Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Prussia frowned andd looked at his feet, "Madison...decided zhat she vanted to stay home vis Alfred since he isn't going...." He answered sadly

((He's gonna be so mad when America shows up~))
((Haha~ Whales are great~))

Germany blinked. "Vell..." He needed to choose his words carefully. "Vhy don't you suggest to her she could bring America...?" He said.
"She already promised to stay home vis him...he doesn't vant to come...its fine, Vest, really...he's her family, I can't argue...! I'll be fine...danke.." He replied

((I fukken love whales~))
Germany gave him a look that said what he was telling him was bull, but he gave a small nod before heading back up he stairs to finish baking.
((Its ok, I got this! Also! Since you have an XBox now, you can get free LIVE and friend me!! :D))

A few hours later and Ireland's party was starting with a bang. Ireland jogged around in her Selkie costume, a fake seal skin hood on her head. She had fake seaweed in her hair and wore a shiny lavender fin dress. She made sure everyone was doing good before checking on Dublin; her sweet little potato laying in his play pen. Prussia sat in a corner, wearing his old pirate outfit, drinking a beer as he sat quietly. Ireland glanced over at him and frowned, "Poor Gil..."

Germany noticed how down Prussia was as well, wiping down tables and keeping an eye on him, perking when there was a knock at the door, and going to answer it.
((How soon~?))

"Heeeeeeey~~!!" America greeted happily, wearing his Captain America costume. Ireland's head shot in his direction and Prussia looked up, eyes wide. "Alfred?" Ireland asked, moving over, "Whadda ye doin' here?" "I wanted to come, so I did!" America grinned. "Vhere's Madison?" Prussia asked, gripping his beer. America frowned, "She said she wasn't feeling good so she told me to go without her." He answered. Prussia gripped his beer so tight, it shattered in his hand. Ireland moved over quickly, "Gil. Gil. Go teu yer reum...nao." She told him and he stood up angrily, marching to his room and slamming the door. America looked confused, "Was it something I said?"
"Nein, Alfred, vhy don't you have ein drink?" Germany offered before following Prussia down to his room. "Gilbert?"

"She told me Alfred vasn't vell und vas going to stay home und she vould stay vis him! But he's here, Vest! Visout her! She's been avoiding me for zhe past veek! I'm tired of it!" He growled
"Und vhat is it you vant me to do?" He asked. "I'm not going to go over zhere und scold her! You go talk to her..! Apparently somezhing ist vrong."
Germany scowled, taking a step back. "Fine, stay down here und sit in your own self pity." He said, turning and heading up the stairs.
Prussia sat down angrily on his bed, pouting.

Ireland looked when Germany came back and frowned, deciding not to ask as she continued to entertain her guests
"We need to talk, can we please talk face to face?" The message was from Alaska, and that's all it said.

Prussia made a face and sent an agreement text before changing and leaving his room, telling Ireland he would be back before leaving and going to see Alaska
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