Shigure. "Need anything else?" Shizuo asked, his voice lower than before to let Ayane sleep
"Yeah, give Izaya a nice kick for me?" She asked, giving a small tired grin she knew he couldn't see, but it amused her anyway.
Makise laughed softly and nodded. "Make it extra hard just for me; ja ne." She said, then hung up, closing her eyes and resting her arm over her face. "Heiwajima Shizuo, huh?"
Shizuo closed the phone and tossed it aside, laying back and pulling Ayane against him. She snuggled into his side and he smiled contently, kissing her head
Izaya was already wondering the streets, watching everyone as he slunk through the shadows, grinning his fox like grin.
Shizuo slowly climbed out of bed and got ready for work, grabbing Izaya's phone and tossing it before catching it. He looked to Ayane and gently kissed her head before leaving the house quietly and going to meet Tom
Izaya's eyes fell on Shizuo and his smirk twisted even more and he half jump-skipped after him, holding a blue popsicle in hand. "Ohayo, Shizu-chan~" He greeted. "Hot day, isn't it?"
"Ignoring people is rude, Shizu-chan, and to think I even brought you a present...~" Izaya pouted falsely.
"Oh, Maki-chan did? How kind~" Izaya said, taking the phone and bringing the popsicle to his lips, licking the tip slowly, then holding it to Shizuo. "And this is for you~" He teased in a faux flirt.
Shizuo scowled, "No thanks. Mika would have a fit." He said. He started to walk away but stopped, "Although...I was asked to give you one more thing..." He turned and quickly kicked Izaya as hard as he could in the rear, "That was for yesterday!"
Izaya was taken off guard and he slammed into a vending machine, grinning through his pain. "We have a very abusive relationship, Shizu-chan~"
"We don't have any relationship! I'm going to work!" He hissed and stalked off before the urge to rip Izaya's head off consumed him
"Ja ne, Shizu-chan~!" Izaya called before he headed off down the street, in an even better mood,
Ayane was on her way to work - actually she was burning rubber. She slept in and was almost late. She ran as fast as she could, determined to get to work on time. She gasped when she bumped into someone and fell, "Ah! Hime-sama! I'm so sorry!" Ayane was hoisted to her feet and dusted off, jumping when she felt the man grab her rear. She fumed and slapped him hard before continuing to bolt to work
Izaya continued on, blinking when Ayane sped past him, watching her go down the street before he shrugged and went on his own way.
Ayane continued to speed to Russia Sushi before she was grabbed and yanked into an alleyway, a hand clamped over her mouth. Her clothes were torn from her body and her innocence forcibly taken from her; whoever it was left her broken and in shock on the cold hard ground.
Makise walked down the street, yawning into her hand and looking around, then stopped when she saw an odd sight in an alleyway. Some person just laying there. She frowned and headed into the shadowy alleyway, moving over to the person before her eyes widened. She recognized Mika Ayane, her waitress from the night before. She looked her over, bruises on her wrists and around her neck, blood covered her inner thighs and womanhood; quickly pulling off her overcoat, she covered Ayane up before gently helping her sit against the alley wall. "Mika-san?" She called, patting her cheek to try and rouse her from her state of shock. "Mika-san, can you hear me?" When she got no response, she pulled out her phone and dialed a number quickly, waiting. "Pick up, pick up...!"
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