Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Oi wan'ed teu ask if ye could watch Cian when Lu'twig an' Oi go on our honeymoon next mont'.." She asked shyly, "We foinally got dhe money saved back ohp an' dhere's no one else we cahn really trust teu watch him."

Prussia looked to her and he faultered, "Zhis...Zhis vas ein bad idea...sorry to have interrupted your day...I'll just...leave..." "Yeah, you better walk away!" America growled as Prussia moved back to the car
Saxony smiled and laughed softly. "Of course I can baby sit Cian, you don't even have to ask, go und have fun."

"Hang on, Gil..!" Alaska weaved around America and hurried after Prussia, grabbing his shirt sleeve gently. "You wanted to talk, so I'll listen."
Ireland squealed and hugged her, "T'ank ye, Monika~! Cian won' be difficult, Oi promise~!" She chirped

Prussia stopped and looked to her, red eyes holding shame and sorrow, as well as regret, "I just vanted to apologize for hurting you...physically und mentally...und I understand your brozher's protective persona right now...I vas ein asshole..."
Saxony wheezed when Ireland hugged her, surprised at how strong her hug was. "I-Ireland...? I can't breazhe..." She said, Thane grabbing at Ireland's fiery hair.

Alaska's shoulders relaxed and she smiled softly, shaking her head. "I've forgiven you, Gilbert, I truly have this time." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. "I just hope you can forgive me..?"
"Oh!" Ireland moved away, blushing, "Sarry, Monika...!"

"Vell...maybe I could...if you joined me for dinner tonight..?" He asked softly
"Don't vorry about it." Monika chuckled softly.

Alaska smiled softly. "I'd be glad to." She said. "Where did you have in mind..?"
Ireland nudged Germany, "Ye've bin awf'ly quiet, ghrà...say somethin'...!"

"Vell, zhere's zhis small little Deutsch resteraunt Vest takes Eire to sometimes vhen zhey go on dates...vant to go zhere...?" He asked
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