Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany pulled into the coffee shop parking lot, turning off the car and getting out, going over to Ireland's door and opening it for her and holding out a hand for her so he could help her out of the car.
Ireland smiled and thanked him, going and finding a table to sit at. After about a month or so, Ireland became a little hesitant with Germany; refusing going out to the bar or coffee shop, laying on the couch sluggishly for a couple hours before being bubbly as she always was. It was...odd.
Germany had just made lunch and went to go retrieve Ireland from her room, knocking before entering. "Liebe?"
Germany came in and sat on the bed next to her, rubbing her back gently. "Liebe? Vhat's vrong?"
Germany blinked and stared at her, then gently gathered her in his arms, holding her close. "Liebe...! Zhat's great..!"
Ireland blinked and looked at him, expecting him to leave her and rant about how he wasn't ready to support a child. But here he was, laughing and telling her how happy he was. She smiled and held onto him, laughing joyously
Germany pulled away slightly so he could look down at her. "Vhy didn't you vant to tell me liebe?" He asked.
Germany shook his head, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles softly. "Nein, I vould never leave you."
Germany nodded and stood, waiting for Ireland before he started out of the room.

Alaska snuggled against Prussia watching a movie in his room, curled up on his bed.
Ireland smiled and walked out, "Is Gilb'rt an' Madison joinin' us??"

Prussia held Alaska close, Gilbird perched on his other shoulder
Germany made a noise. "I made enough for all of us, so jah, let me go und see." He said and headed down the stairs, knocking on Prussia's door. "Are you joining us for lunch?" He called, Alaska looked up at Gilbert. "What do you wanna do?"
"Vest's food ist amazing! Jah! Ve'll be up soon!" Prussia called. Ireland sat at the table with a glass of milk, smiling softly
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