Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

America hugged her and started to cry again, sobbing hard about how sorry he was

Ireland's eyes welded up with tears and she covered her face, crying, "Oi'm sa sarry, mo ghra! Oi didn' wanna tell ye cuz Oi knew yew'd git upset!" She cried, N. Ireland coming in and pulling her close
Alaska rubbed America's back, but jumped when the loudest scream she had heard in her life echoed through the hall and into her room; Germany's. He had ripped the I.V's from his arm and fought Saxony, throwing her against the wall and charging to the door he easily knocked Northern Ireland out of his way, having upper-cutted the Irish man and bolted down the hall in search of the American who had possibly murdered his brother, kicking the door open to Alaska's room. Alaska screamed in fear and clung tightly to America, but he was torn away from her and thrown hard to the floor, Germany getting on top of the blonde and punching him repeatedly in the face.
"LU'TWIG!!" Ireland ran in and grabbed Germany's wrist, struggling to keep him from punching America anymore, "Lu'twig, stahp! Stahp, plees!! Mo ghra, t'ink about wha'cher doin'!!" She tried to reason. "N-No, Eire, I deserve this...go ahead, let me have it..." "Shuddup, Alfre't!!" Ireland snapped
Ludwig could only hear the buzzing in his ears as he shoved Ireland away and slammed his fist hard into Alfred's nose, hearing it crunch beneath his fist; Alaska had jumped out of bed and tried to stop Germany, but he only ended up elbowing her hard in the stomach, making her wheeze and fall to the ground. "S-Stop! You're gonna kill him!" She begged, but Germany didn't let up, eyes wide with rage as blood from America's broken nose started to cover his big fists. He was fully ready to kill America right then and there with his fists.
Ireland hit the ground with a thud and groaned weakly in pain. N. Ireland came in and grabbed Germany's arm, using all his strength to keep Germany from moving even though he knew Germany could over power him if he really wanted to. Scotland soon found his way into the room, burning rubber to the hospital after N. Ireland had called him and tried to help his brother restrain the German. When he noticed Ireland in a daze on the floor, his adrenalin pumped and he dug his knees into Germany's back as he tried to yank him up and off America to pull him to the side. "Yew stoopi't fuckin' meat-headed tossle!! Pay attention tew wha'cher dewin'!!" He growled angrily, "Yew tossed Eire like a fuckin' rag doll!!"
Germany growled, not satisfied with America's face just being a bloody mess, he wanted him dead. Germany spun and elbowed Danny in the temple as hard as he could, then slammed his forehead against Scotland's nose, adrenalin only fueling his rage further. "He's dead because of you!!" He yelled, throwing Northern Ireland hard against the wall and then round-house kicking Scotland in the jaw. Alaska had moved over to America and held onto him tightly, crying softly as she placed herself between America and Germany.
N. Ireland grunted when he hit the wall, Scotland rubbing his sore jaw angrily. America tried to look at Alaska and groaned, "M-Maddy...go...get out of here....I don't want you around to see this...." He pleaded hoarsely. Ireland sat up and rubbed her head, seeing her brother's nearly defeated and jumping up, throwing her arms around Germany, "Mo ghra, stahp!!" She yelled pleadingly, "Stahppit! Plees!! Don' do this!! Gil wouldn' wan'cha ta sin f'r him loik this!! Plees, mo ghra, Oi'm beggin' ye!! Plees, don' hurt Alfre't anymore!!" She sobbed and held onto him tighter if his struggled
Alaska only shook her head, not able to say anything as she bit her lip hard to keep from crying again. Germany's struggles slowly died down and he panted, hair messy and defeat in his eyes as he dropped to his knees. "Prussia is... He's..." Saxony came in with two nurses who rushed to America's side to help him, ushering Alaska back to her bed.
Ireland cradled him and held him, frowning softly, "Don' t'ink loik tha's, Lu'twig..." She muttered softly. "I asked...about his condition earlier..." America wheezed out, "They say...that he should make a full recovery...I missed the important he only lost a good amount of blood...he should be-" America stopped to wince, "O-Out of surgery any time now..."
Germany looked over to America, really seeing his face for the first time. "Alfred... I-I vasn't zhinking..." He said, frowning heavily and holding his head in his hands. Saxony wiped the blood from her split lip, looking over at Northern Ireland and Scotland. "Danke." She said, looking back to her brother.
N. Ireland rubbed his head and waved his hand. Scotland rubbed his jaw, "Fuck'r has a mean right hook. But, I'm glad tew halp..." Ireland held Germany tight and looked when America was taken away to be treated. She looked back down at Germany, "C'mon, mo ghra, le's git ye bahk in be't an' Oi'll go ask abou's Gil...a'kay...?" She offered
Germany nodded and slowly gathered himself, getting too his feet and moving over to Ireland, a frown on his face. He looked defeated and worn out as he followed Eire from the room.

Alaska sat in her bed, knees pulled against her chest as she stared blankly ahead, not even noticing the two in the room, blood smudged on her shirt from America's broken nose.
N. Ireland gently touched Alaska's shoulder, "Ye shoul't lay daon an' rest, won' do ye any geu't sittin' and stressin'..."

Ireland helped Germany back into bed and kissed his forehead, telling him she would be right back before walking out of the room to go ask Prussia
Alaska jumped and slowly looked to Northern Ireland. "Where did they take Alfred...?" She asked slowly, looking to be in a daze. "Is he going to be okay...?What about Gil?"
Alaska nodded slowly, but still didn't lay down, sitting rigidly in bed and returning to staring straight ahead at the wall, already forgetting that Danny was there.
N. Ireland sighed softly and left the room. Scotland finally took a good look at Saxony, "Ah don' think we met. Ah'm Iain MacLeod." He stuck out his hand.
Saxony looked over to Scotland and made a noise, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. "I'm Monika Wiellschmidt." She said. "Nice to meet you."
Saxony gave a small shrug. "Ve zhould let her have some peace und qvuiet." She said and headed for the door. "How's your jaw doing?"
Saxony gave a nod. "Ludvig alvays did have ein nasty punch." She said, frowning at the memory of the two sparring for practice. "Gilbert taught him how to fight, und Ludvig taught me." She glanced at him. "But you did zeem to be able to hold your own." She said with a smirk.
Scotland smirked, "Wahl, when yew live in the beauty of the wilds yer whole life long, you tend to know how to fend for yerself. When I was young, I had to kill bears to keep mahself warm in the wintar." He told her, rather proudly in fact
Saxony's pale eyebrow rose and she whistled lowly. "I'd love to take you up on zhat und see it for meinself." She said.
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