Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony shook her head, rubbing his back comfortingly. "I vould have done zhe zame zhing, Alfred." She said softly, though she did look upset, she kept calm.
"I don't know what I was thinking...! Why did that seem like such a good idea...!? Maddy probably hates me so freakin' much right now!" He cried
"I don't zhink Madison could ever hate you, Alfred." Saxony said, frowning heavily. "Zhe's your little sister und zhe loves you very much."
"I shot her boyfriend." He said softly, hoping no one would here, "I'm surprised you aren't beating the shit out of me for it!"
Saxony made a noise. "Ve'll talk about zhat later... Now isn't zhe right time." She said softly.
Saxony reached into her coat and pulled out her flask, holding out the drink to him. "It's scotch. I'm more of a beer person, but zhis helps too."
Saxony patted his back and took the flask away after a good amount, so he wouldn't get drunk. "Vhy don't you go see if you can see Alaska."
The nurse at the front desk made a quick call before she told him that she had been had been taken to a room, Alaska having hit her head on the fall so she would have to stay for a while so they could be sure she didn't have a concussion.
The nurse made a noise, not looking up from her computer. "Yes, she should be waking up soon." She scribbled down the room number. "Second floor, I-32." She said and held out the paper.
Alaska had a red, swollen bump on her forehead, her eyes were closed but she looked more calm, mouth slightly open as she slept. She looked much younger in her vulnerable state, peaceful.
Alaska twitched at America's voice and she groaned faintly before opening her brown eyes, slowly looking over to America. "Al-Alfie...."
Alaska nodded and looked up with hazy eyes. "What happened...? Why am I in a hospital bed?" She asked, starting to sit up. Saxony had went up to go check on Germany, but stopped when she saw Northern Ireland outside his door. "Danny, vhat are you doing here?" She asked as she approached.
"You went into shock..." America frowned.

N. Ireland looked over and waved slightly, "Oi tol't Eire abou's Gil...Oi dunno if she's gonna tell Lu'twig er naw's..."
Alaska blinked, confused. "I went into shock....?" She blinked. "Why don't I remember anything....?"

Saxony made a face. "He needs to know. Of course... He isn't going to be very happy about it, but zhis isn't somezhing to hide from him. Just be prepared, jah?"
"Because you went into shock...!" America laughed sadly, new tears filling his eyes

N. Ireland frowned, "Wuhl, Eire ain' gonna do i's..."
Alaska frowned when she saw the buildup of tears in America's tears and she leaded close and hugged him tightly.

Saxony nodded. "Just get ready for ein very angry German..." She muttered and walked in, flashing Eire a sad smile before taking a seat beside Germany, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Ludvig?" She called softly and he opened his eyes, looking over at her. "Monika...?" He asked, sitting up slowly. "Vhat's going on?" He asked. Saxony glanced to Ireland and frowned. "It's Gilbert, Ludvig." She said and he made a face. "Is he here? He doesn't really need to be, I'm fine." "Nein, bruder, Gilbert vas zhot by America, he's in surgery now und ve don't know if he'll make it or not." Germany's eyes went wide. "Vhat?"
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