Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

((I have no idea how weddings work~))

"Babies are totally cute." Alaska swooned, still grinning up a storm as she waited for everyone to file into their seats.
((It's ok~! Just kinda go with it xD))

Prussia walked with Germany to the alter when it was nearing time to start. Scotland came out holding Dublin and moved to N. Ireland, who was hiding from Britain, "Heer. Hold yer nephew." "Whut? Oh, foine..." N. Ireland took Dublin and held him, smiling softly
((; w ;))

Britain eyed Scotland nervously, though he tried to act menacing, it didn't really work. Germany stood at the alter, looking over everyone, a smile gracing his lips.
Scotland fixed his tie and moved to get ready to walk Ireland down the isle. N. Ireland glared death at Britain but did nothing for Ireland's sake
Everyone fell silent as music started to play and Germany looked down the isle, waiting to see Ireland.
Ireland walked down the isle slowly, escourted by Scotland; her wedding gown was long and flowing with emerald green embroidering at the hem and in her veil. She held a bouquet of yellow roses as she walked with Scotland, face flushed behind the veil. America stared in amazement, N. Ireland as well. "Whoa..." America breathed
Alaska watched in awe and Germany couldn't look away. Ireland looked absolutely gorgeous in her dress, the white making her hair seem even more fiery than ever. Britain scowled, seeming ever more upset when Ireland showed up, fidgeting in his chair.
Scotland and Ireland stopped before the alter and Scotland kissed Ireland's forehead before gently handing her off and sitting with Alaska and America, smiling affectionately at Saxony. Ireland stood across from Germany, blushing and smiling softly.
Germany gave Ireland a smile when she stepped onto the alter. "You look beautiful, liebe." He whispered to her. Saxony gave Scotland a small smile in acknowledgement.
"T' look handsome y'rself..." Ireland whispered back. The priest began to speak, beginning the ceremony to bind Germany and Ireland's love. "If there is anyone who thinks these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest called. Both Scotland and N. Ireland glared heatedly at Britain, making sure he kept silent.
Britain didn't even notice the twos stares, looking to be set on something. He stood up quickly, making his chair almost tip over. "I object!" He called, thick brows furrowed.

"I will not." Britain said firmly, though his bravado faltered when he felt Scotland's crushing presence upon him. "I gave you your chance to marry a nice man, and you refuse; hell you've refused every single man I've brought you! You are coming back to live with me and that's final. End of discussion." Everyone was either looking to Ireland or at Britain, no one making a sound.

((Wait for it~~))
((PleasetellmeGermanykickshisasssohardbecauseifhedoesntScottieandDannywill~! :'D))

Ireland felt tears fill her eyes and she shook her head, "Noh. Oi won'...Oi'm happy wit' Lu'twig...we have a son an' we're gonna care f'r 'im whedd'r ye loike it er nawt...!"

Britain scowled. "I'm not giving you a choice." He said firmly, then glanced over when movement caught his eye; Germany was leaving the alter. Feeling satisfaction as he walked down the isle, then his face turned to horror as the large German man took a sharp turn down the row Britain was sitting in and headed straight for Britain. "Hey... What are you doing...?!" Arthur's eyes widened as Ludwig pulled back a fist, and smashed it into Britain's face, a satisfying crunch could be heard before he tumbled back over his chair and hit the floor.
Everyone gasped; except for Scotland and N. Ireland - who cheered rather loudly. "Ludwig!" Portugal ran over and held Britain protectively, "Por favor! Don't hurt him!"
Germany rose his arm, pointing to the door. "Leave." He growled out, glaring death at Britain, who held his bleeding nose. "Now!" He barked when the Englishman said nothing. Britain stood with the help of Portugal and looked around before stumbling towards the door.
Portugal helped him leave, waiting until they were home to scold him. Ireland sniffled and apologized to the priest, who admitted that it was the most amusing wedding he had attended
After returning to the alter, Germany apologized to both Ireland and the priest before telling him to continue.
"Now, let's try this again...Is there anyone who would wish these to to not be wed?" The priest asked. There was silence and the priest smiled softly, "Do you have the rings?"
Sealand trotted up the isle, holding a pillow with two rings on it, grinning brightly as he displayed the rings.
Germany took his ring for Ireland and nodded gratefully to Peter, who nodded back and moved over to the side and out of the way.
After exchanging vows and giving each other their rings, the priest concluded the sermon. "Eire O'Malley - beautiful Ireland - do you take Ludwig Weillschmidt to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Til death do you part?" The priest asked. Ireland smiled and nodded, "Oi deu..." "And do you, Ludwig Weillschmidt - great Germany - take Eire O'Malley to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Til death do you part?"
"Jah, I do." Germany said with a nod, holding Ireland's delicate hands in his, staring down at her lovingly.
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