Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Oh, uh jah." He said, then gave a small awkward cough. "Zhe keys are by the door." He said.

Alaska giggled and leaned back on the couch. "Can I play later?"
Prussia nodded and moved to the door without another word, grabbing the keys and leaving. Ireland frowned, "Is he a'kay...?"

"Oh, totally! There's splitscreen so we can play together!" America told her
Germany sighed softly. "I zhink zhat he's upset about our fight earlier."

"Sweet." Alaska smiled, then jumped up and went to the kitchen, shuffling around for food before she stuck her head out. "Alfie... There's no food, can you go shopping...?" She pleaded, batting her eyelashes.
Ireland frowned, "Oi'm sorry, mo ghra..." She muttered. She kissed his forehead, "Ye keep eatin', Oi don' wanna distract ye..."

America looked back, "What? No food? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, ok." He shut off his game and jumped up, "Be back soon!"
Germany kissed her cheek. "It isn't your fault, don't vorry about it liebe, I'll take care of it vhen he gets back." He said and continued to eat.

Alaska played with her malamute Kody, rubbing his belly when he rolled onto his back, but he jumped up and started barking when the doorbell rang and Alaska got up, moved over to the door and opened it, smiling brightly up at Prussia. "Hey...!"
Ireland smiled and nodded, "A'kay...anyway, Oi'm gonna take a shao'r! Yer free ta accompany me~" She winked and headed towards the bathroom

Prussia smiled weakly, a little embarrassed by how his newly fixed nose looked, "Halloh, liebchen.."
Germany watched her hips sway as Ireland headed into the bathroom; immediately abandoning his food and following after Ireland into the bathroom, spinning her around and kissing her heatedly.

Alaska gasped at the horrible bruising around Prussia's battered nose and she took his hand, pulling him inside. "Dude...! Are you okay...?!" She asked worriedly, pulling him to the couch so she could look at his nose better.
A moan of surprise sounded from Ireland's chest and she kissed back just as heatedly, gripping Germany's shirt and tugging on it as she pulled herself closer to him

"Jah, I'm just hurts..." Prussia answered
Germany pressed her against the wall and tugged his shirt over his head, breaking the kiss for a moment as he did so, then he started to slowly fumble with the buttons on the overcoat Ireland had on, slowly pushing it off of her shoulders and letting it drop to the floor.

Alaska shook her head. "It honestly doesn't look as bad as you think." She said softly. "Don't worry, your face is still as awesome~" She said, then gave a small flirtatious wink.
Ireland blushed darkly as she stood naked before Germany, shyly digging her nails into the wall under her; she looked away, embarrassed and self-conscience

Prussia's cheeks flushed and he looked away, "Uh...v-vell...zhank you, liebchen..."
Germany pulled away and stroked her cheek gently, looking down at her. "Vhat's zhe matter, liebe...?"

Alaska giggled and leaned back on the couch, putting her hands behind her head and relaxing. "So what do you feel like doing on a fine day like today?"
Ireland blushed more, "Oi jus'...Oi don't think Oi look awl tha's geu't..." She muttered and tried to cover herself.

"Oh...I don't know..." Prussia answered
Germany frowned and pulled her closer, kissing her shoulder. "I zhink you look vunderbar, liebe." He said.

Alaska made a nose. "You okay, Gil, you seem really down in the dumps..."
"Jah~" Germany said and nipped her shoulder teasingly, pressing himself closer to her.

Alaska frowned and put her hand on Prussia's. "Dude, you can't keep beating yourself up about that..."
Ireland mewled and raked her nails up his back, "Ye jus' wanna haf fun here or gu tu tha shao'r loik Oi offer't~?"

"Jah, I can." He answered
Germany groaned lowly as she raked her nails up his back, then he picked her up and carried her down the hall and to the bathroom, closing the door behind him with his foot.

Alaska made a noise and gently placed a hand on his chin to turn his head so she could look him in the eye. "Gilbert, this isn't like you and you don't deserve to bash on yourself." She said softly. "Please..."
Ireland giggled softly and kissed his neck, "Yu'll turn me intu a sinn'r if ye keep this up, mo ghra~" She purred

Prussia frowned and took breath, "You're right, liebchen! I shouldn't be so down! Vest vill forgive me! I'm sure of it!"
Germany made a noise as he slipped from his pants and boxers, taking her into the shower and turning on the warm water, leaning her against the wall and taking both her hands and pinning them on either side of her head, kissing her deeply as the water ran down his back.

Alaska smiled and nodded. "We can play a video game if you want? All the games are in Alfred's room, so..." She took his hand gently and lead him up the stairs and into America's room, looking through his infinite game collection. "See anything that catches your eye?"
Ireland stood on her tip toes as she hooked one of her legs around his waist, returning his kiss gladly

Prussia found himself staring at her rear end, "Oh, jah..." He muttered. He then blushed and shook his head, "I-I mean, nein! Not yet!"
Germany lifted her off the ground and thrusted into her swiftly, groaning softly and holding her close by the hips.

Alaska blinked and looked back at Prussia, blinking and then giving a small laugh before going back to looking at the games, not noticing Prussia's wandering eyes.
Ireland arched her back and moaned loudly, digging her nails into his shoulders

Prussia blushed heavily as he stared at her more than appealing rear end and swallowed hard
Germany let a groan escape his lips and he moved faster, kissing and nipping her neck.

Alaska pulled out a game and turned to Prussia. "Have you heard of Bioshock? It's really cool." She said with a grin, then stopped and blinked. "You okay...?" She moved closer and placed a hand on his forehead. "You're flushed."
Ireland moaned his name breathlessly, wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing him deeper, making her moan louder

"I-I'm fine...!" Prussia said quickly, blushing more
Germany bit her neck cheeks flushed and the shower becoming filled with steam from the hot water.

Alaska made a noise and nodded. "You sure? You can lie down if you don't feel good." She said and motioned to Alfred's bed.
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