Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany's eyes filled with rage and he clenched his fist, bringing it back and slamming it into Prussia's nose, hard. Alaska screamed and covered her mouth, eyes wide, then her video feed went black and she disappeared.
"Scheisse!!" Prussia hissed and smacked his head against his desk, falling out of his chair, groaning in pain. His vision was blurry and unfocused as he tried to sit up.
Germany realized what he had done and mentally kicked himself, kneeling beside Prussia. "Vhy?" He asked.
Germany shook his head and hooked his arm under Prussia's and helped him stand, going to the kitchen,, sitting him down at the table, writing a note for Ireland, telling her that he went to go take Prussia to the hospital and that he'd be back soon enough, then he went and helped Prussia stand again and walked him to the car. He got in himself after he loaded the confused Prussia in and drove to the hospital.
Blackie, Berlitz and Aster managed to get into the bedroom and curled up with Ireland; since Germany's scent was all over her, they didn't really find her a threat - so they kept her company while she slept

Prussia laid against the seat, dazed and confused, "Vhere are ve going, Vest? Are zhe Allies attacking again...? Send out zhe Tiger Tanks zhis time..."
"Nein." Germany said as he parked at the hospital, getting out and helping Prussia out of the car as well, closing the door and heading inside, filling out a quick form before a nurse came out and took Prussia to a room to get checked out.
Prussia slapped the nurse's hand away, scowling, "Don't touch me, hure! Do you have any idea who I am!? I am Gilbert Veillschmidt!! Zhe founder of zhe Königreich Preußen!! Und you vill treat me vis zhe highest respect!!" He turned and face Germany, "Vest! Vhy are ve here!? Ve should be planning our next attack on zhe Allies vis der Fuhrer!"
Germany flushed slightly and he marched over to Prussia. "Please forgive him, I zhink he has ein concussion." He said, the nurse nodding slowly and calling over a few more nurses to help escort him his room. "Just go vizh zhem, you're injured."
"Vhat? I don't feel injured. Vell, mein head hurts ein little...ach, und mein nose...Vest, did I get into ein fight vis somevun? I don't remember anyzhing...!" Prussia said as he was escourted
Germany sighed, and followed, just in case Prussia tried to attack a nurse or doctor. "Jah, ve fought." He said, keeping a catious eye on him.
"Vhat? Ve did? Vhy?" Prussia was pushed onto an examination table and he shot a warning glare at the doctor before returning his attention to Germany.
"It's ein long story." Germany said, staying in the room with Prussia. "Just let zhe doctors vork, zhey're going to take gut care of you."
Prussia nodded, "Jah, jah..." He muttered, watching the doctor closely. He then looked up to Germany, smirking, "So, Vest. Did zhat frau, Eire, finally decide to join us in zhe var? I know she has feelings for you. I'm sure she vould do anyzhing to please you~ Kesese~"
Germany flushed when a nurse glanced at him with a curious face and he shot a glare at Prussia. "Gilbert, please, be qvuiet und let them vork."
"I see~ So you paid her ein visit~ how badly did you beat her zhis time, Vest~? Did she beg for you to stop~? Did she say she loved you after you beat her vis in ein inch of her life~?" Prussia's red eyes flashed with a sick satisfaction as he awaited Germany's answer
Germany looked nervous look when a couple doctors stopped and looked over at Germany, who ground his teeth. "He's gotten into all zhese veird vebsite on zhe interveb; fantasy roleplaying." He said, shaking his head.
Prussia scowled softly and was about to say something but slowly lost consciousness as the doctor sedated him. "We'll have to preform surgery to fix his nose. You'll have to wait in the waiting room."
Germany nodded and stood up, walking out of the room and going to sit in the waiting room, sitting down with a heavy sigh.
After a few hours of surgery, the doctor came out to Germany and told him that Prussia would be alright and that he could go home
Germany nodded, moving to the front desk and filling out the release form for Gilbert before he went to go retrieve him.
Prussia was sitting up at the edge of his bed, gently rubbing his head, "Scheisse, I feel like I vas hit in zhe face vis ein cinder block..." He mumbled. He looked up when Germany came in and he smiled nervously, "H-Halloh, bruder!"
Germany made a noise, moving over to Prussia, making a face at his brothers slightly jumpy attitude. "Jah... Vell, ve need to get going, can you valk...?"
Prussia frowned, knowing he had messed up this time, "J...Jah...I can valk..." He muttered and stood, slowly moving over and following Germany out
Germany walked out to the car in silence, unlocking the door and getting in. "You'll have to tell frauline Alaska zhat I didn't mean to frighten her." He said as he put the key in the ignition and started the car.
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