Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

After rocking Thane to sleep, she set him down again in his crib and turned off the light, heading into the bedroom and sitting down on the bed.
"Jah." She said, yawning and standing, changing the sheets before climbing into bed with a soft sigh.
((Fast forward~~ new perspective~~))

"So, liebe...Vest tells me zhat Eire is going to have ein Halloveen party next veek...vant to vear matching costumes?" Prussia asked, having been on the phone with Alaska. He laid on his bed, listening to Dublin babble and try to speak to his mother and father
Alaska was laying on the couch, feet resting on Alfred's knee. "What did you have in mind?" She asked.
((Haha, I totally fucked that up! Never mind! *runs*))

"Nothing~!" Alaska said before putting the phone back the her ear. "I doubt you'd have to do that babe." She laughed softly.
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