Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Oh, ja. You should be getting out of here by tomorrow at zhe earliest." Germany said. "Zhat's great news." Saxony nodded. "Jah."
Germany nodded and moved over to hand the baby to Ireland. "I'll give you some time, liebe, I need to do paper vork anyvay." He said before leaving.
"Oh, ok!" Ireland called. Scotland moved over, "He's quite the lookar, Ar-ee.." "T'anks, Iain..." Ireland smiled brightly and nuzzled her baby
Saxony looked to the small sleeping baby and smiled softly, touching her stomach lightly with her finger.
Ireland blinked and then glanced at Scotland, "Iain?" "Hm?" Ireland's gaze landed on Saxony and Scotland looked to his woman, "Oh...yeh, Ah got har pregnant." "Ye did WHA'S!?" Ireland yelled, making Dublin cry in surprise. Ireland cradled him and hushed him, regretting raising her voice
Saxony grinned lopsidedly in a sheepish manor. "It vas ein accident." She said with a shrug. "I just don't know how to tell Ludvig und Gilbert."
((Oh...about Gilbert... >.> ))

"PREGNANT!?!" Prussia burst through the door, red eyes holding rage and shock, "Gott verdammt, Monika! Wie konntest du das zulassen?!" "Whoa, calm yerself, Gilbart." Scotland said sternly. Ireland frowned, the yelling upsetting Dublin
"Es war ein Unfall, jetzt senken Sie Ihre Stimme...!" Saxony jumped up and ushered Prussia over to the corner of the room. "Beruhige dich damit ich erklären kann."


"Bitte tun, bevor ich mein Temperament mehr zu verlieren...!" Prussia hissed lowly. "Moi G'rman is rusty, please eed'r speak Gaelic er English...!" Ireland said softly, getting Dublin to calm down
Saxony looked over to Ireland. "Give us ein moment." She said, then looked back to Prussia. "Es war meine Schuld." She let out a breath. "Ich war nicht vorsichtig genug und ich abgefuckt. Ich möchte das Kind zu behalten. Es ist nicht deine Entscheidung, und ich bin nicht deine. Sie haben noch keine in der Sache zu sagen, und das ist es. Ich bin kein Kind mehr."

((Run. Just run.))
(( .___. Gott im Himmel.))

Prussia looked absolutely livid, clenching his fists tight. If he couldn't do anything about it, he knew exactly who could; "Vest! Monika ist schwanger und sie sagt, sie vill es behalten!!"
Saxony's eyes went wide and she slammed her hand against the wall besides Prussia's head. "Bastard, was machst du?!" Her head spun as the door was slammed open and Germany came barreling over to Saxony, grabbing her arm roughly and moving her away from Prussia. "Ist das wahr? Sind Sie schwanger?" He growled out. "Sie kennen den Deal, den wir gemacht, du hast mir dein Wort!" "Ich bin nicht abgebrochen it!" "Ja du willst!" Saxony let out a growl and shoved Germany back, making his blue eyes flash, arm raised. Before Saxony could even gasp, Germany had smacked her hard across the cheek, making her stumble, staring at him in shock. "Lass davon zu befreien." He said lowly.

((I love you.))
"Lu'twig!" Ireland gasped. Scotland snapped and decked Germany hard in the face, "Dun' yew EVAR lay a hand on Monika like that a-gain!" He growled, "Yew gave me shit when Ah went a-gainst Ar-ee havin' yer kid, wahl nao Ah'm gonna du tha same! We both fahk't up royally! A'right!? It's my fault as much as it is har's! But, she's gonna have mah child an' Ah will care fer 'em both! Yew dun' like it, git oot ov har life!" "I-Iain!" "Stay oot ov this, Ar-ee!" Scotland growled, hard emerald eyes staring down at Germany
((*Cry voice* Oh.))

"Iain." Saxony tried to cut in, but was silenced with a glare from Germany. "Zhis is different!" Germany snapped, standing up and rubbing his face. "You don't know vhat happen-" "Ludvig! He doesn't need to know!" "Qvuiet!" He snarled. "She vas pregnant vonce-" "Stop it!" "Und she got rid of zhat child like it vas trash!" Saxony looked down in shame, frowning heavily. "It vas ein accident..."
"I was stupid and young.... But ja... It's true. I vas ein hure." Saxony said, looking up to Scotland. "It vas ein long time ago." She muttered, avoiding both her brothers harsh glares.
Scotland cupped her face and made her look at him, "Yew listen heer, missy. Nu mattar whut yew may have dun, yew ar' nawt a whore." He kissed her forehead, "They'll git ovar it...Ah did. But, beleev me when Ah tell ye that yer gonna be an amazin' muddar.."
"If y'r naw's, needd'r am Oi." Ireland said sternly. "Eire?" Prussia questioned. Ireland shrugged half-heartedly, "Le's face i's: Oi'm a bad Cat'olic who drinks an' swears mor' den Oi car' teu admit. Oi would be constantly drunk in front of Cian an' he doesn' need dat. He doesn' need teu see his mudd'r drunk an' he doesn' ned teu hear h'r swear worse an' laod'r dan a sailor at a shipyard on a sunny aft'rnoon. Should Oi give him up, Monika? Er deu moi best teu change, so he has da mudd'r he des'rves?"
Saxony wiped her eyes. "Nein.... But Eire, you're so much more better of ein mozher zhan me..." She said; Germany ran his hand through his hair, letting out a breath. "Monika-" "Ludvig.... I don't know if talking to you right now is the best thing..."
"Oi'm nah maor a bedd'r mudd'r dan ye, Monika. Lu'twig, luv, whoi dun' ye sit daon ov'r dere wit' Cian, aye? Relax a li'l...we cahn discuss dis when Oi'm out ov da hospital." Ireland said. Scotland nodded, "Ar-ee is tha only one makin' any sense right nao."
Germany took his son from Ireland, sitting in the chair beside Ireland. "I still vant to kept zhe baby." Saxony said softly. "I just... I don't zhink I can raise it right..." She said. "Vhat if I screw up like zhe last time...?"
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