Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

She moaned his name loudly, rocking her hips with his as she purred sexy nothings in Gaelic in his ear

"R-Really, liebchen, I'm fine...!" Prussia stuttered
Germany tangled his fingers in her wet hair, giving it small tugs every now and again, kissing up and down her neck.

Alaska nodded and motioned for him to take a seat on the bed as she put the game into Alfred's Xbox and plugging in another controller before taking a seat next to him, her knee brushing his.
Germany felt close to his release as he thrusted into Ireland steadily, his breathing was husky and his eyes closed in bliss.

Alaska was so focused in on the game that she hadn't even noticed when she shifted closer to Prussia, absentmindedly muttering an apology. When there was a loading screen, she glanced down and saw that her leg was pressed against Prussia's and she blushed, moving her leg away. "Sorry."
Ireland's own release clawed steadily closer, causing her to tremble and whimper in bliss

"N-Nein, its ok...!" Prussia said, face flushed
Germany pounded against Ireland, nipping, biting, and sucking, groaning softly against her skin.

Alaska looked over at Prussia, smiling softly. "You know... You're a pretty awesome guy, Gil." She said, setting her controller in her lap.
With a shrill cry of his name, Ireland reached a body rocking end, arching her back

Prussia smirked, "Vell, jah...cuz I'm Awesome incarnate, liebchen~!"
Germany gave one last thrust and he hit his release, letting out a moan and then kissing her neck slowly, moving to kiss her softly on the lips before he slowly released his firm grip on her wrists, resting his forehead against hers and breathing hard.

Alaska giggled and nudged him playfully. "I know~." She said, then after a moment she blushed, catching herself staring up into his eyes.
Ireland grinned from ear to ear, holding onto him as she panted weakly, "Oi luv ye, Lu'twig..."

Prussia couldn't tear his eyes away, "Liebe...?" He asked softly, "Are you alright...?"
"Ich liebe dich, Eire." Germany breathed and lowered her to stand on her own feet.

Alaska felt her stomach flip and she felt a bit light headed, not realizing when she leaned closer slightly. "Yeah... Why...?" She murmured.
Ireland giggled and moved to stand under the water, "Su many Hail Mary's..." She laughed.

Prussia inched closer as well, "You're blushing..."
Germany chuckled softly and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, moving under the water with her.

Alaska leaned up and experimentally kissed him, full on the lips, controller falling from her lap as she moved her body closer to Prussia's.
Ireland giggled, "Oh, boy...Oi wond'r hao Art'ur will react when he foind ou's tha's we've a'ready made luv two toimes...he's been goin' tu Hell an' back lookin' f'r a suitor f'r me..."

Prussia placed his hand gently on the small of her back and pulled her close, returning her kiss gladly
Germany made a soft noise. "A suitor?" He blinked. "He vants to marry you off?" He asked.

Alaska deepened the kiss and slowly crawled onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, closing her eyes.
Ireland frowned and turned to him, "Yeh...Oi didn' wanna tell ye until Oi wuz sure we were toggether, bu's...Art'ur has this ol't tradition he wan's ta keep an' foind me a husband an' have me git marri't..."

Prussia pulled her against him, tangling his fingers in her golden tresses, loving the silken feel
Germany frowned and cupped her cheek. "But is zhat vhat you vant?" He asked.

Alaska made a soft noise and pressed her chest against his.
Ireland shook her head, "Nu...Oi gave moiself tu ye twice...Oi a'ready kno' who Oi wan's tu marry..." She muttered

Prussia laid her down on the bed as his kiss became more heated, running his hand up and down her thigh
Germany rested his forehead against Ireland's smiling softly. "I'm glad you said zhat liebe," He took her hand. "I feel zhe same vay."

Alaska mewled softly as the kiss began to become more feverish and she placed her hand on top of his, leading it up from her thigh, over her side and up to her breast.
Ireland blushed and grinned from ear to ear, "Gawd luvs me then if he bless't me wit' tha ability tu fawl in luv wit' ye, Lu'twig...~"

Prussia kissed and nipped her neck as he groped her supple breast, growling seductively. America finally came home with food, "Maddy! I'm home!" He called
Ludwig gave a small chuckle. "Vhy don't ve get vashed up und zhen go get some coffee?" He offered.

Alaska's mouth opened and she let out a moan, Prussia's growl sending shivers down her spine, making her arch her back and press her hips into his, not hearing America.
Ireland nodded, "Soun's geu't...! Coffee soun's grea's...!"

Prussia ground his hips slowly against hers, sucking on the junction of her neck and shoulder. America frowned when Alaska didn't respond, "Maddy?" He called again
Germany nodded and started to wash up himself, helping Ireland in spots she couldn't quite reach as easily.

Alaska let out another moan, but this time it was louder, shocks of pleasure rippling through her body and making her mewl for more, her hand sliding down and finding its way into Prussia's pants and under his boxers, moaning his name.
Ireland smiled softly when he helped her and tried to help him even though he was much taller than her

Prussia gave a growl mixed with a moan and he bit her neck. America moved up the stairs, figuring Alaska was playing on his XBox
When the two where finished with their shower, Germany got out and held a towel for her, wrapping his around his waist.

Alaska gasped and rolled her head to the side, allowing him more access to her neck as she tugged at his belt, her skirt already pulled up slightly to reveal her blue panties. "P-Prussia..." She whimpered and tangled her free hand in his hair, face flushed.
Ireland thanked him and wrapped the towel around her skinny, small frame. She then made a face, "Dammit...Oi don' haf any cleen clothes..." She muttered. She looked to Germany, embarrassed, "Hope ye don' moind me runnin' 'round in a taol...Oi nee't tu wash moi clothes...."

Prussia growled sexily in her ear, "How bad do you vant me, liebe~?" He purred. America moved down the hall towards his room, wondering why it was so quiet
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