Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

(( >.> Wull, she's not gonna be in there for six months...he's gonna pull her out after three...he's not that big of a dick...and there's still my idea for Prussia!!))

America stopped and looked back, "I don't want to stay if all you're going to do is yell and blame me, kiddo." He frowned
((*Eridan eyebrow wiggle*))

America moved over and sat next to her, pulling her close in a one armed hug, "I'm sorry, Maddy...I know you don't like it here...but it's just so you can get some sleep, I swear..."
She nodded, sitting up and trying a sad smile. "Maybe next time you visit you can bring some burgers?" She said.
Alaska shook her head, giggling softly. "No, the food here looks pretty good, I think you just have to ask though." She said.
Alaska puffed up her cheeks. "I know..." A knock came at the door before it opened. "Visiting hours are over, Mr. Jones, but feel free to come back tomorrow." The nurse said before leaving.
She nodded and waved him goodbye before going back to lay down, it was almost time for bed anyway.
((Time for my idea~~))

After a month or so, Ireland paced the living room nervously as she waited for Germany to come home, chewing on her lip and praying quietly to herself

The front door opened and Germany entered, shrugging off his suit coat, having been at a Meeting.
"Lu'twig...!" Ireland turned when the door opened and smiled nervously, "Ghra...!" She moved over quickly and kissed him sweetly, hoping he wasn't stressed
((Oh god, that doesn't sound good..))

Germany kissed her back. "Liebe." He greeted, then looked at her, making a face. "Vhat's vrong." She seemed almost jittery.
Ireland bit her lip and took his hand, "We need teu talk, ghra..." She said as she pulled him to sit on the couch, "'bout Gil, teu be specific..."

((Ku ku ku~))
Ireland made a noise, "Wuhl...Oi wuz t'inkin'..." She twiddled her thumbs and looked down, "Oi wuz t'inkin'...dhat instead of goin' on our honeymoon...we use dhe money to bail out Gil..."

(( :'3 ))
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