Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska snuggled close to Prussia, holding his hand and petting his hair soothingly. Germany waited upstairs, a little unnerved and worried that he had let Ireland go off on her own, getting up he made up his mind and grabbed his keys, heading for the front door.
Alaska leaned up and kissed his jaw bone, smiling up at him. "Prussia...!" Germany's voice rang out from upstairs. "I'm going to Ireland's I'll be ein vhile." He called before heading out to the car and driving off, driving to Ireland's house and parking his car and getting out, walking to the front door and knocking.
Prussia grinned, "Ve have zhe house to ourselves~"

"Iain, stahp!" "Yew careless littl' brat!" There was the sound of glass breaking and Ireland screaming. "Iain!!" N. Ireland yelled, "Ye fuck, she's wit' choild!"
Alaska giggled and leaned up, turning around and kissing him softly. "And what do you wanna do~?"

Germany didn't even knock twice; his heavy boot made connected with the door and it instantly gave way, Germany storming inside and looking for Ireland.
"Vell, vhat I vant to do ist very lewd~ und Alfred might be very angry vis me~" Prussia purred

N. Ireland was cradling the unconscious Ireland, her left wrist swollen and already bruised from Scotland death gripping it in his rage. N. Ireland looked up at Germany and Scotland glared at the blonde, "Git out!" "Lu'twig...! She's foin! She hit h'r hea't an' h'r wrist is only spran't...!" N. Ireland explained
Alaska made a low noise. "I don't plan on telling him~" She purred and let her hand slide down to his groin.

Germany didn't care if Ireland was play sleeping with movie-makeup bruises, he made his way quickly over to Iain and pulled his fist back, slamming it into the Scotsman's noise with a satisfying crunch.
Prussia growled and scooped her up, carrying her to the bed

Scotland fell back, holding his nose and groaning in pain. N. Ireland picked up Ireland and pulled her to a safe distance. Scotland stood and looked at his glove, seeing it covered in blood. He glared and swung a hard left hook, cracking Germany in the jaw
Alaska wrapped her legs around his waist as she kissed his neck, biting down to his collar bone.

Germany grunted and stumbled, Scotland's hard punch made Ludwig's teeth rattle and see black spots, but he swung his fist up in an uppercup, then he pummeled Scotland hard in the gut, knocking him back against the wall.
Prussia growled seductively and laid her down, getting on top of her and kissing her heatedly

Scotland hit the wall with a grunt before heel kicking Germany hard in the chest, "Yew tossle!! Eire isn't old enough tew have a child!! Do yew plan on marrying her!?" Scotland punched Germany hard in the face, "Supporting her and tha child!? Yew ruined Eire's life!!"
Alaska returned his heated kiss, working on the buttons on her shirt and quickly shrugging it off, all while holding the kiss

Germany stumbled back and held his broken nose, then moved closer and slammed his elbow into the side of Scotland's head, sweeping his feet out from under him. "Jah! I do plan to do all zhat! Because I love her!" He snapped as he pinned Scotland's arms down to stop the fight.
Prussia pulled off his tank top as he nipped and sucked on her neck

Scotland growled and struggled, "I won' let yew turn my sister into a baby factory you German tossle!!"
Alaska moaned Prussia's name and tangled her hands in his hair, giving it a few light tugs before she stopped and gently pushed him away, undoing the button on her pants and pulling them off, then she leaned forward and started to kiss and nip his chest, pulling him closer again.

"Zhat isn't vhat I vas going to do you dummkopf!" Germany snarled back as he struggled to keep Scotland down. "I never planned for her to get pregnant, but she did und zhat is mein child zhat she's carrying und I love her all zhe same!"
Prussia made a small purr like sound and tangled his fingers in her silken gold tresses, pulling her back up gently to kiss her deeply as he worked on undoing his pants.

Scotland ground his teeth and smashed his forehead into Germany's nose, bringing his knee up into the blonde's gut, "Don' feed me that bullshit!!"
Alaska kissed him back, moaning softly against his lips as she helped him with his pants, blushing faintly.

Germany made a noise of pain as his already broken nose was hit again, wheezing when he was kneed in the gut, making him stumble back, holding his gushing nose. "None of zhat is ein lie!!"
Prussia practically ripped his pants off and ground against her roughly, growling seductively in her ear

Scotland growled and pulled out his revolver, pointing it at Germany. "Iain!" Ireland moved into the room quickly, wobbling from her pounding head, "Plees, Iain, don' hurt him!" "I won' let him use yew, Eire!" "He ain' usin' me, Iain, plees!! Oi luv him!!" She ran to Germany and threw her arms around him, "Stahp, plees!!" "Iain." Scotland's gaze landed on N. Ireland, who had his Colt pointed at the Scotsman, "Let her love and be with who she wants. If its a mistake, she'll come back." Danny growled, his accent gone.
Alaska whimpered and bit his shoulder lightly, clawing at his back and mewling softly, face flushed. "G-Gilbert...!" She whined, exposing her neck to him.

Germany held Ireland tightly, moving his back towards the gun so even if Scotland did shoot, it'd hit him before it'd hit Ireland.
Prussia smirked, biting and sucking on her neck as his hands roamed her body

"Put the gun down, Iain." N. Ireland snarled. Scotland growled lowly and lowered the gun, N. Ireland coming over and taking it away from him
Alaska mewled softly and took one of his hands, leading it down and pushing it into her red lacey panties, her breath hitching in her throat.

Germany slowly stood, helping Ireland stand as well, turning to face Scotland and Northern Ireland, looking at they two through his throbbing headache.
Prussia teased her through the lace, purring sexy German nothings in her ear

"C'mon, Lu'twig, ye nee't tu sit daon..." Ireland said gently, taking him to the kitchen and getting him an ice pack, "We'll take ye tu tha hospital seun..."
Alaska moaned and kissed up his neck, making small bite marks as she did so, moving so she opened her legs for him, whimpering in need.

Germany nodded, and wobbled before he made his way to the kitchen table and sat down, wiping blood away from his mouth.
"How bad do you vant me, liebe~?" Prussia growled seductively

Ireland frowned and placed an ice pack on his head before calling the hospital.
"I-I want you badly..." She moaned as she pressed her hips against his, tugging at his boxers.

Germany thanked her and held the icepack against his head, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.
Prussia smirked and teasingly removed her panties, running his fingers along her wet folds to distract her as he removed the last article of his own clothing

After getting annoyed with the nurse talking to her, Ireland hung up the phone and moved towards Germany, "C'mon, mo ghra, we're goin' tu tha hospital..." She told him
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