Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise's legs wobbled and she almost fell when one of her legs gave out. "Gomenasai..." She muttered, looking down in shame. "I think my ankle is sprained... And I can't go to the hospital... He said he'd make the beating worse next time if I did..." She said quietly.
Ayane scowled, "Who did?" She asked firmly, "Maki, who let this happen to you?" "It was that shitty boyfriend, wasn't it?" Shizuo asked, walking over
Makise nodded slowly. "I'm fine really...! This isn't the worst that's happened, I'm just gonna go home and sleep it off...!" She said and tried to part from Ayane, but on her first step she fell to her knees, legs giving out.
"Maki!" Ayane gasped. Shizuo picked Makise up and scowled, "You're going to the hospital." He said firmly. Ayane moved over, "Where's this boyfriend at?"
Makise blinked when Shizuo picked her up and she shook her head. "I don't want to go to the hospital." She said, almost begging Shizuo not to take her there. "Nothing's broken so I'll be fine...!" She said, then pain shot from her dislocated fingers and she clenched her teeth, making a noise of pain. "I-I'll fix myself up at home..." She said and tried to pry herself from Shizuo's grasp; her hair and shirt was damp and reeked of sake.
Makise frowned and gave a slight shrug. "I don't know. Probably off somewhere getting wasted." She muttered, then made a noise. "He'd more than likely be with his friends at the abandoned storage facility. Lots of rooms there for 'private time'." She muttered sourly.
Shizuo made a noise of disgust, "Come on, brat..." He grumbled and carried her off. Ayane chewed on her lip as she made her way to the warehouse where Daisuke was more than likely residing
Makise frowned and looked up at Shizuo. "Please don't take me to the hospital..." She begged, looking at him with scared pleading eyes. "Please.."

Daisuke, who indeed already shit faced, was now being entertained by some of his friends girls, watching with a perverted grin as the blonde sat in the redhead's lap, kissing her heatedly.
Shizuo shook his head, "You need a doctor. Shut up. No ones gonna hurt you, ok?"

Ayane grabbed the flick blade and moved into the warehouse, scowling darkly as she stepped. In slowly
Makise nodded slowly and looked down at her mangled hand, feeling sick to her stomach and closing her eyes with a soft groan. "Arigatou, Shizuo..." She said through the throbbing pain in her head. "What about Ayane...?" She asked, falling back into the state of absent rambling. "Will she be okay...? You should go help her..."

Daisuke didn't even notice Ayane as she entered too focused on his entertainment; his friends were all passed out or busy elsewhere.
Makise nodded and remained silent the entire way to the hospital, feeling like she was going to throw up from the overpowering stench of sake and the pain that made her shake didn't help at all. "I feel like shit..." She groaned.

Daisuke instantly stood up and swayed, looking at Ayane with narrowed eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked, looking her up and down, then stopping and staring at her chest.
"Yeah, I can imagine...don't worry, we're almost there..." Shizuo said

Ayane smiled softly, "Someone you're going to hate~" She pressed the blade to his chin and forced him to look up, "I hear that you bash on a pretty little thing who obeys you to a fault~ and being the Princess of Ikebukuro, I must take care of my subjects~" She said. She pressed the blade harder if he so much as twitched
Makise nodded and closed her eyes as nausea washed over her. "Sh-Shizuo... I hate to be picky, but could you stopping spinning... I feel like I'm gonna be sick..." She muttered weakly.

Daisuke's eyes widened and he heard the two girls scream and run out of the room quickly, causing him to growl lowly. "Who the fuck are you talking about?"
"I'm not spinning." Shizuo said but walked a little slower to keep her from throwing up on him.

"Oh, you don't know~?" Ayane pressed the blade harder, "It's best you don't then~ I'll give you this one and only warning~ if I see any marks on my beautiful friend again, I'm going to take this blade and use it to slice off that tiny pecker you got shriveled up in your shorts."
Makise only grunted in response, opening her good eye when they reached the hospital and a concerned nurse ran over. "What happened...?!" She asked in a panic.

Daisuke growled more and swung drunkenly for Ayane's chin, eyes wide with rage.
"She was jumped in an anyway. Shit got beat outta her...she needs help, obviously." Shizuo said

Ayane scowled and dug the knife into his arm, grabbing his shoulder and pinching a nerve to keep him from using his other arm, "How rude of you to strike at your Princess." She growled
The nurse nodded and called for a gurney, one two nurses appearing with one almost immediately, as they took Makise from Shizuo's arms gently and laid her on the gurney, she looking to Shizuo with her good eye and gave a weak smile. "Arigatou." She said weakly before she was wheeled away. "Sir, how do you know this woman..? Are you related to her in anyway? Did you see who did this to her?" The nurse asked, getting out her pen to take down a report for the cops.

Daisuke let out a scream of pain and he fell back into his chair, tipping over and falling on the floor, groaning in pain when her hit his head on the floor.
"Oh, she's a friend. She's related to Orihara Izaya, if that helps. A few drunks who left my bar decided to wail on her. I found her after hearing them beat on her."

Ayane stepped on Daisuke's balls, growling lowly, "Listen here, fuck nut! If I hear you beat on any more women, I'll be back! Do we have an under-fucking-standing?"
The nurse scribbled something on her notepad and nodded. "And they did all of this to her?" She asked, looking over her glasses at Shizuo. "Does she have a name?"

Daisuke grunted and tried to curl up and protect his manhood, almost whimpering in pain, nodding quickly. "I got it! J-Just leave already!"
Shizuo nodded, "Yeah." He answered blandly.

Ayane smirked and yanked her knife out of his arm, "Good boy." She said and applied more pressure to his testicles before walking off
The nurse blinked and waited for Shizuo to tell her Makise's name. "Would.... You care to tell me her name?" She asked slowly.

Daisuke rolled on the floor in pain, his arm bleeding and holding his family jewels, groaning in pain.
The nurse took down the name and thanked him, heading back behind her desk. "When they're done patching her up you may go see her; she's down the hall on the right, e34."
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