Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony thought for a moment, then shook her head. "Can you also get some pickles und peanut butter...?"
Saxony went into the kitchen, finishing cleaning up her mess before going to sit down in the living room.
Saxony jumped up from the couch as soon as Scotland walked in the front door, on the verge of tears. "L-Liebe...!" She wrapped her arms around him tightly. "I zhought somezhing horrible had happened...!"

((*Alucard laugh* Pregnancies are so fun~))
"I got vorried so I called und you didn't answer so I started to panick...!" Saxony said, pressing her face against his chest to try and calm herself.

((I'm sorry! *fling*))
((I'unno, being stu- .-.))

Saxony looked up at him and sniffled. "I-It's okay... I just vas so vorried." She said.
((Stu... Stupendous. .-.))

"Danke.." She said and took the bag, heading into the kitchen and going to make her lunch of wurst and sauerkraut with peanut butter pickles.

Scotland sat on the couch and read the paper, not speaking to her unless she spoke to him; or if he felt like he should to avoid a heavy mood swing

Saxony at her lunch in piece and when she was done, she looked toward Scotland. "I'm going to visit Ireland today, do you vant to join, liebe?"
Saxony smiled brightly and nodded, putting her dish in the sink and scrubbing it. "Vhen should be head over?"
"In ein hour or two, I zhink I'll take ein nap." She said, setting her dish into the drying rack, turning to face him.
Saxony shuffled off down the hall to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed and letting out a soft sigh, laying back and pulling the covers over her.
Saxony slept like a log for a solid hour before finally stirring and waking up, getting up and going to the bathroom. She washed her face, turning the water off and bracing herself against the sink, running her hands through her hair.
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