Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony smiled weakly and nodded. "Zhank you, Eire." She said, grinning happily. "I know zhat Iain vill help out as vell..."
"Dahm right." Scotland smirked. Ireland smiled and nodded, "Oi have fait' in ye. An' Lu'twig may naw's loike i's roight nao but he'll get ov'r it seun; same with Gil."
Germany made a noise, looking away and down at the baby, not wanting to say anything at the moment until he calmed down. Saxony looked over at Prussia with a soft frown. "Bruder...?"
Prussia still didn't look happy, but Ireland was right; eventually he would get over it. "You better be prepared for zhe conseqvenses, Monika."
Saxony let go of him and moved back. "Ludvig...?" She turned to her other brother with pleading eyes, which he still refused to meet. ".... Jah, I guess it's alright..." Saxony smiled happily. "Danke..."
"Lu'twig, y'r such a hypocrite roigh's nao~!" Ireland laughed, finding his behavior amusing. Scotland smirked, "Nao yew kno' hao Ah felt."
Germany rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess... I just don't vant to see you suffer again like you did last time..." "Jah... I know."
"Jah." Germany nodded; Saxony nodded as well. "Jah, I'll behave." She nodded and looked to Prussia.
"Vhy don't you rest, liebe?" Germany suggested. "Vhy don't ve go get some coffee, liebe?" Saxony said, taking Scotland's hand.
"Yew cahn' have coffee, nao, missy." Scotland told her, "But, it does saond nice." Ireland made a noise, "Will ye be foine wit' Cian boi y'rself?" She asked
Saxony looked a little disappointed, but nodded. "I can stick vith some juice zhen." She said. Germany nodded. "Jah, I can take care of him."
"Yew'll be fahn." Scotland told her and took her hand, taking her out of the room. Ireland nodded and went back to sleep. Prussia moved over to Germany, "So...vhat do you zhink of Monika und her baby?"
Germany made a noise. "I don't know if... I still don't vant her to make zhe same mistake again."
Prussia made a noise, "Its her can't tell her how to run it. If she makes zhe same mistake, ve can only hope she learns from it zhis time around."
Germany nodded. "Jah, but I don't... I don't vant to see her go zhrough zhe depression again." He said quietly while rocking Cian gently.
Prussia frowned and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder, "Don't vorry, Vest. All ve can do ist be zhere for her should anyzhing bad happen..."
Germany made a noise and looked down at his son, watching the faint rise and fall of his chest. "Ja.."
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