Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Madison moaned and worked at removing her bra, pulling Prussia closer so she could kiss him, her kisses becoming feverish. On the floor where her pants lay, her phone was lit up, the caller ID listed was none other than America, and the call had been going for about thirty seconds now, long enough for him to get a good enough idea of what was taking place.

Germany nodded slowly, standing up and heading for the front door, which was on the ground, having been kicked down.
America's face was a deep crimson, hand over his mouth to keep from screaming in pure rage. After their last bits of clothing were removed, Prussia placed himself at her entrance, "I von't lie...zhis vill hurt, liebe...are you ready?"

Ireland helped him to her car and took him to the hospital, kissing his knuckles affectionately, "Don' warry, mo ghra...yu'll be wuhl taken car' ov..."
Alaska nodded and kissed down his neck softly, stopping at the junction of his neck and shoulder and sucking on it, preparing herself for him.

Germany felt like his jaw was made of lead and he could only nod, not able to speak; his jaw had been dislocated.
Prussia groaned softly and slowly pushed into her, moaning lowly.

When they got to the hospital, Ireland made Germany their top priority; watching them take him away and she moved to fill out paperwork
Alaska bit down on his shoulder, whimpering softly in pain, her nails digging into Gilbert's back; her hips gave a small buck and she moaned.

Germany was taken down the hall to get his jaw re-located and have his nose fixed.
Prussia groaned softly and fully sheathed himself inside her, kissing her tears of pain away, "Tell me vhen you vant me to move..." He whispered in her ear

Ireland waited around, gripping her cross and praying
Alaska wrapped her legs around his waist and nodded, leaning up to kiss him, giving him the okay to move.

After a couple hours Germany, who was still slightly sedated was resting comfortably in his hospital room, nose bandaged up.
Prussia began to slowly thrust, wanting her to get used to his massive size.

A nurse came up to Ireland and told her that she could see Germany. Ireland moved into Germany's room and sat next to him
Alaska moaned and pulled him close, kissing him roughly on the neck, her warm breath against his neck as she moaned his name breathlessly.

Germany laid there with his eyes closed, only opening them when Ireland sat down, slowly reaching over and taking her hand.
Prussia growled and began to move harder, her name slipping past his lips as he took her legs and pushed them up, driving deeper into her hot cavern

Ireland smiled softly and kissed his hand, holding his hand in her smaller ones, "Hao ye feelin', mo ghra...? Cahn ye tawk...?"
Alaska made a noise as she let her head roll to the side as more moans escaped her, cheeks flushed and her eyes glazed with pleasure.

Germany slowly shook his head no, giving her hand a small squeeze; they had given him a mild anesthetic for when the fixed his nose, so he couldn't really do much.
Prussia growled and moaned, his thrusts picking up; pounding into her with the speed and strength of a pure-blooded German.

Ireland smiled sadly and moved her chair closer, "Oi'll stay wit' ye, mo ghra...Oi'm sa sarry this happened..."
Alaska's back arched and she let out a loud moan, tangling her fingers through Prussia's hair and tugging on his short locks.

Germany once more shook his head, giving her a look that told her he was fine and that he didn't blame her.
Prussia growled and bit her neck, sucking and licking the mark he made as he continued to move roughly into her. Reaching between their bodies, he toyed with her clit, wanting her to feel awesome her first time making love

Ireland nuzzled his hand, "Wuhl, ye don' even warry, cuz Oi'll be here until ye git bett'r..." She said with a smile
Alaska gasped and groaned, trembling with excitement as her breath started to become heavy. "G-Gilbert!" She moaned his name loudly.

Germany nodded and laid his head back and closed his eyes, falling asleep again.
Prussia smirked and licked his lips, loving her sounds, "Zhat's it, liebe~ moan for me~"

Ireland smiled softly and rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand
Alaska moaned more, eventually becoming louder as she slowly came closer to her release, whimpering and calling Prussia's name.
Alaska's legs felt like they were made of Jell-O and soon she felt an unbelievable pleasure flood through her body and she let out one last loud moan as she hit her release.
Prussia's eyes widened slightly and he growled in pure bliss, yanking out of her quickly and spilling his seed all over the sheets. He panted and fell onto his side, gathering her into his arms and holding her against him, "Ich liebe dich, mein liebe...~" He whispered
Alaska was breathing heavily as well and she nuzzled into his chest tiredly, smiling weakly. "I love you too, Prussia." She said softly, closing her eyes.
Prussia smiled softly and stroked her hair lovingly.

America was burning rubber to Germany's house, his 12 gauge shotgun in the seat next to him
Alaska was nuzzled against Prussia, her legs tangled with his in the sheets, placing light kisses on his chest.
Prussia smiled softly and kissed her forehead. He jumped when the front door was kicked opened, "GILBERT!!" America yelled. Oh, did he sound mad. Prussia cursed and sat up, quickly getting dressed and running upstairs, freezing when he saw America wielding the shotgun.
Alaska stuffed herself into her clothes, fumbling with the buttons on her shirt, no time for her bra or underwear as she tried to get the buttons lines up with tht correct holes, then smoothening out her hair and rushing upstairs after Prussia.
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