Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ayane made a face, "Well, I'm ninteen years old, I work at Rushi Sushi, I have a Shiba Inu named Shigure, I was dating the strongest man in Ikebukuro, I went to Raira Academy with Shizuo and have known him since elementary..." She said. She smiled sadly, "We had a sandbox marriage when we were kids...he promised he'd always be there for me..."
Izaya made a noise, frowning when she started to trail off and looked absolutely crushed. "Don't be to hard on yourself, Mika-san."
Izaya made a face and shifted in his chair, then he leaned forward and placed a hand on the bed, making sure it was only to get her attention. "Don't think that way."
"Because you have a much more beautiful personality than most women, you should think higher of yourself." Izaya said.

((Flattery gets you everywhere~))
(("Flattery only digs your grave deeper~"))

Ayane blushed softly and scowled, "I would think that you would have a little more respect and wait the proper amount of time before hitting on me."

((Bitch mode activate, BOOP!!))
Izaya blinked in surprise, staring at her before his lip twitched ever so faintly. "Mika-san...? I don't understand, I was merely complimenting you."
Izaya shook his head and grinned brightly. "Don't worry Mika-san, I will always forgive you."
"Hai, don't forget to use the number I gave you~" Izaya said as he walked out, waving over his shoulder and closing the door behind him.
((Poor Ayane...! D': Time for all the whales!!))

At the bar Shizuo worked at, a few guys came in laughing, already drunk and ready to drink more. They sat at the bar and one men slapped the bar roughly with his hand. "Bartender! We need some drinks!" He snapped. "Dude." One man said to the third drunk. "Did you see that chick outside?" He laughed, his friend joined in. "She was totally fucked up." He agreed.

((.__. I love when it rains whales.))
((M'wife, what are you planning?))

Shizuo scowled softly and poured them some drinks, trying to ignore the mass amounts of stupid that radiated from them
((>.> Um...))

"We should have her join our party after we get hammered- Oh wait..." They all broke out in laughter and one grabbed the sake bottle that was on the counter for them. "Let's share- Sharing is caring after all." He slurred as he talked and he stood, swaggering outside with his friends in tow close behind him. Outside they walked the ten steps to the alley way and whistled into the dimly lit street. "Hey, we got you somethin' to drink, come on out- If you don't, we're coming in~" There was no answer and no noise, and this made the men snicker and enter the alleyway. Inside, Makise sat beside a trash can, head hanging down in a bloody mess, her clothes roughed up. "Fuck off." She muttered weakly and the drunks laughed. "We brought some sake for you~" "I said fuck off!" Makise gasped and sputtered when the sake was dumped over her head and she quickly wiped it away from her eyes with her good hand, her other hand crumpled and bruised in her lap, fingers dislocated.
(( :O ))

Shizuo scowled aand went to go investigate what they were doing but Ayane stopped him; telling him to keep working as she went outside.

((Super bitch to the rescue!))
Makise wheezed as they took turns kicking her in her already bruised ribs, now laying on her side as she tried to keep her multiple dislocated fingers away from the kicks, but one of the men's shoes slammed right into her hurt hand and she let out a scream of pain, making white spots appear in her vision, hearing laughter ring in her ears, looking up at the three with her good eye, her other one being swollen shut. Blood matted her hair in the back and her face was covered in bruises.
"HEY!!" Ayane yelled, standing at the entrance of the alleyway, eyes narrowed and cold, "What are you doing to my friend?! Get the hell away from her!!"
As the three turned toward Ayane, Makise curled into a ball, cradling her hand and wiping away tears of pain. "M... Mika-chan...?" She muttered, squinting her eye to make Ayane out, her vision blurry after she got a good kick to her head which split her lip when they then kicked her in the mouth, luckily she had not lost any teeth. "Who's this bitch?" "Dunno, but I guess she wants to have fun too." They chuckled and moved away from Makise, heading for Ayane.
Ayane pulled out one of Izaya's long discarded flick blades from one of his fights with Shizuo that he never bothered to come back for. She scowled and held it forward, a dark aura practically trailing off her form, "You assholes have til I count to three to get out of here." She said
Ayane's threatening aura stopped the men dead in their tracks, exchanging nervous glances before their predatory gaze fell back to Ayane. "This bitch is crazy..!" One of them said and turned, booking it down the alleyway. "I'm outta here!" Another said and followed his friend, the third one looked utterly pissed, but he turned and ran anyway. Makise groaned in pain and blinked blood from her good eye, the cut above her eye re opening and oozing blood slowly.
"No..." Makise said, looking up at Ayane. "Can you help me stand... I can walk home from here..." She said, trying to sit up, legs shaking.
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