Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Ah haven' killed a bear in a long time...but Ah remember it bein' kinda fun. Oh, te-ar wus this one time...Ah won' forget it." He muttered, "Eire wus really little..."
Saxony blinked. "Vhat happened?" She asked, pulling her jacket over her shoulders more as they walked.
"She wus playin' around in the woods after Ah told har nawt tew cus it wus dangerous. She wus a right fi-ary flaym, she wus. Still is." Scotland let out an amused chuckle, "Nevar listened tew a dahm thing Ah said. Ah told har firmly, 'Dohn't go intew tha woods. The-ar ar' bay-ars'!" His accent became heavier the more he relived the memory, "But nu. Ooooooh, nu. She went oot ahnee way. Ahn' faond a meen ol' broot huntin' an' lewkin' fer fewd. An' tew a beeg ol' bay-ar neerlee as tawl as me sees a wee bayb lahk Ar-ee, whadda yew think it wants tew du?"
Saxony made a noise. "How deep of shit vas she in?" She asked, brushing her hair behind her ear, noticing how thick Scotland's accent had become.
"Oh, she wus in deep. Tha dahm thing wus bahkin' har intew a carnar an' she wus cryin' right awfuhl laod. Ah finawlee faond har an' tried tew mayk mahself as beeg as pahsuhbul! But tha buggar just stood an' snahrl'd at meh! Su Ah had nu choice but tew tussle with tha beestie! He cawl'd mah bahk sumthin' feerce!" Scotland's eyes flashed as he smirked, the memory reaching its peak, "Su, Ah tewk mah knife an' stahb'd tha beestie in tha head. Died right quick. Ahftar Ah got Ar-ee hohm, Ah wen' bahk an' tewk his hide."
Saxony made a noise, studying his face as he smirked, and she couldn't help but to notice how handsome he really was. "Zhat vas very brave of you." She said. "So you enjoy hunting?" She asked.
"Germany und I vould hunt as vell, ve don't do it as much, but vhen ve did ve'd usually do deer und boars." She said. "Zhey're some helluva mean fuckers, boars are."
Saxony smirked slightly. "Und I vouldn't mind hunting vizh ein beast like you~" She replied in her own low purr.
"A beestie like me~?" He purred, inching closer. He winced when Ireland walked passed him, pinching his arm as she passed, "Behave." She said firmly. Scotland shot her a look and she ran back to Germany's room
Saxony gave a low giggled and smirked up at him. "Oh jah~" She said after Ireland had left. "I vouldn't be surprised at vhat ein Scottish beast like you could take down~" She flirted. "I can't vait to see zhat bear pelt."
Scotland chuckled lowly, "Wanna gu see it now~?"

Ireland moved slowly over to Germany and pet his head, "Mo ghra...? Oi ask't about Gil..."
"I don't zhink I'd mind~" Saxony replied, giving him a small wink.

Germany opened his eyes and looked to Ireland. "How is he..? How did zhe surgery go?"
Scotland smirked and held out his arm to her

Ireland smiled softly, "He jus' got out of s'rg'ry...he's gonna be foin...he's restin' in his room." She pet his head soothingly, "Alfre't missed his art'ry by an inch...Gil only lost a good amount of blood...but oth'r than bein' sore f'r a few weeks, he's gonna be a'kay..."
Saxony took his arm greatly and followed him out of the hospital and to his car.

Germany felt hope surge in his chest and he let out a breath. "Vhen can I go und see him?" He asked.
Scotland allowed her to get in the car first before getting in himself, buckling up and driving off

"When y'r discharged, luv..." She told him, "Oi promise Oi'll take ye ta see him..."
Saxony buckled herself in and glanced around Scotland's car, then watched as the scenery went by as they drove, a smirk on her lips.

Germany nodded and rested his head back against the pillow. "Zhat's gut.." He said, letting out a relieved sigh.
When Scotland got to his house, he let Saxony out of the car and took her inside. His home was decorated with the pelts of wolves and bears that he had killed, his coat of arms hanging over his fire place.

Ireland kissed him softly, "Rest, maor foightin', plees...? Oi'll hafta pray extra hard jus' f'r ye when Oi go to Church..."
Saxony gave a low whistle as she looked around at all of the pelts, impressed. "Wow, I didn't know you'd have zhis much." She said, turning to him with a smirk. "You killed all zhese yourself?"

Germany nodded, looking too tired to fight anymore. "No fighting... I promise." He said, squeezing her hand.
"Ah take a lotta pride when Ah hunt." He gestured to a wolf pelt, the fur a beautiful shade of silver and white, "That beastie was the Alpha of his pack. He tried stealin' a deer Ah had killed."

Ireland smiled softly and kissed him again, "Sleep, mo ghra...Oi'll be here...we'll be here..." She told him gently
"Damn, I'm impressed." Saxony said. "I zhought you hunted lemming und mice." She said playfully as she looked at the huge bear pelt in front of her.

Germany nodded once more, comforted by Ireland's words as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into sleep.
Scotland chuckled, sauntering over to stand behind her, "That is the beastie whut attack't Eire when she wus a wee garl..." He said lowly in her ear, "Ah have his hide strung up proudly~"
Saxony smirked softly and turned around slowly to look up at Scotland. "It's bigger zhen I zhought~" She said as she brushed against him teasingly.
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