Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Jah..~" She said and finished putting the chairs in the back, then grabbing a broom and sweeping up the last of the messy floor.
Saxony grabbed Thane and headed to the front door, locking up before heading to the car. "Alright." She said and strapped him into the back seat before getting in herself.
Once they were home, Saxony went to put Edinburgh to bed, calming him down and changing his diaper before going to their bedroom.
Saxony leaned her head to the side, her lips curling into a small smirk as she leaned back against him. "So zhis is my surprise~?"
Saxony carefully shrugged off the shoulders of her dress and let it slip to the floor, tilting her neck to expose more sensitive flesh to Scotland, her eye lids half closed.
Saxony slowly turned around to face him, undoing the clasps on her bra and tossing it aside, pressing her bare chest against his and leaning up to kiss him.
Saxony returned his kiss, deepening it even more and slowly pushing Scotland back against the wall, making soft noises.
"Of course~" Saxony undid Scotland's bow tie, tossing it aside then working on unbuttoning his shirt.
After pulling his shirt off of Iain, Saxony moved to work on his belt and pants. She stood up and kissed his collar bone softly, taking his hands and holding them against the wall, leaving small kisses on his chest and up his neck, teasing him.
Scotland chuckled and allowed her to restrain him, knowing full well he could over power her if he wanted. He made soft noises and relaxed, focusing on the pleasure she caused him
((Haha, he can overpower a dragon if he really wanted to, I'm sure he could snap Saxony in half!))

Saxony kissed slowly up his neck, leaving small bites along the way before pressing her lips against his and kissing him lovingly, one hand trailing down and stroking him through the fabric of his boxers.
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