Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Scotland couldn't help but smile before it vanished and he stood, "Ah'll be bahk..." He kissed her head and Thane's as well before heading to the door
Ireland was playing with Dublin when her phone rang. She frowned and answered it, "Halloh?" "Speakin' German nao, eh? Yew been with that tossel tew long~" "Iain? Whadda ya doin', ye eejit~!?" She sounded very happy to hear her brother's voice. "Ah need yers and Luddy's hehlp."

"Whadda ye need...?" "Can ye both go and keep Monika and Thane company? Bring Cian, tew. Ah have business that's lawng seence ovar due." "Sure, Iain, Oi'm sure Lu'twig an' Cian would lohv dhat!" "Grayt. See yew kiddies in a couple hours." "Kay, Iain! Geu't luck~!" Ireland hung up the phone and held up her son, who squealed in delight, "Ye git ta see yer cousin, sweethart~! An' yer preggo Auntie, teu~!"
Germany poked his head out of the laundry room, having heard Eire on the phone. "Who vas zhat?" He asked, holding a basket of clean clothes.
"Dhat wuz Iain~! An' he saonds bedd'r!" Ireland cuddled Dublin and looked to her husband, "He wan's us teu go an' keep T'ane an' Monika company whoile he's out."
It didn't take Germany long to finish the clothes, folding them neatly and putting them away before getting ready and going to warm up the car.
Ireland trotted out to the car, holding Dublin as she made her way over and buckled him in before hopping into the car herself and buckling up. "Ready, ghra?" She asked brightly.
Germany locked up the house and got into the car, nodding. "Jah." He said, backing out and heading to Scotland's house.
Saxony opened the door and smiled. "Ireland, Germany, please come in." She said, letting them in, Thane on her hip.
"Hoi, Monika~! Hey dhere, T'ane~! Lookkit, ye, yer soh big nao~!" She gushed. Dublin squealed and reached out to Edinburgh, babbling happily
Edinburgh reached out to Dublin, grinning a toothless grin. "Guten tag, bruder." Germany waved. "Guten tag."
"Oi'm excoited fer dhe surproise Iain's got planned~" Ireland grinned and she moved inside

America sat with Alaska, having pulled her out of the clinic a couple months ago for her better behavior and mental stability. He reached over and held a Mountain Dew slushie in front of her face, "Big Bro's got the Dew~~"

((So, about that smut~))
Saxony nodded, smiling softly and kissing Thane on the forehead. "I'm a bit nervous... Zhat man is unpredictable.." She said.

Alaska grinned and took the cup, taking a large drink. "Man I missed these so much." She said happily.
"Wuhl, he saonded real happy, soh its gotta be geu't...!" Ireland grinned, "Also, nao dhat Oi gotta hold a' ye, Oi wanna ask ye sumt'in' important.."

"Yeah, I bet you did." America smiled. He looked when there was a knock on the door and he got up. Moving over and peeking through the peep hole, he scowled and ripped open the door, "What the hell do you want?" "Ist Maddison home...?" It was Prussia's voice, "I vant to speak to her." "She doesn't want to speak to you, asshole. Beat it."
Saxony looked over, playing with the tuft of red hair on Edinburgh's head. "Jah? Vhat ist it?"

Alaska perked and stood up, setting the cup on the table and moving over. "Hang on, Alfred, don't be rude.. He just wants to talk." She said softly, though there was a glimmer of pain in her eyes.
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