Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska opened her door once the front door closed, fighting the urge to chase after her brother, and though she still loved Prussia with all her heart, what happened that night was weighing heavily on her.

"Gil! Oi need ye teu boi me sum decorations frum dhe store...!" Ireland called, digging through her purse for her wallet as she fed Dublin. Prussia moved over and grabbed her purse, "Here," He pulled out her wallet, "How much?" "T'irty. Boi lots ov pumpkins, teu." "You got it, Eire! I'll be back!" Prussia grabbed the allotted amount and headed out. Ireland sighed softly and went to find her husband.
Germany was in the kitchen, baking and cleaning for the Halloween party, doing as he was instructed by his wife to help her in anyway he could.
Germany leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Good, zhe pumpkin pie ist in zhe oven." He said.
"I don't know, liebe.." Germany said, giving her a glance as he pulled the pie from the oven and stuck in another desert.
"Aw..." She frowned and held out Dublin, who squirmed, "Oi'm dressin' him ohp! He's gonna be dhe cutest li'l potato~!" She nuzzled her son and grinned
Germany chuckled softly and placed a hand on Dublin's head, rubbing it gently. "Are you going to dress up, liebe?"
After Prussia bought the decor, he went to America's house to get Alaska fitting for her dress. He walked to the door and knocked, "Halloh! Anyvun home?"
((*throws baby whale*))

The door unlocked and cracked open, Alaska peering out. "Hey Gil... Um... I don't think I'm gonna go to the party... It's just that Al's gonna be alone and he didn't wanna go to the party so I'm gonna stay here with him..." She lied quietly, not meeting his eyes.
"Vhat? But, liebe...! You said you vould go...! Alfred ist ein big boy...! Bitte, liebe, I vant to be zhere vis you..." Prussia looked crushed
Alaska seemed to shrink more, shuffling herself just a little further behind the door. "I already promised him..." She said softly.
"You already promised me...!" He argued. He sighed, "But.....fine....I'll see you around, Madison...." He said and turned, walking back to the car without another word
She closed the door, locking it and moving over to the couch where she laid down and curled up, tears falling from her eyes as she cried softly.
Prussia returned home and dropped the bag of decorations on the table before heading down to his room. Ireland watched him with a frown before looking to Germany
Germany set down the bowl or ingredients he was mixing and followed Prussia down the stairs. "Bruder?" He asked.
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