Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska was laying in a bed, handcuffs keeping both of her hands at her sides, eyes closed and an I.V in her arm. She looked a bit ashen but other than that, she seemed fine.
Madison wouldn't wake until around noon the next day and when she did, she had a horrible migrane, and no recollection of the night before, except for Prussia telling her it was over.
Alaska groaned and sat up slowly. "Al...?" She said, trying to nudge him awake, but her hand was stopped by the handcuff. "The hell..?"
"Oh...uh...well, you got pretty shitfaced last night...I had to get you here to pump your stomach..." He answered, "And pretty violent..."
She looked crushed. "What did I do..?" She muttered to herself. "Your cheek.." She said, seeing it was a bit red. "Was that me...?"
"I'm really sorry..." She said, frowning more, leaning her head back, looking about on the verge of tears. "I'm a horrible person.."
((How could she do that if she's still cuffed? XD))

"Its ok, Maddy...but...uh..." How was he gonna tell her? "Um...they suggested...that I commit you for a while..."
((Her hands are cuffed to the side of the bed but she can sit up and rest her head on her knees~ It's possible~))

"Commit me? But I'm fine aren't I...? I don't feel hurt other than a headache.." She said.
"A mental clinc...!? I'm not crazy! I don't need to go there..!" She scowled, looking more shocked than angry.
"I know, but...the doctor thinks that the amount of alcohol you drank was a suicide attempt....and I'm concerned, too, because you won't talk to me...! You lock yourself in your room all the time and I worry!" He told her
"I wasn't trying to kill myself...!" She said. "I was trying to forget." She muttered. "I don't need to go anywhere.. I just wanna go home."
"Well, we'll see..." He told her, "If this depression nonsense continues, I will have to commit you so you can at least sleep without having nightmares..."
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