Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

After many hours of agonizing labor, Saxony finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She was exhausted and her hair was sticking to her face from sweat, watching the doctor cut the imbilicle cord, then hand the baby over to a nurse. Tears were still in her eyes however and her lip quivered slightly. "Vhere.... Vhere's Iain..?" She asked Ireland tiredly.
Ireland frowned and shook her head, "Oi dunno, lass..." She answered sadly. She gently took the boy from the doctor and smiled, "Bu's look...lookkit dis li'l hart brayk'r~"

Saxony took the baby from her gingerly and smiled through her fatigue, laughing when he started to squirm in her arms, kicking his small legs under the blanket. "He's so handsome." She smiled at her son, holding him close to her chest.
(( :D Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Dublin's........problem~~))

Ireland smiled, "Oi'll gu see if Lu'twig an' Gil have seen Iain yet...Oi'll be roigh's bahk...!"
((What is it!?))

Saxony nodded and cuddled her newborn son, still looking ragged and worn out. Germany sat beside Prussia, holding a bottle of milk for Dublin as he drank. After a long discussion with Eire, they agreed that she'd bottle some of her breast milk so he could fee Dublin if Ireland wasn't around, but that was rare.
Ireland cane out of the room and gasped when Scotland grabbed her, "Is she ok!? Whadda 'boot tha baby!?" "Iain, calm daon...! Dey're bot' foine...whoi were ye out heer?" "They wouldn't let me in..." "Wuhl ye cahn nao...h'r an' y'r son ar' foine..." "Son?" Scotland nearly shoved her aside as he rushed into the room, "Monika...!"
Saxony looked up, tears of joy spilling down her face as another laugh came out. "Look, isn't he beautiful, liebe?" She asked, showing him the still squirming baby boy.
Scotland moved over and smiled, "Aye...he's a handsome one..." He kissed her head gently, "Ah'm sorry Ah'm late...they refused to let me in..."
"It's okay, liebe.." She said, shaking her head. The small baby boy squirmed in her arms, making soft noises at Scotland when he entered the room.
The newborn waved his small, pale fist in the air at Scotland, reaching out and grabbing Scotland's fiery red hair, giving a small tug.
"Ich liebe dich, Iain." She said back, looking happier than ever. "Is Ludwig und Gilbert still here?" She asked, but was answered when Germany entered. "Jah... I'm still here.."
Germany moved inside and let Prussia and Ireland in, examining the baby. "Isn't he handsome?" She smiled.
Saxony laughed weakly. "Do... Do you vant to hold him..?" She offered Prussia, Germany watched the small boy squirm, then open his light blue eyes, making a little noise and waving his fist at The new people in the room.
Saxony watched Prussia like a hawk, not that she didn't trust her brother, she just didn't want to give up her child. Thane squirmed in his arms and made little whimpers and gurgling. "Vhat's his name?" Germany spoke up, making Saxony smile. "Thane..."
Ireland giggled and Scotland gave her a look, making her stop. Prussia grinned, "Halloh, little vun...~! I'm your uncle, zhe Awesome Prussia...!"
Thane simply stared up at Prussia, giving a small kick. Saxony looked at Germany, who eyed Thane, still looking wary.
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