Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska blinked and pocketed her phone. "Well, why not come to the party? It's gonna be hella fun! I'm sure there's gonna be Dew there too...~"
Alaska hooked her phone the the charger and headed back down stairs and into the kitchen. "So what'do we got?"
"We got~ nuggets, chicken strips, corn dogs, microwave burgers, Hot Pockets, chimmichungas, microwave burritos, mini pizzas, pizza bagles-" America stopped to take a breath, "Pizza rolls, mozzerella sticks, potato skins, aaaaaand popcoooorn chicken!"
"Yeah it's fine...! I just can't sleep lately.. I've been waking up every night around two or so..." She said.
"Nah, it's probably nothing, and plus, I'm probably just having nightmares or something." She waved it off.
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