Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

America was trembling with rage, glaring death at Prussia, "You took advantage of Maddy! She's too young for that!" "A-Alfred, your legal age of consent ist 18...she's 19...she's old enough..." "Shut up!!" America pumped the shotgun and Prussia gulped
Alaska's eyes went wide when she saw America pointing his shotgun at Prussia and she froze in terror. "A-Alfred... What are you doing...?! Put that down before someone gets killed!"
"That's the point." America said lowly, eyes narrowed at Prussia. The blonde's eyes widened slightly, "A-Alfred, calm down...we can talk this out..." "There's no more room for talking, Gil. You crossed the line." America growled and pulled the trigger, shooting Prussia in the stomach. Prussia gasped and dropped to his knees, falling onto his side
"NO!" Alaska screamed and ran over to Prussia, gathering him up in her arms and holding him close, tears already falling from her eyes as she rocked him back and forth gently. "G-Gil...?" She wiped the hair from his face, leaving small bloody smudges on his forehead, causing for her to gasp and look at her hands before trembling uncontrollably, they were already covered in Prussia's blood and she gave a low wail. "No... No... No, no, no, no!" She looked to America, feeling her head start to buzz. "C-Call an ambulance...!" She snapped at him.
"L...Liebe..." Prussia's eyes were barely open, his voice just above a whisper. America suddenly felt guilt and shame over power him and he ran to call 911. Prussia looked at the blood on his fingers and smiled weakly, "Sch-Scheisse, zhat's ein lot of blut...I haven't seen mein ein long time..."
Alaska bit her lip hard, almost to the point of it bleeding. "D-Don't talk, Alfred's gonna call for help and you're gonna be all better... O-Okay..? J-Just stay awake.." She pleaded, rocking him gently as she held him in her lap, choking back her sobs so she wouldn't upset Prussia.
"Stop talking...!" Alaska said, panic in her voice as she watched the blood come steady from the wound in his stomach; thinking quickly and pulling her shirt over her head, not caring to unbutton in and using it to apply pressure to his wound, cover her breasts with her arm as she held the shirt against the bloody mess with the other.
Alaska numbly pulled on the jacket and zipped it up, watching the slow rise and fall of Prussia's chest that slowly started to grow slower and weaker.
By the time the ambulance arrived, Prussia was barely alive. They carted him into the ambulance and before they closed the doors, America told them to take Alaska with Prussia. They agreed and pulled her into the ambulance and drove to the hospital, trying to keep the German alive
Alaska sat in the back of the ambulance, staring blankly ahead and looking pale. When they arrived at the hospital, they removed Prussia from the ambulance quickly and rushed him to the OR. Alaska was escorted from the ambulance, where she stood on the sidewalk for a moment before she doubled over and emptied the contents of her stomach, sobbing again as she trembled, feeling light headed and confused. She looked around with watery eyes, her breath becoming quick and shallow, and she started to break out in a sweat.
America called Ireland's house to let her know, but N. Ireland ended up answering and he was told to tell Ireland at the hospital of what had occurred. N. Ireland nodded and ran to the hospital Ireland and Germany were in. He found Ireland and pulled her aside, telling her the news away from earshot of Germany in case he awoke. Ireland covered her mouth and looked back at her sleeping lover. How could she tell him?

America pulled up to the hospital and found Alaska, parking and jogging over to her. "M-Maddy...?" He called out to her weakly, "Maddy, I'm really sorry...God, I hope you can forgive me..."
Germany opened his eyes slowly when he heard the door click open again and he sat up, rubbing his jaw gingerly. "Liebe....?" He said, able to speak.

Alaska couldn't speak, she fell against America and clung to him tightly, sobbing hard. She shook her head and tried to speak, but all that came out was more sobs.
Ireland came back in and smiled weakly, "Hoi, mo ghra..." She move over and gently smoothed out his hair, "H-Hao ar' ye feelin'...?"

America held her tight and pet her hair, cooing and whispering sweet nothing's to her, trying to get her to calm down
Germany frowned at her sudden odd behavior. "Eire? Vhat's going on?" He asked.

When Alaska finally got words out it was just before she pulled away from America. "I-I feel sick..." She choked out before she doubled over again and threw up in the bushes, this making her cry more from embarrassment, slowly sinking to her knees.
Ireland shook her head and forced a smile, "Nuthin'~! Whoi woul't anythin' be wrong, mo ghra?"

America frowned and moved over, "Maddy, you're stressed...relax...slow, deep breaths, ok?" He took her hand and held it tight, hoping to comfort her
Germany made a face and nodded. "I'm surprised zhat Prussia isn't here." He said and looked around, expecting the German to jump out at any moment.

Alaska tried to slow her breathing, but ended up dry heaving for five minutes straight, having thrown everything up. After a while she leaned against America, eyes puffy and red from crying and her cheeks tear stained. "I-Is he gonna b-be o-okay...?" She hiccuped.
Ireland covered her mouth and closed her eyes tight, fighting her tears. She inhaled to calm her breathing and smiled, "H-He should be here seun, luv...j-just rest..."

America frowned, not really knowing the answer. But after hurting her like he did, he just wanted to give her some form of comfort and hope, "Yeah, Maddy...he'll be fine..."
Germany made a face, but complied and gave a nod before hesitantly leaning back and closing his eyes again.

Alaska stood shakily and moved over to America, clinging to him tightly once more and sniffling. "C-Can we go inside...?"
Ireland kissed his head and sat by him, holding his hand

"Yeah, Maddy, we can go inside..." America said softly and helped her walk in, sitting her down and going to ask for the progress on Prussia
Alaska rocked back and forth in her chair, hugging herself and staring blankly at the floor, muttering softly to herself before she suddenly fell forward on the ground, falling into shock of seeing Prussia get shot and all of his blood.
"Maddy!!" America ran over and a few nurses picked Alaska up, helping her onto a crash cart and carting her away. America removed his glasses and covered his face, dropping into a chair and crying
Alaska trembled as she was carted away, eyes closed, being out cold and pale. "Alfred...!" A blonde woman with dark blue eyes came in and sat beside America. "Vhat zhe hell happened..? Is Madison alright...? I saw her collapse." The German woman said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Any news on Gilbert?"
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