Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya watched with half amused eyes, half worried eyes. He made an interested noise and slunk into the shadows, making his way to the hospital as well.
When Shizuo got to the hospital, Ayane was barely alive. They doctor's took her away on a stretcher and Shizuo followed, explaining how he accidentally hit her with a vending machine. The doctor's looked to him disbelieving but didn't argue, telling him to wait in the lobby while they worked on Ayane
Izaya stood in the far corner of the hospital waiting room, watching the distressed Shizuo pace back and forth.
Izaya stood out of Shizuo's line of sight, waiting in the waiting room for five hours when the doctor came out to report to Shizuo.
Shizuo moved over to the doctor and asked how Ayane was fairing. The doctor explained that Ayane would be alright but she had to stay in the hospital for a week or so to recover. "Can I see her?" "Yes, she's resting now, so be quiet." The doctor said and Shizuo nodded, moving quickly to Ayane's room
Once Shizuo left to see Ayane, he pushed off the wall and followed him down the hall, keeping behind a certain distance so he wouldn't be spotted.
Izaya stood in the doorway, watching Shizuo as he moved over to the broken looking Ayane, who was still out cold.
Shizuo frowned and held Ayane's hand. This was the second time he had failed to protect her. He thought long and hard for the week she was there, staying by her side to keep her company
As the week went by, Izaya always stopped by, but never came into the room, always watching with a slightly bored look, smirking when Shizuo slowly began to deteriorate, it looking like the man had been losing sleep over Ayane.
Shizuo perked when Ayane finally woke up and she looked over, "Sh-Shizuo..." "Mika...we need to talk..." Shizuo started. Ayane frowned and her heart rate picked up, "O-Ok...what is it...?" She asked. Shizuo frowned and lowered his head. He couldn't even bear to look at her. "Mika, I think its in your best interest if we split up." He told her. Her eyes widened, "N-Nani...!?" "I nearly killed you, Mika...! I'm dangerous to be around...! I'm a freak...! I...I don't want you getting hurt worse than this..." He muttered. Ayane looked down and nodded, "O...Okay, Shizuo...we're still best friends though...right?" She asked. Shizuo forced a small smile and nodded, "Of course, Mika...nothin'll change that..."
As Izaya listened to the conversation, his smirk grew wider and wider. He leaned against the wall and chuckled lowly, he was now one step closer.
"I'm really sorry...I need to go...Tom needs me..." "Its ok, Shizuo...go ahead..."Ayane slapped on the most convincing smile she had and Shizuo hesitantly nodded before leaving, walking passed Izaya and not giving a single fuck about him. Ayane pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed, body trembling
Izaya knocked on the wall outside the door and entered. "Mika-san...?" He said, pulling on a frown and walking over to her bed. "What's the matter? Are you in pain? Should I call a nurse?"

((Izaya acting... .-. He can do anything.))
Izaya frowned more. "Mika-san, you aren't fine. You're crying." He said with a firm tone, then he softened his approach, though he already knew exactly what had happened. "Do you want to talk about it? I am at your service, remember?"
Ayane sniffled and looked down, "Shizuo broke up with me...because of what happened...but we're still best friends...!" She tried to cheer up from simply knowing that little fact, but it did nothing
Izaya frowned more, something that felt foreign to him. "Mika-san, don't cry, it seems that Shizu-chan was doing that to protect you from any danger."
"I'm sorry." Izaya said, then pulled out a small, sad grin. "Want me to stay and keep you company?"
"Nonsense~!" Izaya took a seat and waved his hand. "It gives me the chance to learn about the beautiful Mika Ayane~"
"I'd still like to hear it from you, it makes it more sentimental that way." He said, fox grin on his face.
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