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Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

((We do dhis~))

"Soh, hao's Iain doin', Monika?" Ireland asked, playing with Dublin with her phone between her cheek and shoulder. It had been a few months and Scotland's mood was a rollercoaster. He'd come out of hiding and be happy and be with Thane and Saxony for a few days before going back to hiding and drinking
Monika rested a hand on her stomach, frowning softly. "He's doing... Okay.." She said, being honest, he wasn't horrible and he wasn't great.
"Ah, n-no, I'll be alright, don't vorry!" She said, glancing back at the closed study. "It's about time for lunch anyvay, I'll talk to you later."
Monika hung up and stood up, moving to the kitchen and starting some food before moving to the study and knocking on the door. "Iain..?"
Saxony entered and moved over, cupping his cheek and making him look up at her. "Vhy don't you put down zhe scotch und come eat somezhing..?"
"I'll make vhatever you vant, liebe.." She said, kissing his cheek and holding his hand, gently taking the bottle from him.
She nodded, though she looked like she was on the verge of tears. "Lunch vill be ready soon, vhy don't you get cleaned up..?"
"Jah, you're getting a bit scruffy." She said, cupping his cheek before turning. "Lunch'll be ready soon."
Saxony made some wurst for herself and Scotland's favorite meal for him, setting everything out on the table before washing her hands.
Thane squirmed and grabbed a handful of Scotland's red hair, his own hair starting to grow in a small tuft of red. "Liebe! Vill you bring Zhane out vhen you're done? Lunch ist ready..!"
"Yeah...!" Scotland called back and smiled at Thane, "Lookit yew, ya li'ul buggar...! Yer hayrs growin' all red...! Yer gonna be a lady killar when yew git biggar~" He carried Thane out, smiling proudly
Thane squirmed and smiled at Scotland, waving his hands in the air as they entered the kitchen. "Look who's hungry..~!" Saxony cooed at Thane as they entered the kitchen.
Saxony set Thane in his high chair and got him his baby food. "Vell eat as much as you like, I made extras."
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