Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Prussia couldn't help but smile, "Danke, Eire, don't know vhat zhis means to me.." "Oh, Oi have a geut oidea~" Ireland smiled
"Please hear her out, Gil?" Saxony said. "Alaska has been in ein Psychiatric ward since you've been here, she's trying to get better, ve've been to see her ein few weeks ago, she doesn't blame you."
"Zhat's not vhat she said ein monzh ago.." Prussia muttered. He rested his head in his hand, staring at the table as he remembered how angry and hateful her eyes were, "She zhought I did it cuz I hated her..." "She's traumatoized, Gil...she didn' seek dhe help she needed..." Ireland said. Prussia scowled, "Still..." Prussia muttered, "I've apologized und I've showered her vis love und gifts...I've done everyzhing...but I guess it didn't vork..."
"Please at least try?" This time it was Germany who had spoken. "Maybe she's forgiven you, you'll never know until you see her."
Germany looked to Ireland and nodded. "Ve'll go und pay zhe bail." He said, standing and knocking at the door, it unlocking and a guard looking in. "Yes?" "Ve'd like to post bail for Gilbert Beilschmidt."
"How're you holding up? Looks like you've gotten ein couple new scars, who's ass did you kick zhis time?" Saxony said, trying to lighten his mood.
Prussia smirked slightly, "Some dumb vhite boy zhinking he vas part of zhe Aryan race. 'Sig heil' und everyzhing." He answered. He ran his fingers through his platnium blond hair, "Vanna know vhat I did to him~?"
Saxony didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but she went for it anyway. "Vhat?" She asked, a small smirk tugging at her lips.
"Kesese~ first I called him ein little dicked stupid American fuckvad in Deutsch~ und zhen vhen he started begging me to be der Fuhrer of his gang, I broke his arm und called him ein vasteless piece of shit!" Prussia smirked and folded his arms proudly, "Und zhat's vhen zhey all jumped me vis zheir shivs und I managed to beat zhem all up visout getting stabbed. Zhats how I got zhese..." He gestured to the scars on his bicepts
Saxony made a noise, then laughed softly. "Vell you certainly gained some muscle mass." She said.
Saxony nodded, making a noise of agreement. The door opened and a man entered. "Gilbert Beilschmidt? Your bail has been posted."
Saxony stood as well and walked to the door with Prussia, frowning when she heard the guard muttering how a Nazi rapist like him shouldn't ever be let out.
Prussia stopped, hearing him grumbling, and turned to him, "Entschuldigen Sie, Sir. Aber wenn Sie auf meine fünf Meter saugen wollen, empfehle ich Ihnen meinen Respekt deutschen Blutes oder ich werde sicher sein, zu zeigen, was ein Nazi kann zu einem amerikanischen Schwein zu tun." He stated in a kind tone, grinning widely.

((I'll send you the translation~~))
The guard looked like he had just spoken some alien tongue, looking a little nervous that he had been heard. "Bruder, ignorieren die amerikanischen Schwein~" Saxony said in the same tongue.
She chuckled softly, walking out with him. "I vould've said zhe same..~" She said, amused and glad he hadn't lost his fighting spirit.
Saxony grinned up at him, heading out to closed in area where they removed the shackles from Prussia and gave him the clothes in a bag he had arrived in.
Prussia took his bag and went to go change, missing his old clothes. When he left with Monika to meet up with Ireland and Germany, Ireland hugged him tight, "Oi'm soh glad yer outta dhere." "Jah, me too...!"
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