Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

((Don't worry..~))

Alaska sat waiting on the couch, holding her phone in one hand, other hand clenched tightly.
Alaska got off the couch, moving over to the door and opening it. Dark circles were under her eyes and she motioned for him to come in. "We need to talk..." She said, sounding beyond worn out.
"Don't you remember anything from that night!?" She suddenly snapped. "Do you remember anything at all!? You hit me, then you beat me with a riding crop then you raped me! You might have even killed me! You humiliated me, you hurt me! In more ways than one!" She snarled at him. "You said you were going to kill me..!" Her voice wavered and the anger in her eyes melted away to show pain and sadness. "I don't know what happened and if that was the real you or not... But I can't sleep... All I can see is you... You were so angry... Do you hate me that much...?" Her knees buckled and she slowly sank to the floor. "Maybe it was my fault... What did I do wrong..?"
"Madison, zhat vas ein long time ago. I apologized. Begged on mein knees for you to forgive me. Do you even remember? You tried killing yourself! Or have you conveniently forgotten zhat, too!? I hit mein head after tripping down zhe stairs und suffering from ein previous head injury! It caused me to flash back to zhe Var; vhen I vas ein horrible man! Ein monster! I did zhings to people zhat make vhat I did to you seem like mercy!!" Prussia's voice began to raise the angrier he became. "If I hated you, vould I even be here?! Vould I have asked for forgiveness?! NEIN!! I vouldn't give two shits!!" He growled. He clenched his fists, shaking in rage, "Zhis ist vhy you've been avoiding me!? Because of somezhing ve forgave each ozher for monzhs ago!? It vould seem zhat you are zhe vone who hates me! Vell, zhen, here! I'll make your life easier! Its over! Ve're done, Madison! Gut bye!" He snapped and stormed out, slamming the door behind him

Madison watched him leave, tears burning hot in her eyes before she screamed and grabbed a vase from the table, throwing it at the door and slamming her fist against the floor, breaking down into sobs.
((All the sad whales~~))

Alaska dragged herself to her room, laying down on her bed, and eventually crying herself to sleep.

Later that night, America came home and looked around, "Maddy?" He called warily, worried if it was safe or not, "I'm home...!"
((And now begins the funniest night ever!))

"Oh great...~! The hero's come to save the day!" Madison's voice came from the kitchen, it sounded slurred. The sound of breaking glass sounded along with a quiet 'fuck'. Madison had woken up around midnight or so and had decided she needed a drink, or almost America's entire cabinet of alcohol.
(( O_O Oh Gods.))

America rushed into the kitchen and his eyes widened, "Oh, my God! Maddy! What the hell!? How much have you had to drink!?"
Dozens of empty bottles lay around Madison, who was on the floor, leaning against the wall. "More than one." She assured, laughing and taking another drink from the vodka bottle she had in her hand, which was almost completely empty. "You always did buy cheap liquor." She muttered, scowling down at her bottle.

((I love you.))
((Time for a blissful trip to the hospital before she dies of alcohol poisoning! :D))

"Madison!!" America looked horrified and he maneuvered around the bottles, picking her up, "We're taking you to the hospital and pumping your stomach! Dumdum!!" He scolded and moved out of the house quickly, about to have a panic attack
The vodka bottle fell from her hand and she blinked, just realizing he had picked her up. "Hey! Don't touch me..!" She started to struggle. "Someone help!" She screamed, trying to get away from America.

"Maddy! Maddy! Shut up! Holy shit!" America huffed and dropped her into the back seat, shutting the door before she could escape and he moved to the front seat, driving to the hospital
Alaska scowled at America the entire way to the hospital, making threats of jumping out of the car, or even punching him until he let her out, lashing out in anyway she could.
America simply ignored her as he drove all the way to the hospital; pulling her out literally kicking and screaming and dragging her inside, "Help! We got a really bad drunk! We need a stomach pump over here!"
"Fuck you! I'm not a drunk!" She screamed, balling her hand up into a fist and smashing it against Alfred's cheek. "Let me go! Let me go dammit!" She screeched in his face.
((She's hellbent on making everyone hate her today, huh?))

America hissed, "Calm down, you're drunk!" He growled. A couple burly male nurses came over and grabbed Alaska, restraining her good as they took her to get her stomach pumped
((She's hurtin' real bad. :/))

Alaska's screaming could be heard for about ten more minutes before it finally died off. One of the nurses came out with a clip board. "You're the one who brought her in right?" She addressed Alfred. "The drunk woman."
((Yeah, I can understand, but jeeze...if that's how she is drunk, I'm making America put the liquor in a secret safe...))

America scratched his head, "Yeah...Madison Jones...I'm her brother..."
((Nah~ She's typically a really giggly happy drunk, but she's all meh meh so she's letting hell loose.))

"Well, it took three men to restrain her, she punched a nurse and almost hurt an elderly patient when she kicked him and knocked him over." She gave an aggravated sigh, looking back to her clipboard. "The thing I don't understand is how she isn't dead. She has enough alcohol in her system to kill five full grown men. Does she have any past issues with drinking? Alcoholism?"

((She really fell off her horse hard.. >.>))

"She's never drank before, at least to my knowledge..." America answered, frowning, "I have no idea what could have caused this...she's been really depressed lately and hasn't been getting a lot of sleep." He answered, "She won't tell me anything and to be honest, I was thinking about committing her for a couple days so she would at least get some sleep..."

"I would recommend putting her under psychiatric care, the doctor may think drinking this excessively may have been an attempt on her own life." She said. "If you'd like to see her, she's in the back, but she had to be sedated and restrained." The nurse told him.
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