Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

After around an hour, a nurse came out and told Shizuo he could come see Makise now, pointing to her room.
Makise was sitting up in bed, looking over when Shizuo came in, though she was still covered in bruises that were mostly on her face, bandages covered one of her eyes, four stitches on the cut over her good eye and her dislocated fingers where back in place, though still bruised and swollen. "Oh, Shizuo... I didn't know that you stayed." She said in surprise.
Makise made a face. "Arigatou, Shizuo." She said, looking down at her bruised and swollen hand. "If it wasn't for Mika-chan, I don't know what would've happened... I'll have to thank her the next time I see her."
Makise nodded and looked back up at Shizuo. "You don't have to stay.. I know I wouldn't if someone poured hot coffee on me."
Makise shook her head. "It still doesn't make it right." She said softly, then bowed over as far as she could in her position. "Gomenasai." She said.
Makise sat back up and smiled softly, thankful she had company. "Arigatou." She said, motioning with her head to the chair. "Why not sit down?"
Makise looked over to her cup of water and reached for it, her good arm having the I.V drip in it, making her try to use her hurt hand. She grabbed the cup and tried to lift it, but it only slipped from her trembling hand and dropped back onto the table, sloshing some water onto the table. "Shit." She muttered.
Makise finished off her water and nodded. "Thank you, Shizuo." She said, then looked nervous. "How, um, is your arm healing?" She asked, meaning where she had stabbed him.

Izaya waltzed into Russia Sushi, looking around for Ayane before he spotted her and moved over. "Mika-san~!" He greeted with a big grin.
"Hm? Oh, it's fine...Shinra patched it up pretty good..." Shizuo answered

Ayane looked over and smiled, "Ohayo, Orihara-san. Come to eat today?"
"I'm still sorry." Makise said, watching Shizuo, glancing over at his arm where she had stabbed him, as if trying to see where she had stabbed him.

Izaya shook his head. "I came by to see you, Mika-san~!"
Shizuo rolled up his sleeve and showed her the scar on his forearm. "I'm fine."

Ayane smiled faintly, "Well, I have a break in ten minutes if you don't mind waiting..."
Makise's eyes showed her surprise and she slowly gave a nod.

"Not at all...~" Izaya put his arm across his chest and bowed slightly. "For you, I will wait forever." He said and took a seat at a far table, waiting for Ayane.
Shizuo looked when his phone rang and he answered it, "Hello? Yeah...ok...be there soon." He hung up and stood, "Duty calls."

Ayane rolled her eyes unamusedly and continued moving around the restaraunt
Makise nodded, looking slightly disappointed that Shizuo was leaving, but she only nodded. "Alright, thank you for staying with me, good luck." She said and tried a small smile, but didn't get very far with her spilt lip and swollen cheek.

Izaya watched her the entire time. Something seemed to have changed about Ayane but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
"I...uh...could come back...if you want..." He said awkwardly

Ayane came over when her break started and she sat down with a glass of water, "Is there any call for this visit other than wanting to see me?"
Makise perked and blinked. "That sounds nice." She said, nodding. "I'll look forward to it."

Izaya's grin grew. "I wanted to see how you were doing." He said simply.
Shizuo nodded, "Ok...see ya later..." He said and walked out

"I'm fine..." Ayane said, drinking her water, "Saved your sister from her asshole boyfriend..."
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