Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo winced slightly and headed off to see Shinra.

Ayane blushed at his soft purr and cleared her throat, "I feel like I can trust you...maybe not with my life but still...thanks for, uh, visiting, I guess..." She muttered
Izaya stood up and bowed to her. "Of course, Mika-san." He said, then reached into his coat and pulled out a card, holding it out to her. "This is if you ever need anything, no matter what hour or where." He said and then headed for the door.
Izaya waved over his shoulder and left, closing the door behind him and heading off down the hall.
"Why the FUCK did you listen to that bastard!?" Makise was slapped across the face for the third time, wincing and holding back her cry of pain as she kneeled on the ground in front of Daisuke, who looked absolutely pissed, dried blood under his nose. He reached out and grabbed her by her tie, yanking her to her feet and getting in her face. "None of my bitches will ever run from anyone unless I order it, got it?" "Hai..." She muttered and he shoved her away. "Go get something for my nose." He ordered and she left.

Shizuo peeked into Ayane's room and sat next to her, making her smile. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze, "How ya feelin'?" "Ok, I suppose...I still feel...very violated..." She muttered. Shizuo frowned and lowered his head, "I'm sorry, Mika..." He muttered. Ayane kissed his knuckles and smiled weakly, "It's ok, Shizuo...I don't blame you..."
((Yeah~~ To the huge fight~!))

Izaya threw another flick blade and dodged a street sign when Shizuo hurled it, landing on top of a car and throwing three more blades.
Shizuo caught one of the blades in his mouth and crushed it between his teeth as he continued to chase after Izaya. Ayane tried to keep up with them, trying to get Shizuo to stop
Izaya led Shizuo down the street, throwing some blades at a street light and cutting through the base, causing it to fall towards Shizuo.
Shizuo moved out of the way and Ayane stopped before the light hit her, "Guys, please, stop!" She called as she went back to running after them
Izaya jumped up onto a street sign and leapt onto a low roof top, running a ways before he jumped down and headed down into the park.
As Izaya was running past one of the buildings, a street sign that Shizuo had used like a javelin pierced his coat and pinned it to the wall, almost causing him to fall; now he was stuck.
Izaya grinned and looked at Shizuo with a slight shrug. "Is that truly what you want, Shizu-chan?" He asked. "You'd be a murderer; quite the beast~"
"I can live with that." Shizuo smirked. He grabbed a vending machine and held it over his head, "Time to end this game of Cat and Mouse!!"
Izaya only stood there with a small frown, pulling out his switch blade and getting ready to throw it at Shizuo's chest.
Izaya used the switch to slice through his coat and move out of the way in time, but as it flew by him, it went straight for Ayane, who had just turned the corner.
Shizuo's eyes widened and Ayane stood stalk still, "Mika, move!!" He yelled, but it was too late; the vending machine nailed Ayane head on, smashing into her rib cage and breaking a few bones. She dropped to the ground and the vending machine dropped a few feet away from her. "MIKA!!" Shizuo rushed over and dropped next to her. Blood spilled down the side of her mouth as she struggled to breathe
Izaya frowned and looked down at Ayane, concern flashing in his eyes. "My, my Shizu-chan..." He said with a tsking sound. "You really should be more careful."
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