Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Jah." Germany said and headed back to the kitchen to serve Ireland her food, setting the plate in front of her and setting down a fork and knife so she could cut the potato and wurst. Alaska nodded and sat up, stretching.
"Your food is amazing no matter vhat it is, Vest!" Prussia grinned as he walked up with Alaska. Ireland nodded, glad someone agreed with her, "Thank ye, Gilb'rt~!" "Das ist nicht, frauline~!"
Alaska held Prussia's hand as he lead her up the stairs, inhaling the scent and smiling. "Ah, food, it smells so good...!" Germany served two more plates, setting them down for Prussia and Alaska before serving himself a plate. "Jah, jah." He said as he sat beside Ireland.
Ireland giggled and smiled, "We're awl jus' tryin' tu make ye feel geu't, mo ghra..." She told him. Prussia grinned and nodded, "Kesese~! You're too modest, Vest! Your cooking. Is much more awesome zhan mine! Vhich makes me ein little sad...but its ok! Cuz you're mein bruder!"
Germany smiled faintly and took a bite of wurst. "Jah, jah, danke." He said, taking Ireland's hand, lacing his fingers with hers. Alaska made a noise as she took a bite. "This is really good!"
Germany made a noise, continuing to eat his lunch happily, when he finished he got up and took his plate to the sink to wash it then put it into the dishwasher.
Germany turned and took her plate with a nod, washing it as well; Alaska finished a little while after and stood to go do her dish, but Germany stopped her. "Let me get zhat." "Are you sure?" "Jah." "Thanks...!" Alaska moved back to sit beside Prussia.
Germany looked better than okay, but he simply nodded. "Jah, I'm fine- Vhen your done, just bring you plate over und I can vash it." He said as he put another plate into the dishwasher. Alaska blinked and looked from Germany to Prussia, then at Ireland.
Ireland smiled and waved. Prussia looked scared now, "Vhat's going on...!? You!" He pointed accusingly at Ireland, "Vile siren from zhe depzh's of zhe sea, come to take mein bruder to his early grave! Vhat have you done to him!?"
Germany turned and scowled, putting down the dish sponge. "Prussia...! Don't be rude! Zhat is not it all!" He looked to Ireland. "Do you vish to tell zhem?"
Ireland smiled softly, "He's yer broth'r, luv~" "Vhat's going oooooooooon!!" Prussia cried and smacked his head against the table, making Ireland laugh
"Gil!" Alaska picked Prussia's head up and kissed the red mark on his forehead and Germany cleared his throat. "Eire is going to be having mein child." He said and Alaska looked to Ireland with wide eyes.
Prussia jumped up, "I'm going to be ein uncle!?" He asked excitedly. Ireland giggled, "Aye~ Oi'm wit' choild~" "Zhat's wunderbar, Vest!" Prussia grinned
"Congratulations Eire!" Alaska grinned brightly and Germany smiled, chuckling. "Danke." He said, taking Ireland's hand once more.
Ireland smiled but then frowned, "Oh..." "Vhat?" Prussia asked. Ireland smiled nervously, "Oi...may nawt haf...told moi bruth'rs yet..." Prussia paled as he imagined N. Ireland shooting up the house out of anger, "Ve're dead."
Alaska looked to Prussia with confused eyes. "Why are we dead?" She asked, glancing to Ireland; Germany looked to Ireland with wide eyes. "Zhey don't know yet?"
Ireland laughed nervously, "Wuhl, Oi bin here f'r a month...." "Ve're so dead! Qvick, liebe! Ve have to reenforce mein room to keep zhat lunatic, Danny, out!" Prussia panicked, grabbing Alaska's hand. Ireland scowled, "Moi bruth'r is nawt a lunatic!" "Keep telling yourself zhat, frauline!"
Germany rubbed his temples and sighed. "Ve'll just go over und talk to zhem." He said, standing from his chair. "No use in turning anyvone or anyzhing into sviss cheese." Alaska stood up and moved closer to Prussia, frowning worriedly.
Prussia dragged Alaska to his room, barracading the door. Ireland frowned and stood, "Oi'll be bahk...hopefully..." She muttered and kissed Germany's cheek before leaving
Alaska sat on Prussia's bed, watching Prussia barricade the door with a worried frown. "Babe...? I'm sure he isn't that bad..." She said and moved over to pull him away from the door. "C'mon... Lets just finish our movie.."
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