Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska mumbled something, but it was to quiet to hear. "It's not that big of a deal, they're just nightmares... Everyone gets them..."
"Not when they keep you from sleeping. What are you hiding from me, Madison? If you don't tell me, I'll throw you in the looney bin!" America demanded, "You could've gotten seriously sick! Do you even care about yourself!? You hardly sleep and you always hide away! Is that anyway to deal with things!?"
Alaska's lip quivered at the thought of having I tell him. She couldn't. Her kill Prussia for sure, and though she was hurt he had left her, she still loved him. "I can't tell you.." She said weakly.
"Alfred!" Alaska gasped. "No! Stop!" She tried to follow him, but the cuffs wouldn't budge. "Please! Wait!"
Alaska closed her eyes, chewing on her lip and waiting for her brother to come back and tell her how long she'd be staying.
America came back after a little while and stood by the door, "'ll be staying in the psychiatric ward for roughly six months starting next week." He told her blandly. He didn't even bat an eye.
((Holy shit!!))

"That's half a year! I'm not staying there for half a year!" Her eyes were wide. She couldn't believe this, how could he just dump her somewhere for half a year and not even look like he felt bad. "Alfred, please tell me you're joking!"
"Nope. I've actually only been this serious in my Ally meetings. But, I'm not joking around this time, Maddy. You'll be staying there for six months - maybe three if you behave and cooperate. You'll be going to therapy and depending if you suffer from a serious case of Depression, you'll be taking anti-depressants around the clock. I'm tired of you lying to me and not trusting me with whatever's bothering you, so you'll trust a therapist. Sure, I'll regret it later, but it's gotta be done. I'm sorry. But, you left me no choice." He told her calmly.

((You seem surprised by Alfred's actions, love~~~))
She clenched her jaw, trying the cuffs again. Nope, they were solid. "Please." She said again. "If I go there I'll be there for the whole six months..! I really can't say what happened. Please, you have to believe me..!"

((A little~))
((Whales and more whales~~))

"Alfred wait!" She called in a panic, but it was to late, the door closed and he was gone. "Fuck!" She hissed.

America called Ireland and she picked up after the third ring, "'Ello?" "Eire? It's Al. Is Gilbert there?" "Yeh, Oi'll git 'im! Be roight back!" America leaned against the wall and waited for Prussia to pick up
Alaska, after much struggling, gave up. It was no use, she'd never be able to get free, and Alfred was gonna learn something he shouldn't have.
"Halloh?" Prussia's less than enthused voice finally sounded on the other end. "Hey, Gilbert. Do you know what's up with Maddy?" America asked. "Jah, I broke up vis her." "You did what!?" America hissed, "Why!?" "Oh, jah, you still don't know, do you? Vell, I'm not surprised. Madison has kept ein lot from you." Prussia said
((Oh god... Please don't tell me he's gonna do what I think he's gonna do..))

Alaska laid in bed, looking for any other way of getting out, but there seemed to be none.
((*throws a Sperm Whale and runs*))

"What's going on?" America asked. Prussia sighed heavily, "Vell, almost ein year ago, I fell down zhe stairs und hit mein head. Zhe impact caused me to flash back to zhe Var und I forcibly had mein vay viz her." "You did WHAT!?!" America exploded. "It vas ein accident, Alfred, und I apologized-" "I'm going to kill you!!" America hissed and hung up the phone, storming out of the hospital. Prussia hung up the phone and sighed heavily, "Eire! Vest! Alfred is going to be here soon to shoot me again!" He called. Ireland rushed in, "He's whut!?"
((I wonder who's gonna get shot this time~?))

Germany nearly dropped his coffee mug. "Vhat?" He looked to his nice front door and scowled. "Vhat's going on? I vant an explanation, now."
"I told him vhat happened vhen I hit mein head und he's gonna come und kill me." Prussia explained. Ireland frowned heavily, "Oi'm gonna take Cian teu Iain's soh he won' be 'round dhe voilence..." She said
"Und vhy did you tell him?!" Germany seemed mad now. "Do you vant to die!?" He hissed at his older brother.
"Madison und I aren't togezher anymore...zhere's no need to lie to him...I have nozhing to lose..." Prussia seemed incredibly calm about this. He wasn't depressed or upset like he should've been; he accepted it
His eyes widened. "Nozhing to lose!?" He grabbed Prussia by the front of his shirt, yanked him to his feet and threw him to the ground hard. "Vhat do you mean nozhing to lose!? Vhat about your life!?"
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