Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise had a tone of distress in her voice when she spoke. "Shizuo..!" She felt some of her panic melt away. "Something horrible has happened to Mika-san, I'm in an alley way a half a block from Russia Sushi behind a small bar of some sort, please hurry..!"
"What?!" Shizuo hung up and apologized to Tom before bolting off at top speed, reaching the alleyway in fifteen minutes flat. His eyes widened when he saw Ayane and he numbly moved over, "What...What happened...?"
Makise had pulled her coat as best as she could around Ayane, tying it with the sash before looking over to Shizuo with sad eyes. "She was jumped." She said softly, looking back at Ayane. "And raped."
Shizuo clenched his fists tight, "Dammit...! Mika...!" He knelt in front of her and touched her cheek, causing her to jerk away from him and whimper. Shizuo scowled softly and pulled out his phone, calling an ambulance
"S-Stop..." Ayane croaked, tears streaking down her cheeks, "P-Please, don't...i-it hurts..." Shizuo gripped his phone tight as he spoke to the dispatcher through gritted teeth
"Shh, I know, it's over now... Just hang in there..." Makise said, frowning heavily and glancing back at Shizuo, feeling his rage.
"That seems to long. She shouldn't stay here for much longer- Can you carry her there, that'll be much faster." Makise said, looking up at Shizuo.
Shizuo nodded and moved over, gently scooping up Ayane. She screamed and thrashed about, "No!! Stop, please!! Let me go!!" "Mika! Mika, relax, it's me!" Shizuo said quickly
Makise winced and glanced out into the street where people had begun to gather. "It's fine, she just has amnesia." She lied smoothly and scattered the people before nodding to Shizuo that he was clear to go.
He cradled Ayane as she began to calm down and he took her to the hospital. When they got there, Shizuo explained that they had called for an ambulance but couldn't wait the thirty minutes they said it would take to arrive. The nurse scowled, grumbling about having to do all this paperwork and having to call the ambulance to get them to come back; which made Shizuo very angry. "My girlfriend was raped and left in an alleyway and you're worrying about paperwork!?!" "S-Sir, I am sincerely sorry...I-I'll call for a doctor right now...!" "Damn right you will!" Shizuo growled. Ayane whimpered, "Shizuo...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." "Sshh...it's alright, Mika...you're gonna be ok now..."
Makise listened to Ayane as she texted quickly on her phone, informing Izaya on what happened to Ayane, who like always, never responded to her texts. Sliding her phone in her sort pocket and moved over to Shizuo, as a couple nurses came out with a gurney and helped Ayane onto it. "I'm so sorry about Mika."
Makise made a face. "I know I just met you and all, but this possibly cannot be your fault." She said.
Makise frowned and flinched when he walked past her, then her phone beeped and she looked down, pulling it out and flipping open her phone and reading it. Her eyes widened and she glanced outside before she went over to the lobby where they had some fresh coffee in the waiting room, poured herself a cup and sat down, sipping it and replying to her text.
The door opened behind Shizuo and suddenly a full cup of hot coffee was poured down his back and Makise took off down the street, looking disappointed in herself.
Makise ran as fast as she could, fighting her tears as she made a hard left into an alley way, leading Shizuo away from the hospital as Izaya slunk in and went to find Ayane.
"You're dead!!" Shizuo used his momentum to rip out a street sign and throw it at her

The doctor wouldn't let Izaya in yet; they were still calming her down and doing a rape kit
Makise barely missed being hit with a street sign as she rounded another corner, blue eyes darting back and forth as she looked for possible routes, jumping over a fallen trashcan.

Izaya nodded, sitting in the waiting room and watching all of the injured people who came in, smirking faintly.
Shizuo continued to chase after Makise, determined to beat her senseless

The doctor soon came to Izaya and told him that he could see Ayane now
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