Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany touched Ireland's shoulder gently, then took her hand. "Vhy don't be head home, ve're all tired."
Germany nodded, looking his sister over one last time before moving to the door and holding it open for Ireland.
((Oh Prussia~~))

Alaska stayed awake all night, asking for pictures of the baby and asking if he was okay, how things were, typical conversations. She apologized profusely on how she wasn't able to be there. "I'm so sorry babe..!"

((I wanna do something with Eire... ._.))
((And what did you have in mind for her~?))

"Kesese~! Its alright, liebe! Monika understands! Iain, too! They do want you and Alfred to visit soon though!" Prussia replied
((I dunno~ You have any ideas~?))

"I know, as soon as me and America get a free moment, we'll head out, it's just been really hectic right now with elections going on."
((More pregnancies~~!! >:D lawl not yet though...we still gotta do the wedding, if you would like...))

"I am sorry, liebe...if there is anything I can do, please tell me..."
((Rike dis, mo ghra~!))

It was the middle of fall, nearly mid-day; many gathered to witness the binding of Germany and Ireland's love. Prussia helped Germany with his tux, Scotland sitting in the corner in his suit as he sipped from a flask. "Vest, don't be so nervous, jah? Today ist ein gut day! You're tying zhe knot as Alfred vould say!" Prussia grinned. Scotland made a noise, "Surprised teu see Arthur heer; he doesn't aproov at awl." He muttered, more to himself.
"Jah... I know." Germany said, and though he looked nervous, he was more than thrilled. Making sure his hair looked alright he gave himself a once-over and made a noise of approval. Saxony held Edinburgh as she watched Ireland get ready for the wedding, Dublin in a highchair beside her. Arthur took a seat in the very back, in the last chair in the last row and though he was dressed for the occasion, he did not look happy at all.
((Mwahahahahaha!!! Iggy is pouting~~~))

"Lawrd Almoighty, Oi'm soh n'rvous...!" Ireland fanned herself off as Portugal helped her with her dress, "But, Chroist, am Oi nawt excoited!" She prayed softly for using the Lord's name in vain before clapping and grinning, Dublin squealing happily because his mother was happy. "T'ank ye, Monika, f'r bein' moi Maid of Honor...Lorena didn' wanna..." "I'm happy being a Bride's Maid, Eire, relax." Potugal smiled.

Prussia made sure he looked good in his tux, knowing Alaska would love seeing him look so snazzy. Scotland didn't really care; his tie was lose and his shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top, but at least his hair was kempt.
Saxony smiled as Edinburgh waved his small pudgy hands in the air, looking around the finely decorated room with glittering eyes, making a little whine before putting his fingers in his mouth. "You'll do fine, Eire." She said, bouncing her son lightly on her knee. "I'm just delighted to be zhe Maid of Honor."

Alaska sat beside Alfred in the second row, looking around excitedly and admiring all the decorations. "Everything is so beautiful...!" She grinned, wearing a light yellow dress.
"Right? I wonder what kind of dress Ireland has, and what kind of rings they got- Oh my god, I wonder if they put the babies in suits, I wonder what Gil looks like- not that you don't look great because you do- but oh my gosh I love weddings!" Alaska gushed on.
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