Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Looks like it, so what are you going to do now, Shizu-chan~?" Izaya purred, grinning widely.
Before Shizuo could beat the shit out of Izaya, a voice sounded from behind the bottle blonde. "Okay, can I ask that you not beat the crap outta my boss? As much as I hate him, I still need to be paid so I can meet rent." Makise said, holding her take-out bag. Izaya grinned at Makise. "My hero~" "Don't patronize me."
Shizuo turned to her and glared, "Get out of here." "Shizuo, leave the poor man alone!" Ayane ran over and grabbed Shizuo's arm, "Onegai, Shizuo...?" She asked weakly. Shizuo scowled softly and dropped the sign, "Fine, Mika...but only for you..."
Izaya had already disappeared, having jumped up the side of the wall, grabbing onto a window and heaving himself up onto the roof, laughing. "Arigatou, Hime-sama~!"
Izaya crouched on the edge of the building, grinning something fierce. "This behemoth is dating a beauty like you~?"
Izaya dodged and smirked. "Shizu-chan~ Don't throw things around~ It's rude~" He grinned more. "Do you get that way in the bedroom as well~?"
"Is that what you ask of Hime-sama~?" Izaya purred, wagging his finger. "You should be more gentle with a woman~"
Izaya dodged again, but it nicked his cheek, making him grin more." Why don't you join me up here, Shizu-chan~ Don't stay down too long~ You'll become short of breath~" He winked and ran off.
Izaya ran easily along the roof tops, jumping over the deep drops that would kill anyone, laughing gleefully.
Ayane went back to work, greatly embarrassed. Shizuo continued to chase Izaya around, throwing anything he could at the info broker
Makise had already headed to the small apartment she had rented for a couple months, setting up her computer, then heading to bed after eating. Izaya suddenly disappeared once he dropped down into the alley way, using the walls to slow his fall, but he dropped his phone on the way down.
When Shizuo lost sight of Izaya, he grew frustrated and punched the wall before he noticed Izaya's phone. He picked it up and scowled, pocketing it and walking off
Izaya walked merrily out of the alley way two blocks over, hands in his pockets as he headed home.
After her shift was over, Ayane started making her way to her apartment, humming softly as she fixed the extra sushi she was gonna bring home to her puppy Shiba, Shigure
In the morning, Makise dialed Izaya's number, laying back on her bed on top of the covers in a tank top and panties, staring up at the ceiling.
Makise blinked, checked the number, then put the phone back to her ear again, sitting up. "Who is this?" She asked.
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