Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

((Aw! Ireland! That's so sad! Dx))

Germany's eyes widened and he looked at her with shock. "Liebe, I don't know, I mean.. He'd have to talk vith Alfred und... Is zhat really vhat you vant..?"
"Ye bin soh sad since Gil wuz sent away..." She placed her hand on his cheek, frowning, "Oi haven' seen ye smoile in a mont' breaks me heart..."
Germany placed a hand over hers and held it gently. "But liebe... You've been expecting zhis for monzh.." He said.
"Seein' ye happy an' our family bahk taget'er is all Oi wan'...our honeymoon can wait..." She looked into his eyes pleadingly, "Plees, ghra...? Oi t'ink Gil's learned his lesson..."
Germany gave a nod. "Jah, I vas planning to visit him vith Monika anyvay, vhy not come vith us?" He asked.
Germany held her, kissing the top of her head. "I'll call Monika und tell her to meet us down at she prison." He said.
Germany nodded and called Monika, telling her the plans before asking if she'd ask Scotland if he'd watch Cian for them while they were out.
Ireland got Dublin dressed and got his diaper bag ready, "Nao, Cian, Oi wan'cha teu be good fee yer uncail Iain, a'kay?" She smiled when Dublin babbles happily and she tickled him gently, "Tha's moi boy~"
Germany watched Ireland, grabbing his car keys and opening the door, holding it open for her and Dublin.
Germany locked up and got in the car, and once Dublin and Ireland were both strapped in, he started the car and backed out of the driveway, heading for Scotland's.
Ireland reached into her purse and pulled out a wallet different to the one she usually used. Opening it, she pulled out a large amount of cash; 500,000 dollars. Ireland stared at it for a bit, counting it to make sure it was all there
Germany arrived at Scotland's were Saxony came out of the house after he honked the horn, kissing Iain on the cheek before handing him Thane.
Ireland climbed out and moved over with Dublin, instructing Scotland but he assured her that he knew what he was doing. Ireland nodded and waved goodbye before moving back to the car
Monika got into the back seat, buckling up. "Alright, ready to go?" She asked and Germany nodded. "Jah." He nodded, checking to make sure Ireland was buckled in before heading off towards the prison.
Once they arrived at the prison and found somewhere to park, they had to make sure none of them had any for of drugs or weapons, or anything that could be used as a sharp object before they were let into a room with a steel table and four chairs, being told to wait a few minutes before the went to retrieve Prussia.
After a while, Prussia came into the room, a few scars on his arms and a scar over his left eye, he looked a bit more buff than before. He looked surprised to see them, "Vest? Eire? Monika?" "Gil!" Ireland looked over joyed to see he was more than ok, "Ye look geut!" "Jah, vell, I'm still nozhing compared to Vest. Kesese~"
Monika gave him a smile and Germany a wave. "Guten tag..!" He said. "How are you doing, Gilbert?" Saxony asked. "Take ein seat, ve came to visit..!"
"Only to visit?" Prussia asked, sitting down, "Vell, I'm not surprised..." "Ac'shully, Gil, we're gonna post yer bail." Ireland said. Prussia blinked, "Vis vhat money?" "Our honeymoon money...!" Ireland replied. Prussia frowned, "Nein, Eire, zhat money ist yours." He told her. She shook her head, "We don' moind, Gil...really...! We cahn save ohp again...!"
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