Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany glanced over at Prussia. "Vhat's vrong...?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and driving off.
Germany glanced to Prussia, frowning softly guilt making him clear his throat. "Listen.... Don't beat on yourself..." He said, then straightened up. "I overreacted un I shouldn't have hit you."
"No I didn't." Germany said, pulling into the driveway. "I vas grouchy und I vasnt't zhinking straight."
Prussia made a noise but said nothing. When they got home, Prussia went straight to his room and called Alaska, hoping she'd pick up. Ireland was in the kitchen, dropping scraps to Germany's faithful dogs as she made lunch; dressed in only Germany's uniform jacket that was three sizes too big on her
Alaska answered on the second ring and spoke very quickly. "Are you okay? Are you in any pain...?!" She asked, worry in her voice. Germany entered and looked Ireland over, blushing faintly when he got to her bare legs. "Halloh." He greeted as he entered.
"Mein nose hurts und I have a headache...but, I'm fine, liebchen, don't vorry.." Prussia replied, "Vest vanted me to tell you he's sorry if he scared you..."

Ireland turned and smiled, "Hoi thar, Lu'twig~" She greeted, "Oi made ye one a' moi fav'rit feu'ts...bacon an' cabbage~! Tha boys seem ta loik tha bacon." She giggled and dropped another piece of back bacon to the dogs
Alaska made a noise and shook her head. "Nah, it's totally fine!" She said. "I was just worried for you." She said softly.

Germany watched the dogs snatch up the bacon in seconds, scarfing it down happily. "Danke, zhat's very kind of you." He said.
"I'm fine, liebchen..." Prussia assured

Ireland smiled and nodded, going back to focusing on lunch, "Moi dogs, Seamus an' Liam, luv when Oi make Bacon an' Cabbage."
"But Gil... You sound horrible." She said softly. "Wanna hang out?" She asked, glancing over to America who was playing video games on the couch.

Germany sat down awkwardly at the table, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ireland, may I ask you ein qvuestion?"
America bent back after pausing his game, "What's up with Gil?" He asked. Prussia made a noise, "I don't vant to intrude..."

Ireland set a plate in front of him and smiled, "Wuhl, sure, Lu'twig, ye cahn ask me anythin'...!"
"You aren't intruding...!" Alaska said and looked to America. "I just wanna hang out is all."

"Vhat happened last night?" Ludwig asked in shame, not having remembered the night at all.
America nodded, "Kay, he can come chill."

Ireland smirked and moved over, "Hao cahn ye nawt r'member~? Ye were ein beast~" She purred, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "Oi don' think Oi've ev'r sinned in sa many ways b'for~"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alaska said with a grin. "Come over, Gil we can do whatever you want." She said, jogging upstairs to get dressed.

A memory of last night flashed through Germany's head and he gasped at the vision of Ireland up against the headboard, mouth open in a perfect O.
Prussia chuckled, "Ok, liebchen...I apologize in advance for mein face, zhough..."

Ireland kissed his neck, "Oi'll hafta go to Confession latt'r an' say many Hail Mary's, bu's Oi bin geu't...Gawd'll f'rgive me..."
Alaska waved her hand, picking out a shirt. "Don't even worry about it dude...!" She said dismissively."See you soon...!"

Germany made a noise and turned around, kissing her softly on the cheek. "I'm sure he vill." He said.
Ireland smiled softly, "Did'ja mean it...? Wha'cha sai't las' noigh's?"

Prussia nodded, "Jah, jah, ok..." He said and hung up, changing into something comfortable
Surprisingly, the one thing Germany did remember from last night was when he told Ireland that he loved her. He flashed a smile and nodded. "Jah, I did."

Alaska changed into a tank-top and skirt, jogging downstairs and sitting beside America on the couch. "What'cha playin'?"
Ireland blushed and grinned from ear to ear before cupping his face and pulling him into a sweet kiss

"Some game called Borderlands. It's slow but good. I've got, like, a hundred freakin' headshots!" America grinned
Germany pulled her closer, returning her kiss and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Alaska blinked. "What...!? Is that even possible...!?"
Ireland pressed against him, tangling her fingers in his hair. "Uh...Vest?" Prussia peeked in, causing Ireland to pull away, blushing

"Yeah, dude, watch!" America made his character - Lilith - run forward and hide behind a wall. Peeking out and peering into his sniper's scope, he took aim and shot a Bandit in the head, causing the NPC to explode. ((They really do that...))
Germany looked over to Prussia, blushing as well, but not loosing his grip on Ireland's hips. "Jah? Vhat is it?"

Alaska cheered and grinned. "That's fuckin' awesome!!" She said excitedly.
"I'm going over to Alfred und Madison's house for a vhile...just zhought you should know..." He said, ignoring the fact that Ireland was only in his brother's jacket and pulled against him intimately.

"Right!? I love this game!!" America cheered
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