Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"I know... Danke." "Gott im Himmel..!" She whined in pain and tried to stand again when she heard Germany's car pull into the driveway.
Saxony got into the back seat with Ireland and Dublin and breathed slowly, looking up at Germwnh, who was looking at her through the rear veiw mirror for a moment before backing out and heading to the hospital.
Saxony ground her teeth in pain, her gaze snapping up at Prussia, an outlet. "Shut up! I am breathing, and it isn't helping with the pain!" She snapped through another contraction.
Once they reached the hospital, Germany got out and moved over to the side of the car where Monika was sitting and opened the door. "Let's go." He said and held his hand out, but Saxony didn't move. "I-I can't stand..." She said quietly, making a noise of surprise when Germany picked her up gently, heading inside after tossing the car keys to Prussia. "Lock zhe car..!"
Prussia struggled to catch the keys before locking up, so panicked that he failed to realize Ireland was still inside the car. She knocked on the window hard, "Gilb'rt!!" "Ack! Sorry, Eire!" Prussia ran back and unlocked the car, helping her get Dublin before following after Germany
When Germany got Saxony into the hospital, he called for someone to come over and a nurse brought over a wheelchair, Ludwig setting his sister down into it and following her to her room. "Excuse me, but who are you?" A nurse stopped him. "I'm her bruder." He said and was allowed into the room.
Prussia followed after them, Ireland swiftly in tow, "Who are you tw-" "I'm her bruder and she's her svester in law! Don't try to stop us!" Prussia growled and kept going
Saxony was holding onto the side of bed as nurses moved around the room quickly preparing for the long night they had ahead of them. Saxony looked up when Prussia and Ireland came in and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, Germany stood beside the bed, but out of the way of the nurses, looking more awkward than Saxony.
"Uh... Ja, do you vant me to take Dublin?" Germany nodded, looking to be a bit lost in thought. "E-Eire... Vill you stay vis me...?" Monika asked quietly.
Germany took their child and headed outside the room, Saxony crying out in pain as another contraction hit her.
Saxony held onto Ireland's hand tightly, doing her breathing exercises and trying to keep her mind busy.
"I-It vill be much cuter vhen it is out of me un-" She cursed multiple times in German, loudly. She hissed in pain and death gripped Eire's hand without realizing, grinding her teeth, many more Germanic curse words being snapped out.
Irelnd winced, a couple Gaelic curses of her own slippng passed her lips. Scotland finally arrived, not having time to change out of his suit, "Gil! Luddy!" "Iain! Zhank you, Gott above...!" Prussia moved over to Scotland and went to let him into Saxony's room but they were stopped.
Tears welled in Saxony's eyes as the pain increased, but she managed to slip out a sorry and force herself to loosen her grip on Ireland's hand. "Vhat is she meaning of zhis?" Germany asked, holding Dublin carefully, scowling softly. "Ve're family..!"
Even when Scotland said that he was dating Saxony and she was birthing his child, they wouldn't allow him in the room. He was getting angrier and angrier the more he heard "I'm sorry" and "No".
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