Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany frowned, not wanting to see his brother to to jail. "Alfred? How do you feel about zhis?"
Germany let out a small sigh, standing up. "Vell... If zhis is going to happen zhen ve need to contact zhe auzhorities. Und Alaska may have to give her statement."
Germany clenched his jaw, giving a small nod and pulling his older brother into a tight, but quick hug. "Do vhat you have to.."
Prussia hugged him back while America called the cops. When Ireland finally came home, the police were arresting Prussia. "Gil!" "Its alright, Eire...don't vorry..." Prussia assured her
((Poor Prussia! He seems so beaten! Dx))

Germany stood in the doorway, not wanting to watch, but not wanting to be hiding in the house either.
((Is he gonna join a gang, get tattoos, and own the prison yard~?))

Germany shook his head, feeling overwhelming guilt. "Zhis vas zhe only vay I could keep Alfred from killing him..."
Germany cleared his throat, keeping his voice from cracking. "Let's go inside, jah?"

((Shiyt. .-.))
((So visiting might be weird, huh? xD))

Germany gave a small nod, following her into the house and going to sit down on the couch.

Back at the hospital, Alaska had already been out in the Psychiatric Ward and was in her room, sitting on her bed as she adjusted to staying in her new 'home' for the next six months.
Alaska looked over at him, in a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants and some slippers. "Hey..." She gave a small, awkward wave.
Alaska's eyes widened and her jaw dropped open. "P-Prison...?" She sounded small. "How could you do that!?" She stood up, clenching her fists, tears stinging her eyes. "What did you do!?"
"I didn't shoot him. Much to my own displeasure." He mumbled the last part. He then made a face, "Why do you care, anyway? You two broke up."
"Why are you doing all this?" She hissed out, scowling heavily. "I want out, I don't want Gil to be in prison- you tore everything appart!" She said, starting to cry.
((Now she's blaming America? Originally it was Prussia's fault! DX ))

America rolled his eyes, "I think I should leave..." He said and opened the door
((She's just all upset! Can you blame her? She's depressed majorly, the man she loves hurt her really badly and though she forgives him, she's still tormented by nightmares of it, she in a Psych ward for half a year and now she just learned that the man she loves is gonna be in prison for a long time...! She confused and beyond heartbroken..! She blames herself over anyone, she just can't admit it.))

"P-Please don't leave.." Alaska hiccuped, rubbing her eyes furiously, trying to stop the tears. She sat down on the bed, her lip quivering. "I-I'm sorry..."
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