Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Ok, maybe vone zhing..." Prussia corrected, pushing himself up. "But, und I bozh know zhat I'm not meant to be here any more...I could fade away at any time...zhe sand in my hour glass is running out...zhere's nozhing I can do..." He said.
"Und vhat about Madison? Don't you zhink she'll miss you? Und vhat about me? Und Eire? Monika und your two nephews? Vhat about zhem? Vhy von't you fight anymore?!" He snapped.
"Madison von't miss me, Vest. I ripped her heart out and spat on it. Und I know you und Eire und Monika und Cian und Zhane vill miss me - hell, mein nephews don't even know who I am...!" Prussia shook his head, "I von't fight because I'm too old to try und keep somezhing I can't have anymore..."
"You can alvays make it up to her! Find ein reason to live!" He said, the anger in his eyes faltering. "I need you!" He said.
"You're my brozher, you've taught me everyzhing I know today und you vere she vone who saved me from that battle field ein long time ago..!" He said. "How could I not need you..!?"
Prussia ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "Fine...ok...I'll try und do somezhing...but vhat's going to stop Alfred from-?" He was interrupted by the door being thrown open, America standing in the door with his hand gun. Prussia sighed heavily, "Shooting me..."
Germany moved to stand in front of Prussia, growing heavily. "Alfred, calm down, you don't have to shoot him."
"The hell I don't! It's his fault Maddy is like this!" America snapped. Prussia made a face, "It vas ein accident. Und I broke up vis her because she vas avoiding me and hating me for somezhing I had no control over!"
"Vhat ever happened ve can talk about zhis civilly und work somezhing out." Germany said, voice as hard as steel.
"You got five minutes or until my patients runs thin." America stated. Prussia rolled his eyes, "Vell, I'm gonna be dead in half zhat time."
"Qvuiet." Germany hissed at his brother. "Please out zhe gun down first." Germany said, motioning to the table. "Let's take ein seat."
"So, I know everyzhing zhat happened zhat night, including Alaska trying to drown herself in mein bazhtub." Even Germany knew this was bad. "Maybe ve can come to ein agreement on how Prussia can be dealt vith?"
Germany held a hand out. "Eire vas zhere und ve got to her before... Anyzhing happened." He looked to America. "You know Prussia vouldn't have done zhat to Alaska on purpose, but there still needs to be ein punishment." He said, trying to save his brothers hide.
"I'll punish him by putting a bullet in his brain!" "I'd like to see you try." Prussia replied. America ground his teeth and Prussia held up his hand, "Look, Alfred, it vas a vhile ago...und I know zhat counts for nozhing, but I apologized...und Vest is right, I still need to recieve proper punishment."
"Deazh- or shooting- is out of she qvestion. Vhat about Alaska? Vhat does she have to say about you coming here to shoot mein bruzher? Und vhen you said 'It's your fault Madison is like zhis', vhat did you mean? Vhat is she like?"
"She won't eat, she won't sleep...she locks herself in her room all day..." America trailed off, "I had to commit her earlier...because she won't do anything anymore..."
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