Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Ireland cried out, intense shocks of pleasure shooting up her spine; making her body go numb and her mind fuzzy. All she could register was the amazing pleasure Germany was making her feel
Germany continued to thrust against her, leaving small marks and bite marks all over her body as the night wore on, leaning up to kiss her, moaning against her mouth.
Germany felt close to his release as well, moving in sync with Ireland and tugging at her long red hair, groaning and moving to kiss her neck again.
With a loud cry of his name, Ireland reached her euphoric high; arching her back so she was pressed flush against him, clenching her fists tight as every muscle tensed and relaxed
At the same time, Germany released deep inside Ireland, making a noise of pure bliss before he slowly moved to lay on his back, letting Ireland rest on top of him as he panted.
Germany had his muscular arms wrapped around Ireland, keeping her close and kissing her forehead. In the morning, Germany still had Ireland close to his chest, sleeping heavily.

"Whaaaaat...?!" Alaska gasped, blushing softly and giggling. "Are you serious? Germany and Ireland went at it?" She asked Prussia, video chatting the Prussian man.
"Kesese~! You vouldn't believe how loud zhey vere, Madison~! I svear, zhe whole neighborhood could hear zhem!" Prussia said with a grin

Ireland nestled against Germany, head against his chest.
Alaska laughed and covered her mouth. "I am so sorry you had to endure that, Gil." She said, giggling madly. "Man, not even Denmark gets that drunk!"
"From you~?" Alaska teased. "I thought you were a good boy..~!" She laughed slightly, brown eyes flickering with playfulness.
Alaska laughed more and blinked when a blushing and hung-over Germany entered Prussia's room, clothed and groggy. "Vhat are you doing?"
Prussia jumped and let out a small noise of surprise, turning swiftly after minimizing his blog, "Vest...!" He greeted softly, "Guten morgen, mein bruder...! I trust you slept vell, vhat vis zhat Irish jewel in your bed~"
Germany looked to Alaska, who was trying to hide her laughter, but was failing. "It is none of your business, bruder." He muttered. "Und vhat is she giggling about?"
"Nozhing, nozhing, she's ein silly frau. Kesese~ liebchen, cease your laughter, jah?" Prussia requested, nearly pleading into his mic
"O-Of course...!" Alaska straightened up and held a straight face, Germany glancing over to the much-to-innocent looking Prussia.
Germany stared for a moment longer, before he grunted and headed out of the room, going to the bathroom to retrieve the aspirin. "That was so close...! I'm sorry dude!"
Alaska nodded, giggling more, but stopped, paling and slowly motioning for Prussia to turn around. "As long as I don't read your blog...?" Germany growled. "Vhat's on your blog?"
Prussia's eyes widened in sheer horror and he slowly turned, " know, Vest....zhe usual...zhings zhat zhe Awesome me does everyday..."
Alaska looked down quickly to avoid Germany's hard glare at his brother. "Zhat is ein lie!" He growled and moved closer. "Vhat. Did. You. Post?"
Prussis tried to back away but his chair only hit his desk, making his escape futile. "Ah...V-Vell...don't be mad, Vest...but...I blogged about vhat happened between you und Eire...! But, I svear, I didn't go into detail!"
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