Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

After a few more days of resting, Ireland was finally allowed to leave the hospital with Cian and after getting her set up in the bedroom with Cian resting comfortably in the crib, he readied himself downstairs, looking at the ring for a minute longer before putting it back into the box and closing it. Today was they day he'd propose; suddenly there was a knock at the door and he made a face, going to answer it. "Eire I fin- Oh, I was expecting you to be off somewhere else." Britain made a face, shaking his head he carried on. "Anyway, I need to speak to Ireland." "Oh, she's resting upstairs vith Cian." He said, looking to the man standing behind Britain, blinking in surprise.
((This is gonna go so fabulously~))
"Hey, Ludwig!" Australia greeted with his usual grin. He was dressed in a nice suit, which was an odd sight indeed

"Guten tag...!" Germany greeted, looking back to Britain. "So, vhy do you need to see Eire?" "I've made arrangements for Ireland and Australia to be married." Germany's eyes widened. "Vhat?"
"Ain' that just woild?" Australia grinned. "Lu'twig?" Ireland came down, holding Dublin and frowning at the sight of Britain and Australia, "Art'ur? Jett?" "Bin a whoile, huh, Eire?" Australia greeted. Ireland nodded, still frowning, "Wha's...goin' on?"
Germany cleared his throat. "Liebe, Ar-" "We're here because you're to be betrothed to him. I've finally found you a suitor, Eire." He said. "You weren't at your house, so I came here."
Ireland paled and she held Dublin tighter to keep from dropping him, "M...Mar..." "Ain' it great?" Australia looked positively ecstatic. Ireland looked absolutely heart broken, "But...Art'ur...Oi...Oi don' wanna marry...Oi have Lu'twig's choild, Oi cahn'...!" She didn't know what to say
Germany moved to stand in front of Ireland. "She isn't going to marry anyvone she doesn't vant to." He said sternly, making Britain scowl. "I've already made the arrangements, this is going to happen, Ireland come over here now, we're leaving!"
Ireland shook her head, standing closer to Germany, "Nu...Art'ur, Oi have a kid nao, Oi cahn' leave Lu'twig...!" Australia made a face, "Wayl, Oi cahn help ya take care of it!" "Oi wan's Lu'twig...!"
"Eire get your bloody ass arse over here now!" "Nein!" Germany said sternly. "She isn't going anyvhere!" "It isn't your decision!" "Jah, mein house mein rules, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." "No." Germany scowled. "Leave." He repeated.
"Oi..." Ireland bit her lip and moved out from behind Germany, moving over to Britain and Australia, "O-Oi'm sorry, Lu'twig...he's still moi brut'r...Oi still gotta do wha's he says..." She told him weakly. She looked down at their son and sniffled, fighting her tears before looking back up at Germany, "Oi luv ye...nah madd'r wha'' Oi'm so sorry...bu's Oi cahn' do anyt'in'..."
((Let's play my favorite game! How awkward can this get~?))

Germany looked absolutely heartbroken and Britain looked victoriously happy. "Liebe... I..." He frowned, feeling the small velvet box in his pocket before he pulled it out and got down on one knee, opening the box. "Eire, I've been meaning to do zhis for ein long time now, und I know zhis isn't zhe best time- But vill you marry me?" "What!?" Britain went from victorious to livid in a split second.
"I'm so sorry zhat I've been putting zhis off for so long, I-I just don't vant to lose you..." Germany said, opening the box to reveal an emerald ring.
Ireland nearly stopped breathing. She turned to Australia, who was grinning from ear to ear, as if saying he approved. Ireland turned back to Germany and smiled brightly, "Oi accept! Oi will marry ye!"

((*runs* VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!))

Germany smiled, but it instantly faded when he saw how angry Britain looked. "Ireland what the bloody hell are you doing!?" He snapped, face red. He opened his mouth to snap more comments at Ireland, but Germany stepped in his path, looking over the Brit.
"Art'ur, Oi'm gonna marry Lu'twig...Oi have his choild an' Oi luv him. He's the greates' t'ing dat ev'r happened teu me an' if y'r any koind ov luvvin' brudd'r, yu'll lemme marry who Oi wan's...Oi kno' i's tradition but, please, Art'ur...?" She whimpered softly, standing by Germany
Britain huffed and muttered to himself a few times before he turned. "I'm bringing this up with Iain." He said. "Let's go, Jett, we're leaving." He said before heading out the door.
"A'kay...Boi, Eire...! Later, Ludwig!" Australia said and left with Britain. Ireland didn't care if her brother brought an entire army with him; she was going to marry Germany no matter what. She laughed happy and hugged Germany while still keeping a firm hold on Dublin, "Is i's tru', Lu'twig, ye really wanna marry me!? I's wuzn' a lie teu git Art'ur teu leave?!"
Germany held her tightly, careful to not crush Cian, shaking his head. "Nein, I've been meaning to marry you for ein vhile, I just-" He pulled away and cupped her cheeks. "I love you, liebe, I love you more zhan anyzhing in zhe vorld."
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