Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony dried off her face before she lurched ever so slightly, then moved quickly to the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach, kneeling on the floor.
Saxony threw up once more, grabbing some tissues to wipe her mouth with, tossing it into the toilet and flushing. She moved back to the sink to wash out her mouth, making a small noise of disgust.
She nodded. "I'm fine, just ein little nauseous." She said and gave a weak smile over the shoulder. "Don't vorry, liebe... I'll be okay."
Saxony headed for her closet, picking out some new clothes to change into for heading over to Ireland's and Germany's.
((Uh...time for Saxony to give birth? That's all I can really say...then after that, I guess we do Ireland and Germany's wedding...I'll think of a good idea, don't worry...!))
((Oh dear.))

Saxony sat at home as she waited for Scotland to get back from the world meeting, her baby due any day now. She made a noise and looked up from her book when she heard her cell buzzing and she set her book aside before standing up, but as soon as she did, she let out a gasp and fell right back down on the couch, holding her stomach as her pants became wet. She clenched her jaw and let out a shaky breath, looking back to her phone and slowly reaching for it, picking it up and leaning back with a groan of pain, flipping it open quickly. She was repeated to see Prussia's number and answer. "G-Gilbert... Perfect time for you to call... I-I need you to drive me to zhe hospital, mein... Mein vater just broke."
"Your vater VHAT!?" Prussia yelled over the phone, "Ok, ok, jah! Don't panic! Don't pan- VEST!! MONIKA'S VATER BROKE!!" Prussia pulled the phone away when he called for Germany, "Ve'll be zhere soon! Just breazhe!"
Saxony laughed nervously. "Y-You don't have to announce it to zhe vorld." She said, letting out another shaky breath, concentrating on her older brothers voice. "VHAT!?" She heard Ludwig move over, his boots falling heavily on the floor. "Liebe, Monika ist having her baby, ve need to go get her!" Saxony became more and more embarrassed, letting out a hiss of pain. "Please hurry..!"
"Wuhl, don' stand th're wit' y'r sist'r - who is in unimaginable pain - sittin' th're waitin' f'r ye! Le's go!" Ireland said. "Right! Ve'll be zhere soon!" Prussia said and hung up quickly, ditching his shoes and running to the car. Ireland grabbed Dublin's diaper bag and followed Prussia, holding her son
Germany hurried after the two, getting in the car and waiting until everyone was in safely before he buckled up and back out of the driveway, heading off down the road. Saxony flipped open her phone and typed a quick message to Scotland, taking slow breaths. "My water broke, Germany and Prussia are taking me to the hospital."
"I trust you." Saxony replied before letting out another whimper, holding her stomach and hunching over.
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